I didn't think it was possible to hate The Guardian any more, but...

Written by: Miri
February 18, 2021
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In that way, at least (certainly in no others), they have surpassed themselves.

They have done a(nother) egregious hit piece on world-leading aluminium toxicology expert, and my good friend, Professor Chris Exley.

Chris has been working tirelessly in the field of aluminium research since 1992, when he arrived as a lecturer at Keele University, the same university campus upon which I grew up. I didn't know this at the time, but was thrilled to learn years later - when I became the type of crazy whackjob who suspects the motives of ultra-wealthy felonious pharmaceutical companies - that one of the top researchers in vaccine safety was based a stone's throw away from my childhood home. The world of vaccines is full of "coincidences" (some say they are the leading cause of coincidence in the world), but this was a good one for once!

Chris' work focuses on aluminium, a ubiquitous metal added to many everyday products, such as cookware, tap water, personal care products - and vaccines. Chris' research has shown aluminium, particularly in its adjuvanted form as added to vaccines, plays an active and central role in many degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and autism.

Because of his commitment to the scientific method (as opposed to 'scientism' - or Scientianity, as I like to call it), and his uncompromisingly high ethical standards, Chris has been denigrated, attacked, smeared, threatened (up to and including threats on his life) - and now his university has not only blocked his funding channels, but is refusing to let the general public, or even Keele students, access his world-class research.

This is an out-and-out, explicit and unapologetic, Orwellian tyranny.

Chris says in an email to his mailing list:

"Many of you have contacted me recently to ask why the links to both my website and donations portal are broken.

I am afraid that the answer is that the Dean of Natural Sciences here at Keele has disabled these links while the university investigates allegations in The Guardian newspaper of me being anti-vaccine. The Dean has also suspended all my research funded through philanthropy.

I am copying below my recent email to the Dean to ask for clarification of these issues. As yet there has not been any clarification. I cannot comment further on this while this 'investigation' is ongoing. Needless to say, while I care little about what is written about me in the gutter press it is extremely disappointing when the same allegations are repeated by Keele and acted upon in this way. I will keep you updated as I am able to do so.

Best wishes


The Dean,

I have waited patiently since you sent your email last Thursday for clarification and an explanation of your actions. I have yet to receive anything. In your email you repeat libellous statements printed in The Guardian and support these statements by acting upon them.

On the advice of Professor David Amigoni it has been my practice for a number of years now not to reply to communications from the gutter press. Experience proves that they will print what they want to print regardless. As such I ignored several attempts by The Guardian to contact me. The allegation in The Guardian that either myself or anyone in my team is anti-vaccine is wholly wrong and without foundation. The Guardian provided absolutely no evidence to support such a libellous allegation. It is highly disappointing that Keele has repeated and acted upon this libellous allegation.

You have suspended all my income from charities and individual donations. Regarding the former, this includes two major grants (Mericos Foundation and CMSRI) that have been through Keele's rigorous system of governance and have been approved and signed off at the highest level. Only one third of this funding has any relation at all with vaccines. This being Dr Emma Shardlow's research on aluminium adjuvants.

The remaining funding supports our research on human neurodegenerative disease, currently Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. What could be the basis for suspending this research?

Independent donations to our research made through Keele's online portal are exactly this. They are provided by individuals who wish to support our research. Keele decides whether or not to accept these donations and, once attributed to us by Keele, we decide how to use them to support our two Keele-approved programmes of research. There is no evidence whatsoever that any of our charitable funding has been used for any research that could be described as anti-vaccine.

We are supported by charities and individual donors based entirely upon the excellence of our peer-reviewed publications. You have disabled our website. This means that our world-leading research is no longer available to those wishing to use it. It also means that Keele students are unable to use this information.

At present this is extremely concerning for my final year project students who are now unable to access the information that they need to write up their projects. These projects are due to be submitted in just a few weeks from now. There is absolutely nothing on our website that might be construed as anti-vaccine. Indeed, the opposite is the case.

You have disabled Keele's ( not ours) only online portal for donations based solely on lies printed in The Guardian. I have of course informed the Mericos Foundation and CMSRI of your actions. I have also taken legal advice. Many individuals have already contacted me as to why they ae unable to access our website. I will have to reply to these individuals very soon unless this situation is immediately resolved.

Please provide full clarification of how you intend to proceed

Christopher Exley PhD FRSB


The aforementioned Amigoni was contacted a few months ago by both Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and me, Miri, regarding Keele's inexplicable rejection of Mr. Kennedy's generous research donation, and you can see what we wrote here: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/is-pharma-censoring-the-science-at-one-major-university-by-choking-the-money-channel/

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