The Demographics of Democide

Written by: Miri
July 29, 2021
 | One Comment

I've always paid close attention to the demographic trends where it comes to vaccination, as these reveal a great deal. If vaccination were the intelligent, "pro-science" thing to do, then we would logically expect intelligent, well-educated people (especially those educated in epidemiological and immunological sciences) to be vaccines' most fervent supporters, with those less affluent and well-educated trailing behind - as is the case, for instance, with healthy eating. Affluent, well-educated people are more likely to eat healthier, be slimmer, and therefore have less disease related to poor diet such as obesity and diabetes.

However, where it comes to vaccination, the exact opposite is the case. The more affluent, highly educated, and professionally successful someone is, the less likely they are to vaccinate, and this is even more pronounced if they have a background in sciences with a strong statistical element, such as epidemiology.

Conversely, those most likely to complete the vaccination schedule on time and in full are high-school dropouts. All over the world, and without exception, the more deprived and disadvantaged the area, the more likely they are to vaccinate. In the USA, the state with the highest vaccination uptake is Mississippi. This state also has the highest rates of infant mortality. Similar trends can be observed in the UK and throughout the rest of the world.

Needless to say, wherever you have a product that is less consumed by the affluent and educated, and more consumed by the deprived and disadvantaged, this is not a product that is good for you. Vaccines, essentially, are and always have been about population control, and the eugenicists and depopulationists who develop them have always been more concerned with expediting the depopulation of the poor (this shouldn't come as any surprise to my Labour-voting friends, who think the Tories are always trying to kill them, except in the middle of a deadly pandemic, when they graciously take a break).

What is interesting about the current vaccination drive is that the trends are much less clear-cut, and whilst affluence does certainly seem to be a factor (with many poor, working-class areas having some of the highest vaccine uptakes in the country), this isn't the key determining factor.

So what is?

Race and religion.

By FAR the most likely group to receive the current injections are white people with no particular religious convictions - and that is true whether they are rich or poor. So, the areas with the highest uptake currently are not "poor areas" as such - not unless the poor area is also predominantly white. Predominantly white areas, whether rich or poor, have near identical (high) vaccination rates.The areas with the lowest uptakes are areas where there is a significant Muslim and/or otherwise multicultural and religious community.

Why is this?

It's because the overlords - as ever - have been playing the long game. A hundred years ago, the UK had a rich culture based on the same kinds of cultural institutions and traditions as the rest of the world. Religion and religious institutions played a pivotal part in most people's lives - going to Church and being part of a strong and robust Christian community - and integrated, extended families and communities, where neighbours knew each other and multigenerational living was common, were the norm. The UK also had a rich tradition of great indigenous literature, art, and music.

Strong, self-contained cultures like this, that don't look to the state to define or support them, are impossible for ruthless psychopathic elites to control, and hence, in order to achieve the full spectrum dominance the overlords desire, such cultures must be destroyed. In the post-war years, the ruling elite have diligently devoted themselves to subverting, re-engineering, and ultimately destroying the indigenous culture of the UK, and the way they have done this is through buying people off with subsidised leisure and glitzy, high-octane entertainments.

As the cultural institutions and traditions of the UK collapsed through the 1960s, '70s, and '80s, too few people noticed - or if they did, they didn't care - as they were gleefully enjoying all the new pleasures and entertainments on offer instead, in the the form of cheap holidays abroad, 24-hour off licences, big-screen cinemas, pop concerts, and professional sports.

Beer and football. Bread and circuses.

By 2021, the vast majority of white indigenous Britons - whether rich or poor - have lost all sense of having a "cultural identity" (and many have been taught to believe such a thing would be racist or imperialist anyway) and, instead, derive all meaning and pleasure from leisure activities such as the pub, eating out, gigs and sports, and going abroad.

Contrast this to Muslim and other minority communities (including white people from cultures with strong religious beliefs/cultural traditions) and you see something quite different. These communities may very well enjoy leisure activities, but they're not typically the centrepieces of their lives. Muslims have large, multigenerational families; they go to the mosque and read the Quran; they maintain traditional garb and food and art. They have an internal culture, defined and maintained by the people in it; they're not dependent on the state to define or make it available to them.

Ditto many other minority communities, such as Polish Catholics, Orthodox Romanians, Muslim and Christian Nigerians, etc. etc.

So: when the state wades in and declares it is going to take all leisure activity away from people who don't submit to the needle, such a threat is going to disproportionately affect a particular group of people, and that group is indigenous white Britons who do not have alternative meaning or substance to their lives.

There are millions of people to whom it is quite literally unthinkable to live without going on holiday and on nights out, because their entire adult lives have been pivoted around these activities. They work jobs they hate to afford this. They are able to tolerate otherwise intolerably empty lives with the promise of the big match, the summer festival, the dream vacation.

I know a depressingly large number of people who KNOW the corona circus is all nonsense (or at least that it's been wildly exaggerated), who know the injection is dangerous and unnecessary - but they've taken it anyway, because "what kind of life will we have without it?". And guess what - they're ALL white, indigenous Britons.

My Muslim neighbours won't have it. My Polish Catholic friends won't. But white, indigenous Britons? They're lining up for it, literally (the queue at the local "grab a jab" centre was "around the block" according to a - white British - friend who stopped by).

It's a form of ethnic cleansing, using tried and tested war tactics to destroy a people. First, you destroy all their meaningful cultural institutions and traditions (telling them how disgusting and evil - racist! bigoted! - these traditions are, is a very effective tactic for doing this), and then, the atomised, rootless, demoralised people you have left, are very easy to destroy and wipe out.

So, if you want to survive the genocidal onslaught currently underway, do this: get a culture. Develop and maintain a meaningful culture that has nothing to do with external environments or activities that the state can control. and that is solely defined and maintained by you, the people in it.

Because it is the people who do this (or have already done it) who the future belongs to. Individual people don't survive (we all die eventually). But cultures do.

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One comment on “The Demographics of Democide”

  1. Very insightful and due observation. The loss of religion and culture in a nation doesn't augur well for it. These two root us to values, meanings, purpose and connects us to our true human nature. A rootless people will lack foundation for their lives and will end up building their lives on false premises and pursuits. Consumerism of all sorts is a form of escapism, a running away from our restless, agitated states. Attempting to resolve our inner conflicts, our emptiness, lack of contentment, satisfaction, joy and peace by incessantly engaging the senses and pursuing the things of the world will never free us from the enslavement and constriction imposed upon us by systems that don't serve our true human nature . What we want from life is peace, happiness, joy, contentment and these are states, attributes of the spiritual body, the soul and heart. States don't belong to the physical body and do not arise from mere chemical and electric reactions in the body. Consumerism and endless entertainment or as Neil Postman says" Amusing ourselves to Death", will never nourish the soul and bring it back from its fragmented state to a wholesome one. Fragmented souls are conflicted souls and this state of inner conflict is the vibrational frequency of most human beings and hence the endless conflicts in our individual and collective lives.

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