Social Credit Siberia

As I write to you from electronic exile once more - I'm on a 30-day Facebook ban for "causing physical harm" by sharing the Pfizer data, as well as being demoted even further down the naughty steps with my posts "set to appear lower in the news feed" - I thought it was a good time to further explore the social credit system - as this is clearly what these various social media sanctions are preparing us for.

Facebook is a private company so I accept they can have and enforce standards about what content they want published there, just as most content-hosting sites do. News sites have comment moderation policies, chat forums have etiquette standards, and so on. If people break them, they get removed. So, if Facebook were simply to delete my account for not adhering to their standards, then this - although annoying - would be fair enough. If one chooses to join a service and accepts their terms of service, then violating said terms should be expected to result in a termination of service. If I don't like a site's terms, I can just join another site.

However, Facebook doesn't do this. It doesn't slap permanent bans on rule-violating users - or only very rarely - instead, it punishes them. It diminishes them. It removes privileges and temporarily freezes them out.

So, this is not an issue of a social resource merely wanting to maintain certain "community standards" and therefore getting rid of troublesome users who flout the rules - rather, it is about entraining the population to accept sanctions and restrictions for "wrongthought" - training them for when their opinions don't just curtail their social media access, but their access to the world. We've already seen bank accounts frozen in Canada for donating to the "wrong" causes (even for donations as small as $25), and so I think we can clearly see the trajectory we are now on.

I find it very interesting and revealing that, when on a Facebook ban, one can still access the site and read the content. If you're banned from Facebook, why aren't you entirely banned and unable to log in? Well, I think the reason for this is to set the stage for social credit freezes, which will all be done digitally and with no element of human physical force. No bouncer will be barring your access to anywhere, you'll still be allowed to walk into a supermarket and look at all the food - you just won't be able to buy any of it because your card will be frozen - because of that "right-wing" political movement you donated to, or because of that "anti-vaccine" content you shared on Facebook. There's an element of taunting, mocking, and ultimately further humiliating and degrading the victim here, a tactic most beloved of all psychopaths, in that, "you can LOOK at all the nice things, but you can't have them, because you've been a naughty little slave. Stop being disobedient and do as you're told, and then you'll be rewarded."

I'm sure that most people who read my site have seen Black Mirror, but if you haven't, I really recommend the 'Nosedive' episode (series one) that foresaw all this. That we are being conditioned by social media likes and ratings services (such as Uber, where you not only rate the driver, but he rates you) for a future where every aspect of our lives are rated by others, and low ratings equal exclusion from certain sections of society.

I have long since been very suspicious of Charlie Brooker, creator of Black Mirror, who I think probably comes from a much more distinguished background than we are given to believe. It seems he has an Aldous Huxley style role to play in revealing the ruling classes' plans to the populace, in that, Aldous Huxley was not just a "good writer with a vivid imagination", he was an insider who knew. He'd read the blueprint, seen the plans, and that was why he was able to come up with the eerily prescient Brave New World. Not incidentally, Charlie Brooker named his son 'Huxley'. He's also just signed a massively lucrative deal with military-grade psychological weapon, Netflix, and that combined with his ability to so accurately "predict" much of what is going on in the world now via Black Mirror suggests very high level elite connections. It has even occurred to me to wonder semi-seriously if the reason there hasn't been another series of Black Mirror, is because *this* is the new series. We're in it.

Note that the series began as something you passively watched, then became something you actively engaged with (as per the 'Bandersnatch' episode), and so, the natural evolution would be that, now you star in the show.

I think much was revealed to us about the true nature of our fabricated and stage-managed reality by the 1998 film, 'The Truman Show', in which a man is the star of his own reality TV show, but doesn't know it. He is adopted at birth by a TV station who create a fictional world around him and stage events for him to react to, which all seem to him very organic and 'real', but in fact are all pre-scripted and set up. Why, I wondered, is he called "Truman"? It's not exactly a common name. Why not something all-American and wholesome like Jimmy or Bobby or Mike? I can only conclude it is because the film is telling us, this is true, man - this is the true nature of man's stage-managed "reality", which is scripted and directed by hidden hands creating fiction around us and having us unknowingly star in our own pre-scripted reality TV shows as we react (re *act*). Notably, The Truman Show is available on the two dominant elite-owned streaming services, Netflix and Amazon Prime. Whenever a film or TV series makes it onto one of these platforms, you can be sure it is something full of predictive programming and other mind-bending spells that the overlords want you to see. When it makes it onto both, well...

So many people have said over the past two years that "it's like living in an episode of Black Mirror", and it may not simply be "like" that, it may be that we actually are, inducted into a Truman-Show style mirage that is being scripted and directed by powerful hidden hands. This is indicative of the overlords' belief that there is no such thing as objective reality or objective truth, but rather, that reality is what they say it is and that they can conjure it up simply by force of their own will. If they say, "there's a pandemic", and then litter the world with pandemic stage props such as face masks and social distance stickers, whilst drugging people to death and then fabricating their death certificates, then people start to behave as if there really is a pandemic - they react organically to the fabricated event, just like Truman does in his show.

So now here we are on the dawn of a social credit system, just as acted out in 'Nosedive', and as the ruling classes are training us to get used to via social media bans. Similar concepts have been introduced in other films, such as 1993's Demolition Man, where obedient citizens live in SMART cities and are able to enjoy luxuries like restaurants and cars, whereas rule-violators are exiled to an underground community and barred from participating in mainstream life - unless and until they comply with the rules.

The positive sheen on all this, however, is that there is always that option. There is always the option to be an outsider and an "outcast" from the system, and, in fact, the system needs that, it needs an excluded outlaw class to otherise and demonise - this helps them keep the mainstream population in line, by pointing to the outcasts, and saying menacingly, "you'd better follow the rules, as you don't want to end up like THEM, do you?!"

As the "fictionalised" Forbes article that predicted mainstream life in 2030 put it,

"My biggest concern is all the people who do not live in our city. Those we lost on the way. Those who decided that it became too much, all this technology. Those who felt obsolete and useless when robots and AI took over big parts of our jobs. Those who got upset with the political system and turned against it. They live different kind of lives outside of the city. Some have formed little self-supplying communities. Others just stayed in the empty and abandoned houses in small 19th century villages."

You mean a kind of social networking and community life shadowy Big Tech "elites" can't interfere with and control? Sounds good to me.

(Please note: I accidentally published this as a 'page', rather than a 'post', hence there is no comment facility... So you can clearly see I lack the technological prowess to be part of the SMART transhumanist future anyway...)

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