It's not nuclear weapons, suicide bombers, or aliens.
It's not even God, not in this capacity.
It's fear. That's what drives all of the psy-ops, hoaxes, and sinister agendas that saturate our reality, and what allows them to be used as such effective weapons against the population.
What people are made to be afraid of, ultimately, doesn't really matter, and changes with the weather (ooh, that'll be that climate change!) - but the underlying psychology remains exactly the same.
This is why it's fundamentally important that, when tackling tyranny in all its guises, we recognise that "the current thing" people are being engineered into being terrified of (and that is consequently used to radically modify their behaviour), isn't what we need to focus on, as much as the underlying fear-based conditioning driving their reaction - for the simple and obvious reason that, if we only focus on "the thing", and not the tapestry of fear itself, the fearful populace will simply transfer their terror onto something else, and remain equally as under the spell of despotic authorities, and their multifarious fear-based programming.
I raise this point today following yet another dispute I have had with the "no virus" brigade. Whilst I believe (as I have made clear many times) that standard virology is false and the "contagion" model of disease isn't accurate, I also think the significance of the "no virus" narrative has been vastly overstated, to the extent that it is now essentially paralysing its most zealous proponents into inaction on all other fronts, as they believe "it's the only thing that matters" e.g., disprove the virus model, and the whole house of cards comes falling down.
Which is so woefully misguided and false, because disprove viruses as a cause of poor health (and therefore something that can be used to scare people), and the overlords still have, to name just a few:
*Climate change
*Nuclear war
*God (as in, ultra-religious regimes such as Afghanistan who control populations by saying "you must do such-and-such or God will be angry").
The ruling classes don't need to rely solely on viruses to conjure up fear, when they have such a rich cornucopia of other ultra-scary things to manipulate and control people with. So even if it was successfully proven and universally accepted that viruses don't cause disease, this certainly would not bring the tyrannical global control programme to an end.
As an adjunct to this, and as I expounded on in this article, the "virus" and "no virus" positions aren't nearly as distinct as some people seem to think, they're actually extremely similar, they simply use different vocabulary to describe the same thing; e.g., what "virus" people call an infection, "no virus" types call a detox; what virus adherents call "contagion" (the observable phenomenon of multiple people in the same environment getting ill at the same time), no virus types calls "influence" (bodies 'influencing' each other to perform certain functions at the same time, as happens with menstrual synchronising), and so on.
Within the "truth community", where this debate rages, both types agree that these processes - whether we call them infections or detoxes - are not to be feared (they're either your body killing off a virus, or detoxing poisons, so either way, they're helping you); that they should be treated with natural remedies (rest, fluids, vitamin C, etc.); - and, crucially, that such interventions as lockdowns, masks, tests, and vaccines are dangerous and useless and should be avoided at all costs.
So these positions, once you strip them right down, are extremely similar, with the differences really more to do with semantics than radically different perspectives.
For my full position on this, please see here, but the further point I want to emphasise today is that it's critically important we accept, not just that the "no virus" issue is not "the one big thing which will bring the whole regime crashing down" - but that there is no such "one big thing" - not in the sense of "if we could just make people see this one thing..." they would suddenly become invulnerable to state control.
This is because, even if you successfully disprove "the current thing" that is being used to provoke fear in the population, then master manipulators - and the ruling classes are certainly that - will simply (and easily) find a new bogeyman to terrorise people with, and they've been doing it since time immemorial.
They do this because fear is known to be by far the most effective way of controlling people. It doesn't matter WHAT they fear, it only matters that they fear it, and what it is largely depends on the cultural context, e.g., if you want (as slave owners typically do) your populace to cover their faces to induce the dissociative slave-like mentality face coverings are known to create, then, if you're presiding over a strict religious caliphate like Afghanistan, you might fear-monger the populace with:
"Cover your face or risk the wrath of God and an eternity of fiery damnation!"
If, however, you seek control over largely secular Westerners who have come to worship The Science (TM), you would go with:
"Cover your face because The Science said so and you risk contracting evil viruses if you don't!"
The specific "thing" people are being told to be afraid of is different (viruses, God), but the psychology behind it, and the end result (a fearful, docile, obedient population doing whatever authorities tell them) is exactly the same.
So, fear being so extraordinarily effective in radically altering people's behaviour, we have to ask, what, ultimately, is it that people are so afraid of?
"The current thing" they're afraid of changes all the time - but the fear itself remains exactly the same.
Why are they so afraid of "viruses" or cancer or angry deities, or any of the other things listed at the beginning of this article?
What is the fundamental root cause of all this fear?
It's the fear of death. That's essentially what it comes down to - all fear-based programming is ultimately exploiting our deeply embedded fear of death, and the reason we fear death (when this fear is not universal nor shared by all beings) is because we've been epically lied to about what it is: kept ignorant and therefore terrified.
Imagine, if you will, that a group of people existed, who were all born with a neurological disorder which made it impossible for them to sleep. Whilst sleep was something they had never experienced, they had heard sinister stories about it from their governments and schools - that there was a terrifying phenomenon that could afflict people where they suddenly completely lost consciousness for hours and hours after dark. They became blind, deaf, and dumb, and completely vulnerable, not in control of themselves or what was happening around them.
Furthermore, whilst in this paralysed, unconscious, sensory prison, their brain began conjuring up all-encompassing hallucinogenic illusions, illusions that would sometimes be abjectly terrifying and cause the person to cry out in terror, whilst paralysed and unable to escape from the horrors of their mind...
Can you imagine how scared of that idea you would be if you'd never experienced sleep? How hideous, how petrifying it would sound? How, if some "expert" came along and told you there was something called "melatonin" circulating in the air that could "infect" you and make you go to sleep, you would do everything possible to avoid it? How ridiculed and despised "pro-sleepers" who dismissed the concerns and insisted sleep was nothing to fear, would be?
The reality is that we all know that sleep is a totally harmless state which never warrants a fear response - even though the above paragraph describing it, is technically true. We are unconscious, we are paralysed, we are in an altered state without the control of ourselves we have whilst awake - and yet we still don't fear it.
Obviously, the point I'm getting at is that we could say the same of death and many cultures have: that it's not anything to fear, it's just a different type of experience, just like the experience of sleep is a different type of experience to being awake.
The fear of death - of anything - is based on the unknown: it has many times been said that fear stems from ignorance, and that doesn't mean stupidity, it means a lack of knowledge based on a lack of experience.
Obviously, by definition, none of us have ever experienced death, but many people throughout history have had "near death experiences", and the overarching consensus from those who have such experiences is that death is nothing to be frightened of - and the only people who have an unpleasant or traumatic experience of death are those living bad lives, in the sense of not upholding age-old standards of morality regarding not abusing or exploiting others.
Most major religions and advanced cultures say something to this general effect: that there will be negative posthumous consequences for you if you make poor choices in this life. I believe them: I just think religions have to distil things into very simple terms to appeal to as broad a range of people as possible. Religions need to be accessible to all people, not just ultra-bright deep thinkers, so they will say things like "be good and go to heaven; be bad and go to hell", because everyone can understand that. I think what really happens is more complex and nuanced than that, and I don’t understand it fully (I’m not sure we’re meant to), but that, yes, overall it seems that how you experience death will depend on what you do whilst you're here.
I certainly don't claim any unique insight into 'the meaning of life' (although I have written an article with that title... my conclusion was that it involves cats), but life does seem to be some sort of test, and how you do on that test will be reviewed somehow after you die.
There are many different tests for each individual, and not everyone is tested in the same way, but the "Covid" chapter was a huge test for all of us.
People who complied with government fear-based programming to mask, test, and vaccinate - and especially those who pressurised others into doing the same - failed the test, to varying degrees.
Extrapolating from that, every time we comply with fear-based programming of any sort - regardless of what the marketed "fear of the day" happens to be - we fail the test. We're here to confront and overcome low-vibrational, limiting states like fear, not base our lives on them. Fear, in various ways, feeds our enemies - and they tell us this all the time (such as via the eerily revealing, ostensibly kids' film, 'Monsters Inc', where monsters from another world terrorise children to feed on their screams. What disables the monsters' energy supply is when the children stop being scared and laugh instead).
And please note that appropriate awareness of danger, is a completely different concept to fear. I am aware, as most of us are, that crossing roads represents a potential danger, which is why I look both ways before doing it - an appropriate caution to mitigate the risk. But I'm not "scared" of crossing roads. Equally, I'm not "scared" of masks or vaccines - I don't tremble in terror if I walk past a doctors' surgery knowing these devices are inside - but I'm aware they are dangerous, so I avoid them, and warn others of the dangers, too.
Of course there are plenty of dangerous things in the world that we need to risk-assess before deciding whether or how we will engage with them - but that never means we have to live in fear of them, fear being the most unhelpful and paralysing of all emotions - and one that seems to feed and embolden dark entities.
Fear is far worse than things like anger (a most unfairly maligned emotion) as, channeled correctly, anger can be incredibly galvanising, and catalyse positive action and rational change, whereas fear simply disables. It disables the person from taking positive action, and it disables the rational mind - that's exactly why fearful people believe soggy pieces of dirty hanky flapping around their faces will protect them from deadly diseases, and that virulent plagues can't get them if they stand on circles and eat Scotch Eggs.
These kind of beliefs are as ludicrous as the most medieval superstitious nonsense - but superstitions were so popular in the Dark Ages for a reason: because once people are frightened enough, they will believe anything that helps to ease the fear.
And, as we have discussed, what is the ultimate fear? Obviously it is death - it always has been.
So the question. we must ask is: what if we were liberated from the ultimate fear? What if we really and truly did not fear death?
This, by the way, is why the "elites" are having such a hard time quashing Islam, which they are certainly trying hard to do (they want to quash all religions, for their "no countries, no possessions, no religions" One World dystopia).
It's because a lot of Muslims don't fear death, believing they will be rewarded in heaven and so on. This is why the international terrorists called world governments repeatedly bombing Islamic countries to smithereens does not have the desired effect of demoralising them into submission, and Islam remains as strong globally as ever - because the "we'll kill you if you don't submit" threat doesn't work. (That's also why world wars didn't work to destroy Christianity and social engineers had to change tack to psychological warfare instead.)
I'm not suggesting we all must become Muslim, or adherents of any particular religion, to relinquish our fear of death, but that cultures that (rightly) don't fear it (even if their reasons for not fearing it may not be 100% accurate) are in a far stronger position - far more immunised against state tyranny - than cultures that do.
Our secular, atheistic cultures are absolutely terrified of death, because the widespread belief in the West is that "this is all there is" - that when you die, it's like switching off a TV at the end of a film: The End. Total blackness. That's all, folks.
Well, obviously, if that's what you believe, your fear of death is going to be extraordinary. The ruling classes have intentionally engineered the "switching off the TV" model of death to induce maximal death fear in the population, so they can successfully stage all their various fear-based psy-ops.
If you didn't fear death, if you just saw it as being merely another part of life - like going to sleep (it may not be a coincidence that that phrase has been used for such a long time as a euphemism for death) - how would the overlords successfully manipulate and control you with viruses / cancer / climate change / whatever, then?
(Note, that's why it doesn't matter in the way the "no virus" brigade think it does whether people believe in viruses or not: what matters is if they fear them. Plenty of anti-restriction people believe viruses spread illness, including some very prolific and commendable activists, but they also don't fear them, and so aren't susceptible to state tyranny. It's not "belief in viruses" that causes people to comply with tyranny - it's FEAR of viruses. The same can be said about anything else - it's not your beliefs that matter as much as whether your beliefs cause you to live in fear.)
Returning to the sleep subject, for something we spend so much time doing, it's remarkable how little cultural attention is paid to it. The average person spends a full twenty-six years of their life asleep.
Imagine having a relationship that lasted for twenty-six years, or a job, or a child of that age, and never talking about them?
Sleep is not really a part of the cultural conversation, not like jobs, relationships, and other things that take up large amounts of our time are, and nor are the mysterious depths of our unconscious that we experience in that state (including especially mystical experiences like prophetic and lucid dreams) - and perhaps that is so because the experience of being asleep - being unconscious and "not ourselves" - is too similar to death. We can't explain the phenomenon of sleep and dreams straightforwardly and logically and by referencing The Science (TM), so we largely ignore it and excise it from the cultural narrative. Even though it's a very normal, non-scary part of everyday life.
Well, death is a part of everyday life, too. Thousands of people die every day, we will all die, and most of our historical ancestors already have. So it really shouldn't be so scary and seen only as a negative. That doesn't make sense. If we don't see birth and life solely as scary, negative experiences (even though they can certainly contain those aspects), why would we see death that way?
Of course, not fearing death does not mean racing towards it, or not wishing to use your time here as effectively as you are able - just like not fearing sleep doesn't mean you want to be asleep all the time, or go to sleep dramatically early in the day.
I love to sleep, and to dream (I have lucid dreams sometimes, which are rather splendid), but it certainly isn't all I want to do (even though anyone who lived with me as a teenager may be forgiven for thinking otherwise).
So I don't want to die now, or for many years to come, just like I don't want to go to sleep at 3pm in the afternoon - it's too early and there's still too much to do.
And just because I know I will eventually get tired and fall asleep, doesn't mean I live my life fearing that time or taking extreme measures to avoid it.
I think I've belaboured the sleep / death analogy enough now and you get it, but the overarching point I'm trying to illustrate is that we must focus on dealing with the real root of people's fear which isn't viruses / aliens / climate change or even God - it's death. And a fundamental misunderstanding of it, intentionally created and aggressively pushed by the ruling classes.
As I told the story of in my article, 'The Meaning of Life', my wonderful cat, Tiger, died a few months ago. He wasn't elderly - he'd just turned nine - but he got injured somehow when he was outside, which was apparent by the way he was moving and vocalising when he came in, and he had come home to die. I knew that he had, because he crawled under the attic stairs, where it was very dark and quiet - something he had never done before - and I knew that's what cats do when they know they are going to die: find a peaceful hiding place to quietly pass on.
And the thing is, he wasn't scared. I was, and rushed him to the vet, because being confronted with death is obviously devastating for those left behind - but Tiger, the being facing death himself, wasn't scared at all. He was totally relaxed and accepting, and when I reached under the stairs to stroke him, he purred and put his paw on my hand.
Animals are instinctive and know they needn't fear death. That is why the overlords have never spent billions of pounds trying to socially re-engineer cats and turn them into muzzled slaves (imagine trying to muzzle a cat? My good God...). It wouldn't work, because there is no fear of death there to exploit.
So when trying to dismantle various fear-based narratives, we must look at what the underlying fear really is, because it's always the same: a desperate desire to deny our own mortality.
Once that fear is vanquished, then no psy-op - plagues, cancers, terrorists, aliens, whatever - have any power.
It seems that human beings have been trapped in a fear loop for millenia, and that is what is ultimately allowing the ruling classes to continue to exploit, dominate, and control.
Therefore, the first step to overthrowing them and their stranglehold over us is imagining a world free from the ultimate fear: that, while we don't want to die prematurely and so take sensible precautions to avoid that (such as not walking out into the road without looking, or not trusting serial felons to inject us with experimental serums they made in a hurry), we do not live in fear of our inevitable fate, either.
If we can start imagining that as a possibility, and begin to discuss that possibility with others, we start to make real progress to a liberated free world.
Just look at cats, the ultimate free beings. They live exactly as they please, impervious to any and all attempts to herd or corral them (that's why those with narcissistic, controlling tendencies don't like them). And look how little they fear death, and how they calmly accept it when it is their time.
As always, we have much to learn from them, and as I said earlier, I don't know what the meaning of life is, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with cats...
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