Ritual mockery and the Emperor's New Heartthrob

Written by: Miri
November 16, 2022

Ladies, imagine, if you will, that you are relaxing after a long day, flicking through the pages of your favourite publication (other than Miri AF, obvs ;)), and you encounter the following description of a man:

"The natty pink tie set off his deep blue eyes. Under his well-cut suit, this man was clearly buff.

As a showbusiness reporter, I'm used to going up to famous strangers in search of a story. But as I approached [him], drink in hand, my heart was thumping. He was a dish!"

Who do you think this might be describing? Brad Pitt? Johnny Depp? Some super fit athlete or model?

How about, er... Matt Hancock?

I wish I was joking. I'm not. There is an entire article in the Daily Mail, which at times actually purports to be a serious newspaper, dedicated to gushing, fawning, and veritably salivating over Hancock and his alleged "dishiness".

Reading like some sort of bargain basement Barbara Cartland, the odious article continues:

"We talked, just the two of us, for 90 beautiful minutes. When he left, it was as if a light had suddenly gone out in the room. For days afterwards, I bored my friends, family and colleagues about how handsome and charming Matt Hancock was. Some of them might have thought it was a little strange."

Gee, you think..?

This spectacularly sycophantic gush-fest concludes with:

"Matt, if you're reading this, you know where to find me."

I mean, the man has an (albeit estranged) wife and a girlfriend, but hey - obviously his dishiness is too much for any red-blooded woman to decline...

There are many descriptive adjectives I can think to use in relation to Matt Hancock, not all of them printable, but never in my wildest nightmares would I have imagined the preposterous press would try and make him... a heartthrob (who even uses that word anymore anyway? Is it 1973?).

This PR puff piece seems to be multi-purpose. One, to inform millions that Hancock is actually deeply attractive, so that they start repeating and believing it - and it will work, too: I can just hear the office watercooler gossip, "oh, that Matt Hancock, do you know, I never saw it before, but he really is quite a hunk!" - people absolutely can be programmed to believe other people are attractive through this kind of "Emperor's New Heartthrob" instruction. (It's all part of the deception and the control, getting you to see people as they don't really appear, which is why heavy make-up, wigs, and prosthetics are so closely associated with film and theatre, and why the symbol for the theatrical arts is two masks).

But the other, more insidious intention, is to mock us. The article is so ridiculously over the top in its fawning over Hancock, it really reads like a parody - and it is meant to. It is mocking the masses by taking this man, this monster, who is responsible for so much hideous suffering, grief, trauma, and loss, and talking about him like a Just 17 journalist might about a floppy-haired member of a boyband.

The author of the puff piece, Katie Hind, is a showbiz reporter of some 20 yeas experience, so the notion she would react at any level like a blushing, giggling schoolgirl to meeting... a politician (and a rather gawky and geeky one at that) is just ridiculous and beyond implausible. If you're going to go to pieces and get tongue-tied over famous people, you're not going to last five minutes as a celebrity journalist - yet the ludicrous, lunatic point the article is trying to push is that, while Hind has no problem holding her own whilst interviewing top actors and athletes - some of the most desirable men in the world - the glories of Matt Hancock are simply too much to expect her to be able to retain her professional composure.

This is totally unbelievable at every level, and it is supposed to be.

Not least because, if a journalist had a serious crush on someone they'd interviewed (or on anyone at all, really), they wouldn't announce it with a foghorn in a national newspaper - especially when the person in question is spoken for! It would be the height of inappropriate unprofessionalism, and make the journalist look like a mentally unstable stalker - and no editor would ever approve it.

So it's not a serious piece. It's a parody. The point of it is to both mock the particularly suggestible, who will literally believe anything because the media says so (and if you believe Matt Hancock is a suave and charismatic 'dish', then yes, you really will believe anything), and will actually start fancying him because they have been told to, and then to mock the rest of us, who know he is a sociopathic mass murderer who should be in prison, by doing a piece on him that wouldn't be out of place in Smash Hits' "Hunk of the Month".

It's also to further degrade the idea of politicians being serious people deserving of our respect, as I have written about before. Any genuine, career-minded, and ambitious politician would cringe to the bottom of their boots having a piece like this written about them. It makes Hancock sound like a frivolous socialite, more concerned with matching his tie to his eyes than constructing official policy or serving his constituents - therefore further undermining his professional credibility, just as appearing on "I'm A Celebrity" has done.

I understand there is a good possibility Hancock will be crowned "King of the Jungle". Well, prior to the advent of this terrible television show, what did that idiom evoke? Remember the catchy tune, "I just can't wait to be King..."? That's right - up until recently, the King of the Jungle was Simba from the Lion King. A children's cartoon character.

And that is what Hancock is being reduced to: a silly, frivolous, non-serious parody of a person, more interesting for his pumped-up abdominals than his political achievements, and more interested in attaining juvenile honours on remedial TV shows, than doing a real job and being a serious person.

After what Matt Hancock inflicted on the country, this attempt to reinvent him this way is a profound insult and collective slap in the face to every family he abused so badly, with many still enduring the ripple effects of the terrible traumas of the last two years.

The point is that it is supposed to be. Ritual mockery and humiliation are a key part of the ruling classes' strategy for controlling the masses, and that is why the footage of Matt Hancock laughing his head off when "William Shakespeare" was vaccinated has not been edited or scrubbed from the internet - we're supposed to see them laughing at us and mocking us. It's all part of the show (and sociopaths can't help but laugh when they are pulling a mammoth fast one and deceiving others - it's a phenomenon called Duper's Delight).

So it's all one big exercise in mockery and control. The psychopathic ruling classes are showing off just what gargantuan power they have over the mass mind - "hey, you know that guy who killed your grandmother and severed you from loved ones in their darkest days? Well, he's a super-hot hunk now, and you're to giggle and blush over him!" - whilst further mocking us by showing us what trivial, facile people our "elected representatives" really are - that they would literally rather live in a tent and eat animal genitalia, than do their job and serve their constituents (and it's no coincidence that Hancock spent Remembrance Day chowing down on his repulsive buffet - it's all part of the mockery, showing yet again complete callous disregard for millions of people who lost their lives because of government deception and lies - World War I, like all wars, being a racket).

What we have to be abundantly aware of is that the social architects who direct and produce world stage "reality" are doing all this for a reason - they are intentionally winding us up to the point of apoplexy, because they want to drive us to a point where we explode and say "no more"! Obviously, we are not wrong to say that, but what they are doing is a type of sales technique known as managing expectations. They're making our current reality so utterly awful and ludicrous, that whatever they eventually present us with an an alternative, will look better.

I mean, wouldn't ANY reality, where Matt "mass murderer" Hancock is not Hunk of the Month, and our politicians aren't cartoon characters, be better than this? That's what they're trying to nudge us towards: making our current situation so eye-gougingly awful that our expectations for what's normal and acceptable are lowered, because anything will look better in comparison.

"You might not like your new sanitised SMART pod UBI existence," the overlords will say. "But isn't it better than when it was nationally mandated to fancy Matt Hancock and watch him digest animal appendages?"

It is an age-old tactic of war that, to overthrow a culture, you first have to totally degrade it, and make all its defining traditions and institutions look dangerous and disgusting, so that the native people become aghast at their own environment and begin calling themselves for its dismantlement. That is the stage we are now at.

So, the journalist quoted at the beginning of this piece is no giggling schoolgirl with a crush. She's an infiltrating agent of war - and we should regard all mainstream journalists who continue to participate in this demonic pantomime as such.

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11 comments on “Ritual mockery and the Emperor's New Heartthrob”

  1. I forget who Katie Hinds relative ?Uncle is. He is well connected and a member of the establishment. Maybe someone reading this can help?

  2. The best thing people can do is to not watch this or any other trash. No reality TV, no msm absolute zero. If you don't watch they go under and no programming gets through. The problem is many Brits do watch it. This is clearly a DS agenda in having Hancock there and I am sure you have hit on it. Evil Satanists like to dangle things in your face and mock. They relish and get kicks out of the gullibility of the masses.

  3. This will be the “point of apoplexy”. Indeed. Or, as I keep hearing it referred to, “The Precipice”. Different “Truther” groups have their own version of it. The explanation from evil goes, “On the altar of their trauma, they shall finally reach out and take all that we offer”. More esoterically sinister is, “Once the degenerate masses cry out loud enough, we will force God’s hand to begin the end and deliver us our messiah”. Incredibly, the same solution can also be heard coming from the “good guys”... “Oh, you see, we, the good guys, need to wake up the sleeping masses by bringing them to the precipice of their suffering as, regretfully, the only way that they will awaken is when, in horror, they finally turn to each other and say, ‘Never again’”. Yeah, sure, same way WW1 was “the war to end all wars”? It’s not-so-hidden in plain cinematic sight at the end of V for Vendetta. Solutions? Understand the nature of the illusion. We do it to ourselves and each other. I heard somewhere that Tolkien summarised the moral of his work as, “The world moves by small hands”. This, somehow, has a power that evades even the seemingly insurmountable genius of ultimate evil. Find the others who would choose peace before force, have faith that goodness is out there and step away, as much as you can, from any of their poisoned offers.

  4. They should have a new "reality show" to accommodate the likes of this granny killing mass murderer. They should call it " Face off in Guantanimo"... and make them all wear orange jumpsuits "..I could just imagine what challenges we could line up for them!

  5. Hancock is an obnoxious little twerp. Someone needs to push a custard pie in his face, as happened to Bill Gates a while back. Trouble is that didn't seem to stop Bill in his tracks and Hancock seems to be begging for such humiliation already. Still, delivered unexpectedly in public (not just on scripted T.V.), and with sufficient force, he'd have a job to laught it off.

  6. I do agree with this article but I have my reservations about the mockery aspect. They are mocking truthers; no doubt about that but the masses who are fast asleep think that it's wrong for him to be on this TV reality show just because he was caught flouting his own rules (for the masses) and caught kissing another woman. They have no idea that he's a mass murderer and of course they wouldn't believe it if you told them.

  7. No accounting for taste. I hear that someone wanted to marry the Eiffel Tower which I suppose would be preferable to Handcock.

  8. The author is Katie Hind. Hind as in talking out of her backside? Maybe another form of mockery who knows

  9. Yes. I once went to London with a couple of years newspaper editing experience under my belt at some far flung coastal outpost in a former colony. Long story short, I decided to sell my body rather than engage with these people, to earn my plane ticket home asap. Yes it was a dumb move in retrospect, not at all the thing to do, but I thought it was expedient at the time and I was lonely and needy and totally fucked up and I come from a family of narcissists. I could have gone to pick strawberries somewhere or worked somewhere else like a groceet store, but that didnt occur to me. Also, the hours at an evening paper didn't suit me because I simply can't be WOKEN up artificially and I had never been closed into a megametropolis. I was lucky to escape. Before landing that plum gig I had temped somewhere traumatizing that later transpired to be bell pottinger. There, I was clucked under the wing of a guy who wore a pink bow tie with is pin stripes!!! But he was gay and had a head of curly brown locks he'd fling this way and that, flipping coyly off the brow, tight little ass wiggling into his manager's. Man! This only fitted into place years later when someone by the name of Julian Treger swooped in to buy south Africa's largest selling Sunday paper and rename things blackstar. I had hunkered down in an corner somewhere there, earning an erm honest living and believing myself (erroneously) to be the only enlightened journalist in the country. You see, the last legs of independent journalism were about to sniff on to the fact that President zumas handlers were hired by bell pottinger and not the other way around. I had no idea for a few years because I wasn't interested and had gone to an isolated farm in Namibia to raise goats, but then the name Treger jumped out at me because his was the no2 account associated with with Jimmy comets hacked insta, the very same day the platform dissapeared its "see more like this" button. Then I dug in and found that Mr bell was the founding MD at Saatchi, those kosher brothers who arrived from iraq as refugees and made the house of lords soon after (and while im at it, who is the wife of the vxxx minister, shes horsey in Stratford and the money is all in her name but they won't let us know it). I also discovered that Murdoch's mother, nee miss Greene, is also of the faith, whuch is truly nice and true and never reported. Of course the sons website here http://www.tregernomics.com is amusing and don't forget the delightful family children's charity in Plett, a London subsidiary apparently, at food4learning.org/com. This is the kind of stuff that makes the spooks at taverstock run down unto the dungeon and amp up the chaos magick huh? But my point (besides the fact that when i approached senior journalists in south africa with these interesting facts, I was ignored, never to be spoken to again) is that I was simply not up for any more temping in London. After walking out the door on deadline at the newspaper in London, i was done and no more waterloo to Bank zombies either. I simply cannot describe why I left so suddently, I have never been able to retrospect, I just got out. Bottom line is that they are all just kunts and now they're vaxxed kunts. And it was better to become a whore.

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