Netflix and Kill

Written by: Miri
May 25, 2021
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May be an image of 3 people and text that says 'MailOnline News 1k shares Britain's first black billionaire: London-based telecoms tycoon, 60, who fled Zimbabwe and is now trying to provide Africa with Covid vaccines while sitting on Netflix and Unilever boards By James Robinson for MailOnline 10:05, 23 May 2021 updated 19:16, 23 May 2021'

An interestingly revealing headline here. A proponent of vaccines, who sits on the board of a pharmaceutical company (so, no conflict of interest there, then, and obviously his interest in promoting vaccines to third-world countries is COMPLETELY benevolent. Unilever, by the way, have been "tempting" healthcare workers in the USA to get vaccinated by offering them free ice cream)... who also sits on the board of Netflix.

Why would a telecoms tycoon who promotes pharmaceuticals also be considered a valuable addition to the board of an entertainment streaming service?

I mean, Netflix is just for fun, right? It's just some frivolous entertainment to wind down with at the end of the day, it doesn't have any wider context or meaning and anyone who thinks otherwise is a crazy quackspirator.

... Right?

Well, wrong, obviously. The reason this man is on the boards of both a pharmaceutical company and a streaming service is that these two entities are intrinsically linked. They are both integral cogs in promoting the same thing.

Ever seen Contagion? Black Mirror? Fractured?

Immensely wealthy and powerful people do not pour so much money and so many resources into creating these productions merely to "entertain" you. A crossword could entertain you. A pack of cards could. Why would these famously self-absorbed and often rather sociopathic scions dedicate their lives to simply benevolently "entertaining" the general public? They wouldn't. They don't.

Big-budget televisual productions have never been about entertaining us. They're about - well, what do we call a television schedule? - programming. They're programming us to accept the same narrative that the pharmaceutical companies sponsor.

If it weren't for big-budget "plague" movies like Contagion, Outbreak, World War Z, and so on, the average person simply would never accept the idea of "deadly, invisible enemy that can wipe out millions in days", because they would never have witnessed such an absurd confection in reality (if this was really a thing that could happen, humanity would have been wiped out thousands of generations ago).

However, thanks to decades of the careful manicuring of our minds through expertly scripted, produced and acted Hollywood offerings, people do believe it. The idea of a virulent plague that will cause us all to drop dead should we leave our houses, hug our grannies, breathe fresh air, etc., is plausible to people, because they've seen it so many times on television.

The human mind did not evolve to cope with television, and, at its most primal and powerful levels, is unable to distinguish between "acting" and "real". To the human mind, if you see something happening in front of you, it's real, and television programming will be absorbed and stored just as readily as something that happens "in real life". In fact, more so, because the flickering screen of television induces an alpha-wave brain state - the same that is induced by hypnosis - making people much more suggestible and programmable.

I have Netflix, and I study it like an academic artefact, as NOTHING is on there randomly or thoughtlessly. An enormous amount of thought and precision goes into every offering they share, to ensure every single item is "on message" and manicuring your mind in the desired way.

After all, what is the central message of Contagion (that ITV "thoughtfully" re-aired days after the country went into the first lockdown)? That humanity will be wiped out by a deadly plague unless we trust the genius of our valiant saviours, vaccine-producing pharmaceutical companies, and spurn and reject the dangerous snake oil of the money-grubbing conspiracy theorists.

In essence, the whole of Hollywood, Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc., is just the advertising and marketing division for the NWO and its essential industries - pharmaceuticals, in particular, but also every other agenda item they want to promote and normalise. Note how all the soap operas, too, are now pushing the pandemic narrative and aggressively endorsing vaccines, depicting anyone with scepticism or concerns as profoundly thick, arrogant, and dangerous.

So, that's why a third-world vaccine-pusher is in such great demand for the executive boards of both a pharmaceutical giant and the world's biggest streaming service - because these entities are in the business of promoting and creating the exact same thing.

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