How Donald Trump helped put the 'F' in Miri AF...

Written by: Miri
July 14, 2024
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I have a lot to thank Donald Trump for. No, seriously (please keep reading...).

Back in November 2016, I predicted that Donald Trump would win the Presidential elections, and that the idea it would "all be rigged for Hillary" was a psy-op to push more people to go out and vote for Trump. I said:

"My final election prediction is that Trump wins, and possibly big. Admittedly I was taken in at first by all the "leaks" showing it's rigged for Hillary, but this is a meticulously cultivated disinformation campaign with a very clear end goal in mind. The goal is to lull various Trump-supporting 'dissidents' into a false sense of security by, when he wins, thinking they have won something important.

At this stage, it has been revealed to us that Hillary is a literal Satanist, linked to all the most heinous kinds of crime and abuse, and we are flooded with fixed election results and magazine covers showing her winning. It's too much. If "they" were planning for her to win, they would never, ever have allowed such a large amount of extreme material be disseminated (I don't believe Wikileaks is some benevolent, independent organisation). The point of all this is to drive people to their "saviour" Trump, and to neutralise them by making them drop their guard, thinking by defeating Hillary, they've actually won an important battle and are on the road to something better.

When Trump wins, all the conservatives, Christians and conspiracy theorists who actually believe he is a real anti-establishment candidate are going to be euphoric, and that is when the danger comes..."

(Read full post here.)

I received 38 comments and 30 shares for this post, a phenomenally large amount at a time when my posts usually attracted 2 likes and a "lol".

One of those likes was from someone named Mark Finch, whom I had never previously heard of, but he said something to the general effect of, "thank God somebody can see this, all the other conspiracy theorists I know are completely falling for it".

That included the one single, solitary IRL conspiracy theorist friend I had at the time, and so I really hesitated to post my Trump prediction, because I knew there was a significant danger we would fall out which, alas, we did.

But Mark Finch?

Well, we struck up a detailed correspondence, discovered we only lived a few miles away from each other, started regularly meeting up, and...

Reader, I married him.

All because of Donald Trump...

Trump's inadvertent moonlighting as a matchmaker aside, however, he has - since the time I wrote that post - remained, quite obviously, a prototypical example of how high-level politics is manipulated through the age-old deceptive illusion of acting.

They say "politics is showbiz for ugly people" and they really do mean it literally, which is why there is such a disproportionately large crossover between acting and politics, e.g., Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronald Reagan, and of course our dear friend Lozza...

As I've mentioned before, it's interesting just how many high-profile political leaders have a background in the performance arts, with Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, being a former drama teacher, and ex-PM of the UK, Boris Johnson, being such an accomplished actor, he even uses a stage name (his real name is Alex). I wrote in 2022:

"It's not incidental that quite so many people with acting backgrounds "go into politics", and when they do, it should always be treated with a suitable amount of suspicion. Actors have three key credentials that make them very attractive political assets to the real ruling classes - they're confident in front of the camera, they're good at reading from scripts and remembering lines - and, ultimately, they're accomplished, professional liars. That's what acting is: persuading others you're someone you're not.

So, when you're trying to ascertain if a public figure is genuine or not, always check whether they have an acting background. I'm not saying that automatically makes them disingenuous, of course not - actors have as much a right as anybody to be politically active - but that it is certainly something that needs to be given very serious consideration."

So, of course, it's not a coincidence that Donald Trump is a seasoned thespian with multiple acting credits to his name, and even a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. His presidential candidacy turn as a "dissident anti-establishment hero fighting for the people" is just another acting role.

His latest Oscar-worthy performance of pretending to be shot even happened *on a stage* (they always tell us...).

Many people have been predicting for years there would be a fake assassination attempt on Trump, and here it is. And how do we know it's fake? Because if you're a real threat to the establishment and they want to assassinate you, they don't just "attempt" it (see the fate of true political hero, John Magufuli, late President of Tanzania, who told his people Covid was a hoax and warned them not to take the vaccine. Contrast that to Donald "father of the vaccine" Trump...).

The purpose of the fake "assassination attempt" is so obvious that even normies can see it.

"Oh well, that's massively bolstered his appeal and now he'll get elected," they're all saying.

Yes. Exactly. That's the point of it. It's called a publicity stunt and high-level politicians act them out all the time.

The "shooter" is - as they always are in these faked, staged events - a 'lone wolf' patsy, who the press already, miraculously, has detailed biographical information about, including the knowledge that he "once donated to Biden's campaign".

Conveniently, said "shooter" is now dead.

So this event is perfectly curated to ignite the already very heated tensions between Democrats and Republicans to absolute boiling point, enabling Republicans to "prove" that Democrats are unstable violent killers (just as Democrats attempt to "prove" this about Republicans every time an alleged far-right extremist supposedly shoots up a school etc).

The good thing about events like this is that they are very revealing litmus tests that allow us to identify who's an honest, reliable commentator and who's not.

Anyone high-profile taking this "assassination attempt" seriously and telling us it's "proof" of just how threatened the establishment / Democrats / random 20-year-olds are by Trump is just playing into the performative Punch 'n' Judy political theatre and working to keep you neutralised by platforming people like Trump as real opposition.

At the very least, these kind of commentators are guilty of gullibility and still, after all this time, not grasping how the world stage really works and that - when sensationalist global events are literally performed on a stage by actors, they're probably not real.

It's key to remember that staging events as a form of performance art and using the media to pass them off as real is a perfectly legal thing to do, courtesy of an amendment to America's National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA). This amendment, made in 2013, overturned an anti-propaganda law that had previously prevented the U.S. government’s mammoth broadcasting arm from delivering programming to American audiences.

In effect, it legalised psy-ops.

Commenting on this situation shortly after the so-called 'Boston Bombings', author Naomi Wolf said,

"We have entered an era in which it is not crazy to assess news events to see if they're real or not real… In fact, it's kind of crazy not to."

So in this situation, the people we could legitimately label "crazy conspiracy theorists" are the ones not asking any questions, not digging any deeper, and accepting the media narrative as real.

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