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Always look a Trojan horse in the mouth

By: MiriApril 16, 2024No Comments
The problem with being a conspiracy theorist these days - well, apart from the societal-wide ridicule, the tyrannical state harassment, […]

A Rude Awokening

By: MiriApril 3, 2024No Comments
If you want to know what's really going on in the world - and perhaps more pertinently, what's to come […]

St. Martyr of Middleton and the Colossal Cancer Con

By: MiriMarch 27, 2024No Comments
Here's a question I have been pondering increasingly frequently recently: If it's the case that, were we to go to […]

From WFH to WTF...

By: MiriMarch 20, 2024No Comments
I heard a deeply tragic story the other day, from a rather unlikely source: a healthy 25-year-old with a well-paid […]

Things can only get better?

By: MiriMarch 10, 2024No Comments
Those of a certain age will no doubt remember D:ream's irritatingly catchy titular ditty that became the official anthem of […]

Wolves are more dangerous than sheep

By: MiriMarch 4, 2024No Comments
From when we are very small, we are tutored in the idea of the "saviour hero" defeating evil and putting […]

Who do you think you are?

By: MiriFebruary 26, 2024No Comments
Well, it seems I have put the conspiratorial cat well and truly amongst the pugnacious pigeons with my comments on […]


By: MiriFebruary 20, 2024No Comments
I don't usually like talking numbers (when you didn't pass your Maths GCSE until the age of 31, you generally […]

King Charles Does Not Have Cancer

By: MiriFebruary 6, 2024No Comments
In the phenomenally successful television sitcom, 'Friends', we often saw the three female characters - despite the actresses who played […]

Gillick Competency and Implied Consent

By: MiriJanuary 26, 2024No Comments
(A new page from my health resource, Informed Consent Matters, including a template letter to send to schools.) If you are a parent […]




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