Letter to Keele University regarding vaccines and informed consent

Written by: Miri
April 5, 2022
 | One Comment

Dear Keele University,

I am a former 'Keele Kid', having grown up on the campus (43 The Covert), where my father and grandfather lectured for many years. As such, and as you can imagine, I take a very keen interest in the university's fortunes, and 'follow' you on social media. 

Therefore, I was very concerned to see your Facebook post today (04/04/22) relating to vaccinations, and announcing that a mobile vaccination unit will be visiting the campus on Tuesday and Wednesday this week to administer vaccinations to "anyone eligible over the age of 12".

This concerns me very deeply, because I do not feel a van in a car park is an appropriate environment from which to administer a powerful and invasive medical therapy that comes with a catalogue of potential side effects, some of them severe. This environment does not foster the level of privacy and confidentiality that is critical to ethical medicine, and I am also extremely concerned that the proper protocols of informed consent as per the Montgomery ruling will not be fulfilled in this kind of informal atmosphere. 

In case you were not aware, medicine in the UK is governed by guidelines established in the Montgomery ruling, which state that for ethical and lawful medicine to be practiced, patients must be informed of all material risks of a treatment, or their consent is not adequately informed, and therefore invalid. Please see here for more.

In recent weeks, the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, manufacturers of one of the vaccines that will be on offer at Keele this week, has released a detailed report outlining the adverse events recorded during clinical trials for its Covid vaccine. Pfizer had intended to conceal this information from the public for 75 years, but were overruled by a judge.

See the Pfizer report here: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3UxsqFwFEMegfcwVxXCUdqJlKHnPzK3DXzVfFDrw0Ucp0nznV9QiwsB8o

Can you assure me that the mobile vaccination units visiting the Keele campus will be adequately outlining ALL material risks to those who visit the units, before administering the vaccine, and that especial care will be taken when administering this injection to under-16s? Please note that under-16s are allowed to consent to their own treatment under Gillick Competency, but if, and only if, they are shown to adequately understand the issues involved. Otherwise their consent is invalid and therefore applying the treatment, illegal. 

I feel it is my duty as a responsible citizen and long-standing friend of Keele to express my concerns to you and ensure that proper ethical and legal protocols are observed in this highly unorthodox way of administering a powerful, invasive, and risky medical treatment.

I look forward to hearing from you. 

Yours sincerely,

Miri Finch (nee Sloboda)

[Note to readers: I added my original surname since it's one they should know: my dad, John Sloboda, taught at the university for 34 years and they have named a laboratory after him - bizarrely enough, one I attended to listen to a propagandist vaccine lecture a few years ago, and you can see the letter I wrote to the university about that here...]

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One comment on “Letter to Keele University regarding vaccines and informed consent”

  1. It sadly doesn’t surprise me. This is same uni that got rid of Prof Exley for telling the truth re aluminium. I see these vans everywhere. Shopping car parks etc. I wonder if the staff who are usually busy sitting laughing and joking with each other, if they think about the countless lives they are hurting.

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