Letter to schools regarding coronavirus protocols

Written by: Miri
February 22, 2021
 | One Comment

Dear [names],

Re: coronavirus protocols

I am writing to you regarding my son/daughter, [name], who is due to return to year [number] in [month]. [Name] has been very happy at [school name] and is looking forward to returning next month. Thanks to you and the other staff for everything you've done to make his/her journey there so far a happy one.

However, both s/he and I have some concerns that we would like to address in writing before term commences.

In the first instance, I do not consent to vaccines for [name], and now that s/he is approaching an age where s/he may be considered Gillick competent, it is important to underline s/he does not consent to them, either. S/he understands the risks and benefits of vaccinations, and chooses not to receive them.

Affixed to this letter is a short written statement from [name] confirming this. I know that there can sometimes be confusion on vaccination days and children who have been opted out of vaccination nevertheless receive them, and that sometimes vaccination days happen without warning, so I just felt for extra peace of mind for me and [name], we would make clear our position formally and in writing before term begins. 

Leading on from this are the other protocols the school may be putting in place as a response to the coronavirus situation. I do not feel that schools are the place for medical processes to take place, and I only allow trusted healthcare professionals to conduct medical procedures on my son/daughter, whilst I am present. Therefore, I do not consent to my son/daughter receiving any coronavirus testing at school. If s/he develops symptoms of illness, I will keep him/her at home as I would with any other illness, and arrange any necessary testing or treatment myself. 

I also do not consent to my son/daughter using hand sanitiser. Hand sanitisers contain powerful chemicals that permeate the skin and enter the bloodstream, as well as being implicated in causing dermatitis and destroying vital beneficial bacteria on the skin - essential for maintaining a strong immune system. I do not consent to this product being used on my son/daughter for any reason, and only consent to his/her washing his/her hands with conventional soap and water.

If the school intends to temperature-check the children, I do not consent to my son/daughter being tested at the forehead with an infrared thermometer gun. I am not comfortable with the psychological connotations of my son/daughter repeatedly having a gun pointed at his/her head, and there may also be short and long-term safety issues with aiming this instrument directly at a developing brain. Therefore, I only consent to my son/daughter being temperature checked at the wrist.

My son/daughter and I also do not give our consent to participating in the NHS track and trace scheme, and do not want our contact details passed over to the NHS or any other agency for the purposes of tracking and tracing.  Any agency having or using our data without our consent is in breach of the GDPR and therefore illegal. 

I do not know what the school's policy will be on mask-wearing, but I wish to make clear the legal position on masks, which is that those suffering hidden disabilities are exempt, and under the Equality Act 2010 and Disabilities Discrimination Act, it is illegal to ask someone if they have a hidden disability or what it is. Therefore, were the school to mandate masks, it would be illegal for them to ask any pupil why they were not wearing one. The law makes clear that the mask-exempt are expected to self-certify simply by stating they are exempt, and no further "proof" (such as a doctors' letter) is required (1).

It would also be incumbent on the school to instruct all pupils and staff on the law regarding masks and exemptions, to ensure nobody without a mask is discriminated against, which is illegal under the Equality Act and could result in the school being sued

Finally, I do not consent to any detainment of my son/daughter on school premises or elsewhere for any reason. I expect him/her to return home at the usual time every day unless I have given my express permission otherwise.

Please reply to this letter at your earliest possible convenience acknowledging my concerns and agreeing that my son/daughter will not be subject to any measures I have not expressly offered my consent for. Thank you for your time.

Yours sincerely,



  1. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own/face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own


I, [name], do not consent to receiving any medical tests or vaccinations whilst on school premises. I understand the risks and benefits of vaccinations and I do not consent to receiving any. If I am tested for any condition or vaccinated whilst at school and without a parent present, it will have been done under duress, and therefore illegal. 

Signed: _________________ Date: _______________

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One comment on “Letter to schools regarding coronavirus protocols”

  1. Thank you so much, your letters and updates have been a real help.
    Thank you for being bothered to help, bless you x

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