Blast From The Past

Written by: Miri
October 9, 2022

The title of this piece refers to one of my favourite '90s films, starring those then-ubiquitous celluloid staples, Brendan Fraser and Alicia Silverstone, who play "Adam and Eve", a spectacularly mismatched couple who ultimately find love.

Why mismatched? Well, Eve is a hip and modern LA gal, whereas Adam is a very sheltered - literally - conservative relic of the 1960s, courtesy of the fact he has spent all 35 years of his life in an elaborate bomb shelter, built by his eccentric scientist father to protect the family from nuclear war.

Shortly before Adam's birth in 1962, a plane crashes and explodes near the family's home. Mistaking this for the then much-feared nuclear attack, scientist Calvin (Christopher Walken) ushers his pregnant wife Helen (Sissy Spacek) into the shelter he has been preparing for just this possibility. In order to protect them from nuclear fallout, he locks them in for 35 years. Calvin has ensured there is enough food and other supplies to last the family for exactly this long.

When Adam is born soon afterwards, he grows up in a perfectly preserved microcosm of early 1960s culture, watching old re-runs of I Love Lucy and gaining all his social and cultural understanding of the world from his parents.

When, eventually, the shelter lock expires 35 years later, it's 1997 and Adam is sent up into the world to "see if anyone survived the blast". What he encounters is so alien to him after a lifetime in a 1960s bubble, he assumes that the unfamiliar appearances and behaviour of the LA natives are due to "radiation poisoning". He tells his parents he wants to look for a girlfriend, but his mother cautions him with grave concern to ensure she's "not a mutant".

The film progresses with hapless Adam trying to adjust to modern life, making lots of predictable faux pas and mistakes, until eventually, he meets streetwise Eve, who takes him under her wing. At first finding him bizarre and overbearing, she eventually comes to see his old-fashioned ways as endearing, and the two fall in love. Eve then explains to Adam that there was no nuclear blast, and that his family have been sheltering for the last 35 years needlessly. Adam realises he will have to be very strategic in how he reveals this to his parents.

Courtesy of selling his father's very lucrative baseball card collection, Adam is able to build his parents a perfect replica of their bomb shelter home, but above ground and surrounded by trees and lakes.

"Hm, doesn't look any different," says his father, when Adam shows him around.

"Believe me, Calvin," says his wife - who had developed a gin habit to deal with her increasing cabin fever in the shelter - throwing her arms wide to indicate the great outdoors. "THIS is different!"

Adam also builds a house for himself and Eve across the lake, so they can see his parents regularly.

Once they are fully settled into their new abode, Adam finally reveals the truth: that there was no nuclear blast, and therefore no radiation poisoning. The whole thing, and everything the family had based their lives on for the last 35 years, had been a lie. Adam's father, however, is not convinced, and makes plans for a new shelter for the "inevitable" next attack. Adam realises his father is so inured to this lie and the false reality he has lived for so long, that it's kinder to let him continue believing it. Since, after all, and as we have all come to know so well - it's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled.

So, why have I just detailed the synopsis of this film? Because all Hollywood productions, especially big-budget, star-studded ones like this (Fraser and Silverstone were some of the hottest commodities in film in the 1990s), are predictive programming and revelation of the method, and are telling us something important.

In short: this film is telling us that it is possible to dupe people into believing there has been a nuclear attack when there hasn't.

And now - with the press ramping up the fearmongering about a putative nuclear attack in the not-too-distant future -, I have just seen this Tweet:

Now, I don't want to get too bogged down in discussions about whether or not Covid "exists" because ultimately, nobody knows, since the tests are totally unreliable and unfit for purpose, nor has the virus ever been isolated, much less proven to cause the ever-expanding encyclopaedia of symptoms that are accredited to it.

What we do know, however, is that the threat of a respiratory virus known as Covid was massively overstated to the point of absurdity, given there was never any evidence Covid posed any more threat than the usual colds and 'flus that circulate at winter time - yes, these can be dangerous to the very old and those with underlying conditions, but do not represent a severe threat to most.

Strangely enough, 'flu cases dramatically decreased to a "historic low" in 2020 and 2021, so a conspiracy theorist might suggest Covid is to the 'flu what Snickers bars are to Marathons, but moving on... There is no doubt in my mind that "they" are fully capable of staging a nuclear attack to keep the population in perpetual fear (the best way to control a populace, after all), by passing some other form of explosion off as a nuclear bomb, just as happens in the film Blast From The Past.

Already, health authorities around the world are storing up "anti-radiation tablets" to give to their people in the wake of a nuclear attack, so let's just get this out there right now: these "anti-radiation tablets" will be to a fake nuclear blast, what the "vaccines" are to a fake pandemic.

Those who take the tablets, especially the 'bad batches', will develop symptoms of radiation poisoning, which will be used to ratify the notion that there really has been a nuclear strike. Those who don't take the pills will be smeared and vilified as "blast deniers" and "anti-tabbers". We will be told if we don't take the miraculous prophylactics from our benevolent overlords, we are lepers and pariahs and should be denied medical care.

It will be the same tired old formula all over again. And - obviously - it will be used as an excuse for another lockdown (and maybe far more elaborate masks...).

I have heard a "conspiracy theory" that nuclear weapons don't really exist, and the idea of them has been fabricated by social engineers to terrorise the public and keep them in a perpetual state of fear over ever-impending Armageddon. I have no idea if this is true, but I will say this - if nuclear weapons didn't exist, the overlords would definitely invent the idea they did, because that gives them such colossal power to manipulate and control.

Just like the big-budget, star-studded film 'Contagion' contained the blueprint for 'Covid' - and therefore enabled me to predict the debut of a fake plague back in April 2019 - 'Blast From The Past' contains the message that people can be fooled into thinking an ordinary, comparatively harmless explosion is in fact nuclear, and manipulated into responding accordingly. Blast From The Past is based on a response to the Cuban Missile Crisis, and tellingly, the BBC reports that the nuclear risk is "the highest since 1962", the year of said crisis.

Needless to say, global authorities who have been complicit in a worldwide genocide these past 18 months through the Covid injections, are not suddenly now incentivised to "save millions of lives" with so-called anti-radiation tablets. If there actually was a nuclear blast, then global authorities - all openly committed to mass world depopulation - would just go and hide in their bunkers and leave the rest of us to be wiped out, so any clamouring from them for us to "stay safe" and take our medicine should be treated with the same level of extreme scepticism all their advice on Covid was.

For any newer readers who think it sounds fantastical and insane that the global social architects would lie to and dupe us to this degree, I understand how far-fetched it sounds, but in fact, if you examine history, you will find it is quite common. Powerful authorities staging (faking) events to manipulate the public, happens all the time, and Operation Northwoods is a good primer as to why/how they do it.

So I for one won't be taking any (so-called) anti-radiation pills from the government, or hiding under the kitchen table to "stay safe" (I believe this was advice given one of the last times the world was allegedly on the brink of nuclear war?), Rather, just as I did the last time the media tried to terrorise us with threats of imminent death if we didn't obey, I will get on with my life as normal, taking sane, sensible precautions (e.g., if there is an explosive blast of any sort near me, I will keep out of its way).

I invite all other "detonation-deniers" and "Nuclunatics" to join me...

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14 comments on “Blast From The Past”

  1. This thought had also crossed my mind especially if you link it to the old deagel population forecast for the UK.

  2. Brilliant article Miri and "spot on" as usual! I must see this movie! While I am totally onside with your views and enjoy your sense of humour, there is no stopping the sadness I feel for the naive/gullibles, including my family and ex-friends. But your incredible insight/intuition/critical thinking skills make my day!

  3. I seriously question if nuclear weapons are indeed real.
    Hiroshima and Nagasaki were repopulated and rebuilt relatively swiftly. So much for devastating long term impacts.
    How many years more without a strike either in anger or accident before the curtain is lifted? It’s been quite a while since 1945 in a often volatile world.
    It’s hard to imagine that many more nations are unable to develop one. Surely the secret is not so secret anymore and many nations have more wealth and resources than in previous generations.
    Much test film footage is obviously faked, which doesn’t mean the tests didn’t really happen of course, just that what is presented as evidence is false.
    I won’t be taking any extraordinary actions as a result of any man made or natural disasters pushed by government unless I can confirm it myself.

  4. The only sense I can make of the radiation scare is that it is related to 5G. There is so much info out there and it is a bit overwhelming to make sense of it, but I believe most wireless carries have Low-band 5G implemented nationwide (United States), and most metro areas have Mid-band 5G (3.5 GHz-6 GHz), while some dense urban areas are in the High-band 5G Range, which uses millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequency bands (24 GHz-40 GHz). My theory is that they are going to possibly crank up the frequency in some metro areas to the High-band, thus causing symptoms of radiation sickness. Unfortunately, I am on information overload and never finished the book, The Invisible Rainbow. Regarding Covid, I think quite possibly it is parasite/bacteriophage carrying genetically modified pathogens, designed to cause such an array of symptoms that it too covered up some radiation sickness. I will stop there as I have been down the rabbit hole of Lyme Disease and it's a windy road. Back to my point: In August of 2020 my small city in Iowa, Cedar Rapids, was hit with strategically orchestrated Category 4 Land Hurricane (Derecho) and it wasn't long after that my small city had twice the amount of cell phone towers, etc. Needless to say in Oct 2021 I was sick with symptoms I had never experienced before in my life. Randomly enough, my small city in Iowa is also home to a nuclear power plant that "closed" a few years ago. Stay tuned, as we may be a test city for High-band 5G, I mean an "attack".

    Lastly, on a side note that weaves back to 5G, I believe Hurricane Ian was manipulated to the fullest extent. It's quite obvious the current administration used it to their advantage to promote "climate change", and I believe Governor DeSantis is using it to his advantage to do exactly what our city did, build more infrastructure to support 5G. DeSantis did say he wanted Florida to be the first "Smart State" so Florida may headed for some nasty hurricane seasons. More "natural disasters" coming everybody's way. It's easier to implement infrastructure when the city is in chaos. Mind you, they did a lot of implementing infrastructure during Covid lock downs as well.

    Okay, that's all for now. That you Miri for all your hard work!!

  5. I love this article and I have to confess it came as rather a pleasant surprise to the extent that I'd never considered such a scenario. I too now take a closer look at the MSM (reading only) with a view to try and see what's coming next but I certainly didn't spot this one. Having said that I haven't seen the film Blast From The Past so I wouldn't have been able to connect the dots.
    In this recent "pandemic" and post period I've had time to do stacks of my own research and in my mind I was quite happy that we'd never have a nuclear attack because I don't believe such weapons exist. I've got 20+ bookmarked articles/videos on this subject if anyone is interested. Also along the same lines regarding radiation exposure I have a few bookmarked videos/articles from a genuine radiation expert Galen Winsor and sure enough - it's not something to be frightened of. It's dose/time of exposure dependent. So unless you're involved in a Chernobyl type clean up - it's really not an issue as you'll fully understand if you watch the Galen Winsor videos.
    Excellent article and thank you Miri Anne.

  6. A large conventional explosion causes a mushroom cloud. Most folk assume that is a nuclear phenomenon only. I like your thinking. I suspect a nuclear standoff, which is coming, and the fear of radiation will be enough to convince people to take the tabs. It doesn't require actual nuclear war, or punking, just a sustained threat for 3-6 months and people will be digging up their back yards and chomping down the tablets with no thought whatsover as to what's in them. It's bound to be better than the alternative - having your organs turn to radioactive gloop.

  7. Another first from Miri, thank you. Instead of the Gov recommended tablets get in some Potassium Iodide aka Iodine, not for radiation sickness from a bomb but in case of need when they ramp up the 5G which interacts with the Graphene Oxide in the jabs. O how they love us!

  8. I don't know the movie, so I'm left wondering how Calvin, in the course of setting up one of the best equipped fallout shelters everywhere, presumably forgot to include a radio or two with 35 years' worth of batteries. I ask too many questions...

    There's ample proof in my estimation (I started my working life as an applied physicist) for the existence and dangers of ionising radiation from radioactive substances, and it can be measured in various ways: whatever the realities were of the plandemic, there's no corresponding Covidometer. So maybe I should dust off my ex-War Department Geiger counter - my much coveted Christmas present at age 10, I was a strange child - and it may allow me when the time comes to stroll around the centre of town assuring all our neighbours who are cowering behind doors and windows taped-up to exclude the fallout that it's perfectly safe to emerge. They would of course consider me utterly deluded.

  9. I havent seen that movie but currently watching A Handmaids Tale from a previous miri missive. This concept is blowing my mind and Im addicted to watching it back to back. Due to my views on convid I no longer have the same friends I did before, most are completely oblivious. I must say I thoroughly look forward to and enjoy these missives and reading the comments from others as this makes me feel not so alone in my way of thinking

  10. Another layer to this is what happens when iodine reacts to aluminium (fire). Free high dose iodine tablets would most likely be free and encouraged in the said event. It's almost impossible that any of us have no aluminum accumulated in our bodies (childhood wellness visits, deodorants, non stick cookwear, etc). Polysorbate 80 opens brain blood barrier which results in the aluminium getting deposited on the brain. So I believe that the real explosions will look more like the shock emoji 🤯 than one big mushroom.

  11. Germ theory was falsified a long time ago. In other words, there are no viruses. Trust me, I've spent years researching this. Why? Because at one stage of my life I thought I was dying from HIV/AIDS. That little rabbit whole woke me up. There is no evidence nuclear weapons exist either. In fact, the evidence is very strong that they don't. Nuclear fusion is also a myth. The sun isn't a fiery nuclear reactor. Nature doesn't work that way and they can't produce anything that nature itself can't. That goes for viruses too. They can't produce a biological weapon that is transmissible and never will. This is why they use the scare story of the Biolabs. Complete nonsense. How do you know the virus doesn't exist? They only give you two options - Made in a lab or originating from a bat. Laughable. Have you ever heard of the Great Dog Pandemic of 1959 or the Great Cat Pandemic of 1965? Me neither. Think about it for a minute. By the way have you ever wondered how they measure the distance to the nearest stars? Yeah, it really is that bad. The Big Bang theory is nonsense so too is the Evolutionary theory. Dinosaurs never existed and no the oil does not come from fossil fuels. It is naturally produced and will last us for millennia. The lie is big. Very big. Virtually everything you thought was true is false.

  12. "So let's just get this out there right now: these "anti-radiation tablets" will be to a fake nuclear blast, what the "vaccines" are to a fake pandemic." Just remember, my tablets don't work unless you've had yours as well 😉

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