Pantomimes, wizards, and sorcerers, and the oldest battle of all time

Written by: Miri
December 22, 2022

Hello, dear readers, on this fine and festive occasion, the first day of the renewal of the light and the intrepid path towards - well, a few Christmas hangovers and family arguments - but then, new beginnings, wonder and enchantment!

If this sounds a little more deliriously optimistic than my usual article openings (I believe I commenced the last one with a reference to a cannibalistic demon), that is because I am currently feeling slightly delirious, courtesy of mainlining cold medications for the last few days, supercharged with the kind of coffee there should be age-restrictions on to buy (and I should be deemed to have exceeded them, as it should only be sold to teenagers intending to stay up all night in frozen fields chugging jauntily packaged bottles of paint-stripper).

In other words: I am ill.

This largely accounts for my hiatus on this platform these last few days, but the other reason is - scour as I might the malignant military-grade mind-control monstrosity that is the MSM - I am struggling to find any actual news to comment on, as the entire legacy media seems to have been co-opted as the marketing and PR department for 'The Harry and Meghan Show'.

I have resisted commenting on this utterly risible situation for as long as I possibly can, but, well, it is silly season, after all, so here I go...

The Harry and Meghan Show must be in its forth or fifth season by now, but here's what I wrote almost three years ago, just as the pilot was airing...


I've been reading the endless breathless analyses of ‘Megxit’ in the press, and various posts about it on social media, and so I have really got to ask: Has it completely escaped everyone's attention what Meghan does for a living? Let me remind you. She is an actress. She acts. That is, she inhabits fake personas and exhibits characteristics she doesn't really have in order to make money.

Do you believe this is a meaningless coincidence? All Harry’s previous girlfriends were society-types with no professional training in pretending to be people they're not, and these women were clearly deemed ineligible by ‘the Firm’ for Harry to marry. Meghan, however, was given the Monarchic seal of approval. Senior Royals like Harry can’t get married without the Queen’s express endorsement, and after Diana, they are not going to take any chances.

Meghan will have signed a contract with the Royals, just like she signed contracts with all her previous employers, stipulating what is expected of her. She is currently fulfilling whatever role and script they've handed her, and when that agenda has been fulfilled, she and Harry will dramatically divorce, and she will move on to her next paid acting role.

Prior to taking on this role, she would have been briefed at length by multiple insiders regarding what marrying into the Royal family would entail, press intrusion and all, and - especially as someone intimately familiar with Hollywood and all its miscreant machinations - would have gone into it with her eyes wide open. She is able to convincingly pretend otherwise now because - one more time, for those at the back - she is an actress.

If the Royal family really were having crisis talks over possible abdications [as they allegedly were at the time I initially wrote this], do you honestly think the world’s media would be privy to the details?! The Palace would just slap a D-notice on them, and that would be that.

What's going on currently is just another episode in the soap opera of The Royal Family (which is, admittedly, not as entertaining as the Caroline Aherne version). The Royals have some endgame in mind which Meghan, via her acting talents, is helping them achieve. She really is quite an accomplished actress, you know - and has played several roles in the past where her character’s name is ‘Meghan.’ All the world’s a stage… Especially when it involves actual, literal, actors!

(Below, the happy couple pose together - on the red carpet…)

No photo description available.

So, three years on, I still agree with myself... After all, have we all noticed that Meghan hasn't had any "formal" acting roles since marrying Harry - yet now she has the top TV show on Netflix? That's because this is her new acting role. This is all being scripted and stage-managed at the highest levels, just like everything is on the world stage, including the strategic accusations of "racism".

I remember reading on a 'conspiracy' site about ten years ago (pretty sure it was Henry Makow, but it seems to have since been memory-holed, so I can't be sure), that none of Harry's society girlfriends would end up marrying him, as Harry was "under pressure from the Queen to marry a black woman".

Why, you may ask? Because you can't have accusations of racism if the Royal bride is white, and these accusations were planned and necessary - they have a much wider purpose.

The Royal Family, like all of the UK's other historical and defining institutions, is earmarked for destruction, and for that to happen, it needs to lose public favour. Therefore, various forms of controlled demolition are being deployed to collapse it - the revelations about Andrew, the death of the "beloved" Queen, and now - thar most unforgiveable modern sin of all - accusations of racism. This is because just straight "misogyny" wouldn't cut it - many Royal brides could be seen to suffer that, Diana being an obvious example - but, as adored as Diana was, ultimately, an aristocratic blue-eyed blonde simply wasn't going to engender a monarchy-ending degree of public sympathy. Sad and tragic as Diana's life was in many ways, she still exuded enormous privilege, which meant her plight attracted little sympathy from the militantly left-wing and fashionable circles (Guardian et al).

So, the social engineers needed something more hard-hitting. The public not quite being ready for a gay or transgender Royal wedding, that next most explosive social bomb was chosen instead - racism. Ever since Meghan Markle arrived on the scene, the fashionable press has been gleefully alight with declarations that her treatment by the British establishment has been racist, aided and abetted by the less fashionable press making unflattering remarks about her. This is all orchestrated and going exactly as planned. Remember that nothing makes the mainstream press - whether 'left-wing' or 'right-wing' - unless the ruling classes, who have long since captured all legacy media, want you to know about it.

The purpose of painting the Royal family as incurable racists (and obviously, the Lady Hussey stunt was all part of it) is to turn public sentiment entirely against them, to ensure the masses see the monarchy as a hopelessly outdated institution, steeped in unearned privilege and medieval prejudice, and totally out of step with modern values. We are meant to conclude that the concept of 'Royalty' is completely incompatible with a diverse and multicultural future, and with the built-back-better Brave New World (One New World) the ruling classes have in mind.

Meghan is meant to furiously divide opinion, to get everyone talking (and arguing), to be a proper pantomime villain (no Christmas is complete without a panto and its villain, after all), but - as with all good big-budget psychodramas - there will be a series of stunning plot twists in the New Year, as further revelations come to light and poor persecuted Meghan is vindicated!

The Clarkson furore - predictably labelled as 'racist' by all the high-profile usual suspects - is all part of the panto, part of the pre-scripted performance. Such an experienced journalist as Victoria Newton (The Sun's editor - yes, a woman) is hardly a naive ingenue who wouldn't be entirely aware of the outcry that would follow Clarkson's remarks. Of course Newton was aware. That's why she published them.

In reality, Clarkson and Markle hate each other about as much as Trump and Clinton do, e.g., not at all. They're all fully signed up - and paid up - members of the same club and they're all simply acting out roles on the world stage to, as ever, deceive and bewitch the public.

When Hillary and Donald Were Friends - The New York Times

We see exactly the same sorts of acting from "President" (former comedy actor) Zelensky, who has literally *won an Oscar* (!!!) and still some people aren't getting it. So, please allow me to reiterate: what we think of as "the news" and "world events" are no more real than the latest war epic at the cinema or blockbuster series on Netflix. The only difference is, when you buy a ticket to the movies or stream a Netflix drama, you are explicitly told, "this is acting. This isn't real". With 'world stage' events, you're not.

Why does this happen? It's because the ruling classes are deeply invested in creating an entirely false reality for us, because monumental deception gives the architects of that deceit monumental power. As Voltaire so astutely observed, those who can make you believe absurdities [such as, the belief held by billions worldwide, that the cold I currently have, is a manifestation of the deadliest plague known to man and needs to be treated with multiple experimental gene therapies and worldwide communism], can make you commit atrocities. The more false beliefs the dark wizards behind modernity can conjure up into your mind, the more they can bend your behaviour to their will.

The monarchy is on course for destruction because the concept of monarchy is incompatible with a One World Government (and concomitant one world culture). So, the social engineers are engaging in the age-old practice of "the manufacture of consent" - turning the public mood against the Royals, so we cheer for their ultimate destruction. Meghan, as a gifted actress, has been hired as an instrumental agent in achieving this goal. She and her various high-profile "antagonists" are all on the same payroll and all on the same page - they all know precisely what they are doing and have exactly the same endgame in mind.

It's that same endgame which is responsible for the decidedly un-festive feel of this year's Christmas period, which I see many glumly remarking upon. The rail strikes meaning many can't get home for Christmas, or go out on Christmas Eve. The energy price hikes meaning many pubs are shutting early on what are usually the most profitable - and most good-cheerful - evenings of the year. The ambulance strikes meaning many are being warned not to go out anyway, as the usual drunken revelry could have dire consequences. And the general cost of living crisis meaning many (including my household, alas) are skipping the usual Christmas staples, such as fairy lights, a tree, and even Christmas cards (which, of course, won't get there on time anyway, because of the postal strikes). These things have all been synchronised to occur together for a reason.

For as long as any of us can remember, and for a lot longer before that, our entire calendar year has always pivoted around Christmas - that's when people finally get a well earned break from work, a chance to catch up with the family they rarely see, and - for children especially - get to enjoy the sparkling magic and wonder of Christmas.

So, it's no wonder that the psychopathic hunters of humanity intend to do away with it - far too much joy and delight associated with Christmas, and we can't be having that, as all good dictators know. But it's not just because it's a generally joyful time of year that the ruthless social controllers have gone all out to cancel Christmas (which, as you may recall, they made a very concerted effort to do the last couple of years, as well). It's specifically because it's Christmas, and Christmas - like the Royal family - is such a long-established cultural tradition particular to certain cultures.

That's why there has been such a relentless push for years to erase the greeting 'Merry Christmas' and replace it with the anodyne 'Happy Holidays'. It's because the goal of the ruling elite is to erase all cultural specifics and societal traditions and replace them with the kind of bland and amorphous "global culture" as envisioned in the NWO blueprint, John Lennon's 'Imagine' (yes, he was in the club too, I'm afraid... And on that note, I have a whole conspiracy theory about the Beatles that I made up by my very own self, that I shall share with you in the New Year...).

It's no coincidence that this year, when so many families are unable to "do Christmas" in the way they traditionally have, that we have also lost one of the most fundamental and central traditions of the day in question - the Queen's Speech. Yes, nobody really wants to watch it, except elderly Aunt Edna after a few ports, but many do every year anyway, as it's one of those inescapable and reassuring festive traditions, like Christmas pudding, Brussels sprouts, and bitter disputes over Monopoly - nobody really likes them, yet it just wouldn't be Christmas without them.

However, this year, we have no Queen to speak (and literally nobody, not even good old Edna, sozzled on the last of the sherry, wants to listen to Charles...) - and that is a key reason that this year has been selected for complete Christmas annihilation. Even the last couple of years, when there were all sorts of ridiculous rules and restrictions, at least steady and stable Queenie was there, just as she always has been, giving a modicum of tradition and normality at such a thoroughly abnormal time.

But this year...

An interesting piece of synchronicity on the subject of Christmas traditions, is that one of mine is that - every year, for decades, faithfully and without fail - I re-watch The Box of Delights. A 1984 BBC adaptation of the John Masefield children's classic, its "revolutionary special affects" - totally groundbreaking in 1984 - even looked dated when I watched it for the first time about ten years later, but this just adds to its charm (cue lots of sentimental nostalgia about "it was a better time, remember when there were only four channels, whatever happened to that girl with the test card...").

I enjoy it every time I watch it, but in the last couple of years, have been rather astonished at just how timely and prophetic it actually is, as the storyline of The Box of Delights concerns a villainous gang of black magic sorcerers.... trying to cancel Christmas. Our hero is schoolboy Kay Harker, who works alongside the ancient forces of light and white magic, to defeat the evil ones and save Christmas.

I don't know much about The Box of Delights' author, John Masefield (*makes note to conspiresearch him*), who died in 1967, but I think it's fair to say, he knew. He knew we were up against an extremely malevolent and potent evil force that uses the dark arts, and all sorts of spellcasting and black magic sorcery, to deceive and attack us - and that these forces have, for a very long time, taken a particular aim at Christmas.

In The Box of Delights, Kay and his friends endure all sorts of trials and tribulations in their endeavours to defeat evil, and, whilst they do, make a solemn promise to each other: that, no matter what happens, even if they are repeatedly 'scrobbled' (good word that, innit?), attacked, and deceived, even if they have to endure the most arduous challenges life has to offer, they will nevertheless find a way to let hope prevail and celebrate Christmas.

So, I think it's fair to say that this is what we must do, too: even though the forces of darkness and destruction are conspiring against us (as ever they have been). As long as we refuse to be defeated and retain a determination to mark this celebratory occasion with genuine joy and hope, they will not win. Limited as many of us may be in what we can do this year, don't forget that Christmas cheer can take many forms (one year, I celebrated with a takeaway kebab whilst watching old re-runs of Neighbours, and a very jolly day it was, too). The point is not what we do, but that we do something we enjoy, and challenge the dark and devious energies the overlords are desperately attempting to foist on us, by enjoying ourselves and refusing to cancel the celebratory mood. After all, we did survive in tact the world's deadliest plague, so if nothing else, that's something to celebrate... and seriously, surviving it with your sanity in tact is something that certainly deserves a Yuletide toast or two.

So, I would like to take this opportunity (just in case I don't find anything else that incenses my ire enough to enunciate further before the weekend...), to wish you all a fabulous festive period, and to thank all readers for their tremendous support (and occasional bit of galvanising hate) over the past year. It's really very much appreciated.

Merry Christmas 🌟🎄🥂 (that's probably the first, and quite likely last, time I've ever used emoticons on this blog, so either I really am in the Christmas spirit or I've had way too much Lemsip...)

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18 comments on “Pantomimes, wizards, and sorcerers, and the oldest battle of all time”

  1. Merry Christmas Miri!

    And since doing away with Christmas is inextricably linked with eroding the values and power embodied by Christ himself…great succor can come from reading those cherished Bible verses and listening to the traditional carols of the season.

    Then getting a group of friends together to visit the pub, as you so wisely advocated!

    If all else fails, there’s Dickens’s timeless A Christmas Carol.

    It may feel like a lonely time, but you have friends everywhere right around you Miri.

  2. I have another theory about why so many aren’t feeling Christmassy….. lots of people are very I’ll that I know. I think the reason why is they have extra toxins in their body from recent treatments they’ve had!

  3. Great read! Merry Christmas. I refer to 'The Box of Delights' in my short essay: The Christmas Card Ritual (on MEDIUM). Also there is a reference to my dad keeping the Christmas rituals going during WW2. Could he and others back then ever have envisaged the psychological games we are currently enduring? And - as you might infer - has it always been thus?
    And (forgive me in advance) to quote some lyrics from my song 'Keep Christmas' - 'You've got to keep Christmas/like it was like it always will be'.
    As you say, it's down to us. We CAN do it! 🙂

  4. Thanks for all you do Miri brightens up our nights have a very merry Christmas love to you, Mark and the cats and we can't wait for your next installment

  5. I think John Lennon said what works, but the elite saw it their way, as if they could control nature, even human nature.
    You see, all the old rituals give clues on how to improve society. Now if people could see that there's a better way besides the crap they sell us...
    Then anything is possible.
    You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

  6. Western liberal democracies are besieged by an internal foe: our own media culture. We see the symptoms everywhere, from rampant disinformation, shrill insurrectionary rhetoric, divisive comments, viral memes supporting the false narratives of our enemies. Narcissistic and exaggerated victimhood competitions among some of the most wealthy and secure people in human history. Paranoia and self-loathing are rampant..

    Do they know the whole world hates them. It seems like as goal or they could just be maroons., Unlike the 46 other monarchies are awesome and nobody cares about. What makes the brits so special in their ignoring hatred =? The and word is furious, the fascists are sick of them sand the soviet nostalgia dorks love to hat hate because Stalin did

    As the brits being increasingly hated whole, the Russia world, including the ME, Putin becoming messianic world savior world from liberalism.

    Indeed, WASPs virtually invented liberalism as we know it. And such individuals founded the US. What ewe cell liberals today means something different of late 219h century. They called therm westernizers in Russia

    Liberalism is about celebrating individual liberty, and it has a political component and an economic component. There are lots of disagreements about exactly how to carry out the economic component, but the goals are clear enough. It is anti-monarchy, anti-aristocracy, anti-plutocracy, anti-nepotism, anti-authoritarian, often concerned about the powerless, tolerant of many ways of living, in favor of freedom of speech, and in favor of equal rights under the law.

    I mean outside of the UK everybody thinks they are the scum of the earth and invented of 20 century monarchism. liberalism (which they are kid
    Which is he culmination of enlightening thanking going back to ancient Greek logic ) is bettr than most alterative sd=sch as Marxism and fascism

  7. Having worked at a debt advisory centre as a volunteer, back in the day, I for One will only be to glad to see this capitalist greed fest confined to history. If we took back our original pagan Yule rituals, now you are talking, sister.
    To enter any supermarket over December and see aisle after aisle of gack laden sweets, puddings and various other type Two diabetes inducing crap replace our basics is bad enough. But it's the February and March period I reflect upon, when single mum's up to there ears in loan repayments they are struggling to meet, taken out so as their children wouldn't miss out at Christmas.That to me has never been forgotten, it happens every year, the pressure single mums in particular face to try and get their kids what their school pals are getting, it's pure malevolent hell months later, when the loan payments stack up. Have you forgot that santa is an anagram of Satan. To quote Bob Marley " none of us can stop the tide" I for One would gladly see it all washed away, and celebrated with a solstice fire with friendship and knowing of our true pre Roman past and meaningful traditions. Fuck Christmas. ( agree with you about John Lennon though entirely.)

  8. Merry Christmas to you too, Miri.

    The Box of Delights has been by my bedside for several years and I have read it with delight many times.

    Please keep up the good work with your amazing insights.

  9. You are so clear thinking even when ill. I wish you a speedy recovery and a very merry christmas

  10. Merry Christmas, Miri!

    Get well soon - I look forward to your enlightening missives continuing apace in the new year.

    Try a hot port - even if it doesn't make you better, it'll make you *feel* better, at least for a little while.... 🙂

  11. Merry Christmas Miri.

    An excellent critique of the pathetic,long-running play we are all having to endure. We are totally screwed if we take it seriously. Better to laugh and heckle the actors, though they will likely make that a hate crime and have the police call to check our thinking.

    If in doubt have another Lemsip...

  12. Thanks for the regular sharing of your thoughts on a wide
    range of topics, all conected, of course. I am so happy to see the essay form so well used, a much undervalued form of writing. Keep up the good work, you provoke thinking, a dying art! Have a very sparkly Chrismas and many blessings in the New Year.

  13. Western liberal democracies are besieged by an internal foe: our own media culture. We see the symptoms everywhere, from rampant disinformation, shrill insurrectionary rhetoric, divisive comments, viral memes supporting the false narratives of our enemies. Narcissistic and exaggerated victimhood competitions among some of the most wealthy and secure people in human history. Paranoia and self-loathing are rampant.'

    Miri why do you hate your culture and what makes that essence of evil thew most evil.

    I'm Armenians, ands was not considered whit until the late 90s. I not Lakeith being called white.

    White to I hate white liberal news invented the the scum of the earth the British should hate themselves

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