Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

Written by: Miri
April 13, 2021

Why do you think the government would want to prolong your life?

I would like to sincerely put this question to every vaccine enthusiast out there, and would be very keen to hear their responses.

Before answering, I would like them to consider the below.

Are you out of work, with little hope of returning to your former profession, or with greatly reduced hours? Then why do you imagine the government would want to extend the time you are claiming state benefits?

Are you over 55, therefore approaching or at pension age? Then why do you think the government would want to prolong the time you drain the already overburdened pension pot?

Do you have a chronic health condition, such as diabetes, asthma, or thyroid issues? Then why do you think the government would want to extend the time you present an extra burden to the already half-crippled NHS?

Just think about it. What kind of burden do you place on the state, and what possible incentive would a cash-strapped government therefore have for wanting to extend that burden by giving you a protective therapy to extend your life, when they could just kill you and save themselves a lot of money instead? 

I know how that sounds to the modern, Western, mollycoddled ear - nobody could be so ruthlessly evil as to think about human life in such cold and transactional terms! - but I present to you a fringe little conspiracy theory known as 'all of human history'. People can be that evil, and often are, including and especially when they have risen to positions of power. May I remind you that the atrocities of Hitler, Mao, and Stalin were less than 100 years ago? Human nature when it's granted power doesn't change in such a brief flicker of time. 

So, to put it bluntly: are you more of a burden to the state than a benefit? Because if you are, they want you dead and they're currently trying to kill you. As despotic leaders all throughout history have repeatedly done.

If you're young, healthy, and generating a sturdy amount of income taxes, and/or you're providing an essential service that the ruling classes rely on - such as construction, electrical works, food production etc - then you're likely worth more to them alive than dead, and so they won't be trying to kill you (for now: they're probably trying to sterilise you, though). 

If you're older, in poor health, or out of work (especially if you're all three), you are seen as nothing but a burden by the people who rule over us. A "useless eater", using up what they see as "their" precious, limited resources. So - they want you dead and it's more expedient to get you to agree to your own demise by accepting a lethal injection, than to wage war on you openly and try to kill you in a more conventional way, such as bombing your country to smithereens, since you would likely notice they were doing that, and try to resist.

When the lethal injection is presented by slick PR campaigns as being "for your safety", and endorsed by all your favourite celebrities as the only way to reclaim your health and freedom, you're simply much more likely to conform to the agenda, than if an explicit enemy force came up to you and said, "hello, we'd like to kill you now because we're radical eugenic depopulationists". 

Surely, no serious person would argue that the ruling classes are NOT radical eugenic depopulationists? They're all obsessed with inter-marriage so bloodlines aren't tainted by the plebs (The Queen and Prince Philip being cousins, and the UK Monarchy being directly related to almost every US President), and they openly state their desires to drastically reduce the world's numbers, with vast swathes of the 'elite', now and throughout history, being members of The British Eugenics Society (which underwent a politically prudent rebranding in the eighties, and is now known as The Galton Institute - same thing, though). 

For centuries, it's been a dream of the ruling classes to "cleanse" the gene pool by exterminating millions of ordinary people -  inferior specimens, as they see us - and that's what all world wars and wars in general have always been about. Culling the herd. 

However, orchestrating wars is a very difficult and imprecise way of depopulating (since people tend to notice when they're being shot at and bombed, and work out ways to resist), which also causes hugely expensive damage to a country's infrastructure.

It is FAR more expedient and inexpensive to simply inject with poison all those you wish to get rid of. If you simply call the poison 'medicine', people will line up for it.  Far from resisting, they'll actually clamour for it. All you need to do to get away with it is ensure the poison is slow-acting. If you inject someone with something and their immediate reaction is to feel fine, and then they develop aggressive and incurable cancer 18 months later, they're not going to connect the two events. 

Therefore, you can kill off millions of people seamlessly and comparatively inexpensively, because there is no huge bill to rebuild the decimated infrastructure that overt war would cause. You also avoid creating an enraged surviving populace, hellbent on revenge, as they'll never know it was you who killed their loved ones - quite the contrary, they'll believe you were helping them, and those they will point the persecuting finger at are those who refused the poison and tried to warn others.

I just outline the above, because it's very simple logic and very difficult to argue against in a logical (rather than an emotive, YOU CRAZY QUACKALOON) way.

As the former VP of vaccine-producers, Pfizer, has stated, there is just no logical way this 'vaccine' is benevolent or benign, because there's no data to support such a conclusion. So-called Covid is a mild respiratory infection for most, it simply doesn't require enormous vaccination drives targeted at every person in the world, so that this is being pushed so aggressively means there can ONLY be malevolent motive behind it. 

We know that the ruling classes want to dramatically depopulate, so surely it is obvious that this is what the 'vaccine' (actually mRNA gene therapy) drive is really all about? That it quite clearly could not be about anything else?

Using logic, and looking at the categories I outlined at the beginning, what possible reason would the world's governments have for wanting to protect and preserve the lives of such "state burdens" as the old, the disabled, and the sick? The very same people the state has been slapping with DNRs left, right, and centre

No incentive. 

What incentive would they have for wanting to kill such people off? 


It's a devastatingly sad situation, but what we are going to see over the next two to four years is huge numbers of vaccinated individuals dying very prematurely, from conditions that ostensibly have no relationship to the vaccine, but which will all be deemed symptoms of some "mutated" variant of Covid, that the vaccine couldn't protect against. Aggressive and incurable cancers, fatal heart attacks, end-stage kidney disease, all these and more will become common as the slow-acting poison these people have willingly been injected with starts doing its job. 

And the worst thing - by far the worst thing of all - is all the people who know this is all a fraud, who know "lockdown" is preposterous, that masks are a farce, and that the tests don't work - but will be lining up for the injection anyway. Not because they trust it. Not because they think it's necessary or safe. Certainly not because they're afraid of catching "Covid".

They'll have it because - as yet another person sighed in resignation to me today - "there's no way of getting our lives back otherwise". 

So I write this in one final, last-ditch (because time has almost run out) attempt to remonstrate with these people. I'm not going to sugarcoat it. The time for softly-softly has passed: This vaccine is a lethal injection that will kill you.

it won't kill you immediately. It could take two, three, or even five or more years. But it will - in almost all cases (and presuming you haven't been lucky enough to be injected with a genuinely inert placebo, as I think some people have). Yes, having it might, in the short-term, make life superficially easier. But at what price?

I know we've all been inculcated to believe (this has all been part of the long game, part of the plan) that life is not worth living without being able to go to the pub and out for a meal, to festivals and movie theatres, flying away on holiday.

But virtually every society prior to ours survived and thrived without these things. Many around the world still do. I liked going to the pub as much as the next person (possibly a bit more than the next person, if I'm honest...) - but it is not worth forfeiting my life for! I don't need the pub to have a life, after all. I still have friends, family, a cosy front room where we can sit and chat. We can cook meals and have barbecues in the back garden. Go for walks and country drives. Watch films and read books. We can still live a full and eminently fulfilling life without submitting to the grotesque prospect of "injection for freedom" (and it would be grotesque even if the injection was benign). 

So, please: don't fall for the poisoned carrot and stick. It isn't worth it. As extraordinary as it may sound - and if nothing else, I think we can all agree we are living in extraordinary times - the government is trying to kill you, and like all serial killers, they don't tell their victims in advance this is what they're doing. 

If anyone can give me a cogent argument for why the state would be invested in prolonging the lives of those who most burden it, i'd certainly like to hear it - but nobody ever could when I used to ask the same question about the 'flu vaccine - free for over-65s, those who take up the biggest chunk of welfare spending? Why on Earth would the government spend millions on giving them a free therapy, if the purpose of this therapy was to extend the amount of time they spend draining from the state?

They obviously wouldn't. It obviously only makes economic sense if the purpose of the free therapy is to ultimately save money by shortening lives.

Exact same principle happening now, just on a bigger scale. 

Please see that this is happening. The ruling classes would not have pulled out all the stops orchestrating a worldwide pantomime on this scale unless there was some very staggering pay-off for them at the end of it.

There is. They want your money - or rather, the money they would have spent paying your pension, your hospital bills, your endless furlough - and they want your life.

Please see this: and please, please ensure you give them neither. 

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2 comments on “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars”

  1. This doesnt surprise me at all. I have already said similar things about this vaccine. This sad and scary. Some people have medical issues like myself. Some can be fixed and some can be controlled. They want us dead but they are throwing trilluons and trillons of our mobey away to other countries and GIVING it all away to illegals. So much maddness in this world right now that God is who I wait for to save me and everyone. Gods helping hand hopefully will be someone strong to carry out his work here. Someone like Trump. God Deliver us from evil and God Bless everyone.

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