Not-so common or garden...

Written by: Miri
June 29, 2021
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So, I know we've had a lot of doom and gloom recently - and hey, I've propounded as much as anybody (I'm s Scorpio moon, we pride ourselves on lashings of generalised brooding darkness) - so I thought I'd share a rather nice story with you for a change... I shared a couple of weeks ago 'the tale of two kitties', about how number two cat Olly came into our lives, and his rather touching backstory, that we eventually found out about.

Well, kind of leading on from that, there's been another really rather splendid development...

The abode in which we reside has a rather sizeable back garden, as well as a modest front one, and with how the weather's been recently, the 'untamed chic*' look we had been going for (*both hopeless gardeners) had graduated into 'completely wild and out of control', to the extent you kind of needed a cutlass to sweep the weeds out the way when trying to take the bins out.

We started looking for a gardener several weeks ago, but simply could not find one for love nor money. Every single one we contacted was booked out for months, and even the gardener in the family didn't have time to do it.

The garden was getting more and more ridiculous, and we were even starting to worry it could be a red flag for burglars, as the front had become so overgrown, it almost looked like nobody lived here (although our cats - and all the rest of the neighbourhood's feline populace - loved it).

I happened to glance out the window on Friday afternoon and saw next door were having their back garden done, but thought, there's no point asking the gardeners if we can book them for ours, as they'll just say what all the others have said: "no, sorry, booked for months".

I looked out the window again about half-an-hour later... And, to my utter astonishment, they were in the process of doing ours! In fact, they had almost finished, and had totally transformed it. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, so ran upstairs to ask Mark if he had gone out to speak to them. He hadn't, and was as astonished as I was.

We wondered if they were doing it by accident and somehow thought it was part of next door's?

So Mark went outside to speak to them, and they said, "oh no, we meant to do it. We were doing next doors, and they asked us to do yours while we were at it."

"Wow, that's very kind," said Mark, wondering who was paying for this. "But please let us give you some money."

"No, no, it's fine," the gardeners batted the offer away.

"Well, thanks very much," said a very surprised Mark. "Could we possibly book you for another time, to come back and do the front as well?"

"Oh, we're doing the front now," said the gardener. "We're just taking a break."

So, to our continued astonishment, they also did the front - and did a great job - AND did all the weeding at the side of the house as well! Mark went out to thank them again, and they were very relaxed about it.

"It's no big deal, honestly," said the lead gardener. "I only live there" - and indicated the house next door to the one where Olly had used to live. The gardener then proceeded to volunteer that he knew all about Olly (formerly Elvis) and what had happened to him - about how hard it had been for him when his owner died and his brother turned on him - and how great it was that he had found us,

"You can see how happy he is now," said the gardener, looking genuinely pleased. So it seemed that the gardeners had done our garden free of charge out of genuine neighbourly spirit, because they were so pleased for Olly - and how unspeakably fantastic is that! All we've been told for the last 18 months is how evil, selfish, and deadly human beings are for, you know, breathing, and yet lovely gestures like this are happening quite literally on our doorstep.

Later that evening, our other neighbour - the one who had commissioned us having our garden done - knocked on the door. She's only young, about 19 or 20, and lives there with her boyfriend and their dog. We've often taken parcels in for them and said hello if we pass in the street, and once, at Christmas, were able to oblige when they came round late at night having run out of tobacco.

"Do you like your garden, then?" She said, beaming from ear to ear.

"Yes, it's incredible, thank you so much!" We said. She proceeded to state that the gardener was an old schoolfriend of her boyfriend's, and they were all really pleased to have been able to do the garden for us because, she said, "you've been great neighbours and it makes such a difference when you get on with your neighbours".

Which was all really rather touching and delightful, but it got even better as the conversation moved into current events, and she declared that under no circumstances would she be getting the quaxxine. She said her family were refusing to come and visit her until she got quaxxinated, "but they didn't visit me anyway, so I don't care!"

That means our neighbours on both sides are both fully-fledged crazy conspiraquacks (the other side having declared they think it's all a complete hoax, and having taken stacks of our leaflets to distribute around the mosques), which is really rather tremendous good fortune indeed.

The absolute icing on the cake was when, on Sunday afternoon, I went to take the recycling out, and the gardeners were back AGAIN!

"We're just doing a bit more weeding, tidying it all up a bit," they said.

"Well, that's extremely nice of you," I said, continued astonishment abounding. "It's very much appreciated."

On a Sunday too!

"No, no, it's fine," they said, smiling away - and even insisted on taking the recycling off me and sorting it into the bins themselves!

So - while the fear-porn purveyors and doom-and-gloom gluttons everywhere are constantly trying to deceive, divide, and destroy us with vicious smears about how dangerous, selfish, and evil other humans are... This is what real people in the real world are like.

Covid cultists: why don't you turn your television off and get to know some? 🥰

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