REMOVED FROM FACEBOOK "FOR CAUSING PHYSICAL HARM" (and you can't get much more of a glowing endorsement for accuracy than that).
I've seen a lot of posts now regarding the vaccine potentially transmitting its effects to the unvaccinated, along the lines of: "oh, so you're falling for the virus narrative now, I thought you knew viruses aren't contagious?"
Indeed; but that's not what the vaccines are shedding. Most of them don't even contain viruses, for a start.
Nobody knows for definite what the vaccines are shedding because a) nobody really knows what's in them (manufacturers' official ingredients' lists often bearing little resemblance to what vaccines actually contain), and b) nobody knows the mechanism by which the vaccines 'work' or what they really do inside the body. We're all just guessing based on very limited data, as this whole scenario is so experimental and new.
What we do know is that there are thousands of reports from around the world of unvaccinated people having close contact with the vaccinated and developing sudden and dramatic health changes, often affecting their menstrual cycle - effects identical to ones reported by the recently vaccinated. Knowing as we do that these vaccines are designed to target fertility, this is too much of a "coincidence" for me, to dismiss it and claim the vaccine isn't responsible - after all, it would make perfect sense for the overlords to design a concoction that would transmit its fertility-impairing effects to the unvaxxed.
A vaccine can transmit its poisonous effects through other channels than merely virus shedding. Viruses may not be contagious, but plenty of things are, like parasites and, potentially, nanotech. We know nanotech is in the masks and test swabs, so it's almost certainly in the vaccines, too.
You're not looking at the bigger picture if you just say "well, viruses aren't infectious, so therefore the vaccine doesn't transmit anything to anyone". Viruses aren't infectious - but they're not the only component of the vaccine (or indeed in the vaccine at all, bar the AZ one). But something communicable is clearly happening here - even on my status a few days ago, I got several confirming comments from unvaccinated people experiencing immediate and alarming health changes upon encountering the vaccinated.
I know the pull of the "viruses aren't contagious" narrative is so huge (and I agree, they're not), it's tempting to be a bit dismissive and say "... and therefore I have nothing to fear from the vaccine, YOU'RE all just falling for propaganda", but you need to look deeper. Just because viruses aren't contagious, doesn't mean everything isn't.
There's something going on with these vaccines that is affecting people who don't receive them, and I am not advising to fear this phenomenon - I don't - I am advising vigilance and an open mind to find out what it is.
Obviously, like with any poison, people will be affected differently. Not all smokers get cancer. Not all vaccinated people develop serious adverse effects. And not all those who interact with the vaccinated will "catch" anything from them. But that doesn't mean it isn't happening. Because something clearly is.
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About a month ago, I developed a small amount of blood coming from one sinus which is unusual because I only get that when I'm sick with a cold. I didn't have one. It lasted a week. No clotting but it concerned me because it was unusual. I am actually writing a "health" diary now on my computer to monitor my daily awareness of my body and anything unusual that happens from this point onwards. I supplement heavily so I figure that is saving me from something worse.