On the news that Canada's Freedom Convoy has had its crowdfunding terminated

Written by: Miri
February 7, 2022
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#GoFundMe is nothing but a devious establishment tool used to choke funding channels for genuine causes, and funnel more money to the ruling classes and their agenda. Rejecting money for the Freedom Convoy is not the first time they have done something so deceitful and underhand.

In 2019, in a last-ditch attempt to save his career and critical vaccine safety research, after virtually all other funding avenues had been cut off by his university, Professor Chris Exley turned to crowdfunding, and his many supporters around the world were happy to contribute to a GoFundMe fundraiser for a crucial vaccine safety study.

However, Professor Exley and his team never received the money, because GoFundMe terminated the campaign for "violating their terms of service". To be clear, this was a fundraiser aiming to generate revenue to fund a rigorous academic study by one of the world's leading experts in his field, and into an issue of critical public health importance. What "terms of service" could this possibly be violating?

When The Sunday Times broke the story, claiming that the fundraiser "promoted vaccine misinformation", I sent them the below letter:

Dear Shanti Das and Jonathan Leake,

I am writing to you in regards to your article of 07/04/19 regarding Professor Chris Exley.

Professor Exley is recognised as the world's leading authority on aluminium toxicity, with a research career that spans four decades, and encompasses extensive publication in multiple top international journals. So to claim that 'experts' disagree with him is a misnomer. He is the expert, and the other scientists you quoted are not. None of them claim any proficiency in aluminium.

Your piece details that Exley's funding avenues are being terminated, with the latest attempt to raise money on GoFundMe being shut down by the funding giant because ''[c]ampaigns raising money to promote misinformation about vaccines violate GoFundMe's terms of service and we are removing them''. Yet the funding drive was not promoting any information about vaccines - it was attempting to fundraise to finance a study. This study would be carried out under all the proper protocols, and the findings reported accurately and appropriately in the apposite journal. GoFundMe does not know what the findings of this study would be, so by shutting down the efforts to fund independent and unbiased science, GoFundMe and the Sunday Times are confirming that independent and unbiased science is unacceptable, because there is a possibility it will find that vaccines are unsafe - and this, apparently, constitutes 'misinformation'.

This is, clearly, deeply troubling. If vaccines are indeed safe, and the aluminium adjuvants are not causing serious adverse events in a significant number of individuals, then that is what the study will find. To prevent the study from being done clearly belies that vested interests know the study will find something else, and are therefore crushing funding attempts in order to continue to retail a dangerous product.

I am sure that when you both entered journalism, it was with the best of intentions, to share important and enlightening information with as many people as possible, and not to produce propaganda to enrich the coffers of pharmaceutical companies.

Yours sincerely,

Miri Finch

I never received a reply, and not long after this (and a few more press hit pieces on Professor Exley later), his 35-year career as a world-class and internationally celebrated scientist was brought to an abrupt and untimely end, precisely because he was unable to secure funding, which is the lifeblood of any researcher.

If you really want to get to the truth, don't just "follow the science", but "follow the funding", as what you will inevitably find is that any agenda that threatens establishment interests is simply not funded (read the full shocking story of what happened to Professor Exley as he battled to save his career and continue with his vital vaccine safety research here: https://miriaf.co.uk/science-sold-out/).

It is grotesque that ostensibly philanthropic fundraising platforms should have this kind of immense and unwieldy power over people's lives, and it just shows what insane, obscene lengths the overlords will go to to wage war upon that one thing that ultimately terrifies them the most - the truth.

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