The fear factory has something for everyone (or does it..?)

Written by: Miri
February 20, 2022

As most residents of the UK are aware, we have had a rather windy weekend, as it quite common for these isles this time of year, with gale-force winds whipping down trees and severing power to several areas. The Met Office issued a weather warning as a result, advising against all-but essential travel, and many schools and businesses shut their doors as a precaution. I didn't really think anything of this initially - it seemed sensible and normal, and I myself cancelled travel plans to see friends in other cities. Maybe I am more inured to the idea of the weather impudently intruding on plans than most, because I lived for a year on the US/Canadian border, and that place sees some serious weather... I remember there once being a fairly casual announcement on the radio, one particularly snow-saturated day, that nobody was to go outside "or your skin will freeze". Fallen trees knocking out power was so common that it was quite usual for families to have back-up generators.

So it didn't raise any alarm bells for me this weekend, when the government told us to stay home and stay safe, to only travel for "essential" reasons, and schools and businesses closed their doors...

Well, it really, really should have and I suddenly saw it when the ever-perceptive Dr. Zoe Harcombe Tweeted this:

May be a Twitter screenshot of 1 person and text that says 'Dr Zoe Harcombe, PhD @zoeharcombe UK folks did you notice the weather lockdown yesterday? Stay at home, essential travel only, schools closed, trains cancelled... 'cos it was windy! Once the playbook is established, it can be used for anything any time. #EnoughlsEnough 07:09 19/02/2022 Twitter for iPad 1,065 Retweets 4,088 Likes'

I immediately saw what was happening, and in fact, a friend of mine - Jonathan Tilt, leader of the Freedom Alliance party - has been cautioning for months that "virus lockdowns" would end up being replaced by "climate change lockdowns". As Dr. Zoe says, once the playbook is established...

Fear of the virus is waning thin, as fear-based behavioural modification campaigns always do. This has been known by psychology for a long time, and it's why the anti-smoking campaigns rolled out in schools in the '80s and '90s didn't work. What psychologists found was that whilst terrifying children about the hideous dangers of tobacco was very effective in the short-term (inspiring scolding schoolchildren across the land to dash home demanding parents abolished the filthy habit immediately), it was not effective at all in the medium or long-term, and by age 18, just as many teens had taken up smoking, as did before the anti-smoking campaigns in schools were introduced.

Fear only works to control people for quite a short period of time, as it is not a state we are designed to maintain. It's an emergency response, and once we perceive the emergency has elapsed, the fear - and the behaviour that resulted from that fear - begins to evaporate.

I know people are still wearing masks and testing and so on, but at this stage, that's definitely more about social cachet and being seen as a "good person", than it is fear of a virus.

So now they need to frighten us with something else.

Enter: climate change! The big bad bogeyman that's been hanging around on the virus's coat-tails for the last two years, and now it finally gets to take centre stage once more.

It's clear to see that many of the measures ostensibly about "protecting us from a virus" were really about reducing carbon (such as making air travel near-impossible and having everyone work from home), and so this will translate pretty seamlessly into actual, explicit "climate change lockdowns". (I don't know why the overlords wish to reduce carbon - clearly it's not to protect anyone from anything, as nothing they do is - but they do certainly seem to wish to do it.)

Now, I know, I know, people are going to say, "but the virus wasn't really a threat. Staying at home to protect you from a virus is stupid. But staying at home to protect you from bad weather is sensible."

And I agree. As I said, it's something I'm more used to than most having lived somewhere which had some really extreme weather. I took it seriously, and when advised to stay at home, I did. The point is, when I lived in the US and the local authorities advised us to stay at home, they didn't follow it up with ".... or expect to be arrested, fined, and have your bank account frozen."

And that's where this is likely going. This weekend was a test. They wanted to test to see how much fear they could whip up in the population using the weather, and how many would be compliant to stay-at-home orders as a result. Right now, the advice to stay at home is just that - advice. But so was the stay-at-home messaging at the beginning of "the pandemic". It moved very quickly to "criminal offence to go to a friend's house and punitive fines for sitting on park benches".

They are going to do the exact same thing with the weather that they did with the virus. Yes, there will be worse weather than usual (and if you don't think "they" can manipulate the weather, do you even conspiracise, bro?) . And yes, there will be risks.

But it is incumbent on all autonomous adults to decide for themselves what risks they will take in life, it is NOT the government's role to force "safety measures" on us, whether the risk is said to be a virus, the weather, or extra terrestrials beaming down from the sky. The government may issue guidance and advice as to what it believes are desirable behaviours (as it does with diet and exercise and so on), but it has no authority or legitimacy to force these measures on us. Not for a virus. Not for bad weather. Not for anything. If free people determine they wish to continue to live freely - to go outside, to work, to see friends - then that is their right, whatever "risks" the government judges are implicit in such behaviour - and everything we do in life carries some degree of risk. Think how many people are killed on the roads every year, but we don't ban driving - although I am very well aware the overlords would really, really like to (all for your safety, of course, nothing to do with further impeding your freedom and liberty to go where you want when you want).

My concern therefore is that this latest bogeyman churned out by the fear factory - bad weather - is going to see a significant number of people change sides.

"Ok," they will say. "The virus was obviously a hoax and no real threat to us, but this is real! I've seen roofs ripped off houses, huge debris flying through the air, my area was without power for days! THIS we need to take seriously!"

Of course we need to take it seriously and take prudent precautions; but we also need to be extremely mindful of what the government is using this situation (which it probably created via HAARP etc.) for. The endgame of the overlords is to have you isolated and alone in your home, interacting with the world only through your devices ('the Metaverse'), and eschewing the real world as "too dangerous". If you find yourself doing that repeatedly and over significant periods of time then - regardless of whether you're doing it to avoid a virus or a storm - they've got you where they want you.

Anyone who's seen through the Covid hoax knows the government doesn't care about our health, and in fact, has orchestrated this whole pandemic ruse as a mass depopulation-via-injection exercise. So why would they suddenly now care about protecting us from bad weather? They don't. They are using the weather - regardless of whether it's organic or manipulated - as a tool to force compliance with their "new normal" - staying at home and living through machines.

Every so often, a new bogeyman will be introduced - storms, flooding, pollution, car crashes, viruses, aliens - to further trauma-brainwash the populace into believing the outside world and real life are "too dangerous", encouraging them to retreat further and further into the internet, Netflix, and VR (have you seen the kinds of wrap-around virtual reality contraptions kids are now getting for Christmas? I have, and wish I hadn't).

We are at a very dangerous stage of the narrative now, as all Covid curbs look to be dropped this week, and so very many people are thinking, "that's it, we've won, they've listened to the people and we're going back to normal" - which makes us acutely vulnerable, They say that the time a football team is most at risk of conceding a goal is when they've just scored one, and it is so true. When you think you've triumphed, you drop your guard and your vigilance. It is not a coincidence that, just as all the Covid restrictions are being dropped, near-identical restrictions are being introduced under the guise of "protecting us from the weather".

Yes, protect yourself from the weather - just as we have all always done without needing any threats or punitive fines from the government - but as ever, just as important as staying safe, is staying vigilant - and staying human.

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5 comments on “The fear factory has something for everyone (or does it..?)”

  1. This is brilliant as usual. I cling on to your every word. I really, really hope to meet one day soon, re my book. I know of no better word-smith other than Russell Brand.

  2. Hit the nail on the head. I went for a walk in the forest near Castle Rising. Got blown about a bit by the wind and a little wet, nothing even close to life threatening. Did you all notice that the reporters telling us all to stay indoors were doing their warnings outdoors?

  3. Yep climate lockdown next on the agenda, was just posting the other week how the media propaganda was stating on talk sports radio about the storm in Florida, bending palm trees....really

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