The Mutation of Mass Psychosis

Written by: Miri
March 18, 2022

I must confess, I did think after the machinations of total madness that characterised the last two years, that I was largely unshockable where it came to the lengths of lunacy the masses would go to if instructed by the TV.

But I was wrong. Oh so very wrong.

When I heard last week that the government was offering families £350 a month to house a complete stranger from a war zone who can't speak English for an indefinite period of time, I thought, nobody in their right mind will go for this (£350 a month, incidentally, is less than a quarter of what families are paid to take a foster child, and there is constantly a desperate shortage of foster carers).

What I forgot, obviously, was that the events of the last two years have demonstrated with stark unresounding clarity that most people in this country are not in their right minds, and are, in fact, in the throes of a form of mass delusional psychosis. But I suppose I thought the psychosis was largely situational, that the Covid chapter represented a unique opportunity for implanting delusions and controlling behaviour that had now begun to dissipate. I thought that people had temporarily taken leave of their senses in response to a perceived extreme threat, but now that the emergency is over, and people have reflected on the last two years and all its surreal devastation, that they would not be so easily duped and exploited again.

Like I said, I was wrong.

At the time of writing, over 150,000 people have willingly volunteered detailed information to the government about what space they have in their houses to accommodate others, and confirmed that they are absolutely happy for traumatised foreign strangers who can't speak the language and who won't pay rent to live with them indefinitely (note, you have to sign up for a six month "minimum" period to participate in this scheme, but there is absolutely no information at all on what happens to these refugees once the six months are up, or how you terminate a placement prematurely if it isn't working - which clearly belies these placements are meant to be open-ended and likely permanent).

A lot of people have said about this, "oh, this is all virtue-signalling talk. When it comes down to it, these people aren't actually going to let strangers come and live with them."

I'm afraid, however, that if you think that, you're approaching the issue from a place of rational sanity, and that is not the place would-be "hosts" are operating from. At all. The mass formation psychosis responsible for compliance with the Covid insanity, has now simply seamlessly transferred itself to another issue (which is why all would-be hosts are triple-jabbed devout plague zealots - and they all are). If you want a direct insight into the kind of mentality we are actually dealing with here, I recommend reading this thread on the subject on the popular chat forum, 'Mumsnet'. The overriding concern of those posting is - not the practicalities of housing deeply traumatised strangers from an alien culture, not the possible safety risks, not the deep disruption to a household or the financial implications - but that they will look like "bad people" if they don't do it. That theme comes up again and again, and this particular quote really sums it up:

"My teen and tween are at home alone for a few hours after school before we finish work. I don't know if I (or they) would feel comfortable having a stranger in the house with them. But I know that is quite selfish and distrustful."

To feel uncomfortable with complete strangers alone with your children inside your house for months on end is "selfish and distrustful"? I don't like to sound condemnatory or fatalistic, but there is very little hope for a person like that. They have abdicated all values and moral standards - including the safety of their own children inside what should be their safest sanctuary of all, their own home - in order to comply with the latest media hypnosis campaign, and when a person is so spellbound they will sacrifice their own children (just as they did to Covid, with solitary confinement, masking, and injections), then they are beyond all hope or redemption. If you won't fight to protect your children, what will you fight for? Nothing, obviously - and the overlords know it, which is why they have been able to impose this latest outrageous and dangerous agenda item with such ease.

As it happens, however, the UK is not a particularly desirable destination for most Ukrainians - it's a very long way from home, the culture is completely different, and there's a language barrier. Most refugees prefer to be as close as possible to their home culture and with people they share a language with. Hence, it has been suggested there are as many as 20-30 would-be hosts for every one Ukrainian family who wants to come here.

So what's the Government going to do? Politely hand you back your details and say, "sorry, you didn't win the pet Ukrainian refugee raffle this time, better luck next crisis!" No. They're going to use all the detailed data they now have on who has what room and their willingness to accommodate troubled foreign strangers indefinitely, to put ANY "displaced people" with you. All those Afghan refugees currently in hotels at the tax-payers expense and many and various other "inconvenient" individuals the government can't be bothered to deal with properly, are now going to come to live with you - and how can you say no, without looking like the worst kind of hypocrite? (And not just a hypocrite, but a racist hypocrite.)

That was my prediction yesterday, and then today it is confirmed in the press that that shining beacon of humanitarianism, Matt Hancock, intends to make the "Home a Ukrainian" scheme a permanent scheme for ALL displaced people. Well, there are always displaced people - there are always wars, conflicts, traumas and so on causing people to flee their homes, so anyone who has glibly handed over their data to the government via the "Homes for Ukrainians" schemes, is now going to be expected to open their home permanently.

This is in line with very, very sinister proposed EU legislation called "Right to Housing", which effectively states that if you have a spare room, you are obliged to hand it over to someone without a home. At the moment, this legislation seems "only" to relate to holiday and second homes, stating they cannot be left empty but rather will be used to house "displaced" people.

But the Homes for Ukrainians scheme makes it obvious this legislation is imminently to expand to include the home you permanently live in, too, and that this legislation could be used to bring in a Communist-style scheme (which has already existed in other parts of the world), where the law is, one person, one room, and every room in every house is allocated as a bedroom for someone - including the living room. Please see this comment I received on an earlier post about the refugee situation confirming this:


Participation in the "Home A [Fill in the Blank]" scheme also strictly prohibits the host families from charging rent - even if their "guests" get full-time jobs (note all incoming refugees have the same rights to work as the native populace). What this means is that people living under these schemes as long-term "guests", without any rent or mortgage obligations, will be able to work much more cheaply than ordinary UK natives. Therefore, UK companies can simply fire their UK workforce and rely on much cheaper foreign labour, which P & O Ferries has already done.

You will notice retail giants such as Aldi and Morrison's have stated they will employ Ukrainian refugees in large numbers. But how, when these outfits are not suffering a dramatic staff shortage? It's obvious what they will do to fulfil this promise - fire the UK staff and replace them with cheap foreign labour. (There could also be a more sinister reason for needing to quickly replace the UK workforce, as I speculated here.)

This phenomenon will become more and more widespread, thus undercutting more and more UK workers, and this coupled with this spiralling costs of living are going to make a conventional lifestyle - one family with one or two earning adults per household - increasingly unsustainable. More and more, people will HAVE to capitulate to Communist-style house-shares with strangers - likely propped up by UBI, which is effectively being trialled with the £350 a month to house a refugee - to keep going.

This being the case, me and my household (me, husband, cat) are in serious talks with local, like-minded friends about developing our own house-share before one is imposed on us by the Government. We had been talking about this at the beginning of the Covid chapter, as there are many social and practical benefits to house-sharing in life under lockdown, especially if mainstream society becomes inaccessible by virtue of "vaccine passports", "digital IDs", or whatever other absurdly Orwellian imposition the overlords have in store next.

But in light of recent developments, we have redoubled our efforts and are starting to investigate suitable properties in the local area. I have quite a bit of experience of shared houses, having lived in several in my twenties and a 7-person Buddhist commune for four years in my childhood (you didn't think I'd had a normal childhood to turn into such a crazed conspiraquack, surely?!). With the right people, they can work incredibly well and have all sorts of advantages (some of which I detailed in this piece, which seems sort of serendipitous now...).

Obviously, this is not for everyone and not everyone is in a position to do it. And as the future is anything but predictable, I don't know if we will end up doing it, either. But I think the key point at this time is to be open and adaptable to new and potentially very different ways of living, as the old world falls away with increasing rapidity. I don't think there's anything much we can do at this stage to stop the global agenda unfolding as the overlords intend (not that it's not always worth trying), but I do think we can respond positively and creatively by using what could be perceived as imminent danger, as an opportunity instead. I mean, let's be honest, life pre-plague wasn't really all that fantastic, was it? So maybe as the old world burns - painful as that is - it is giving us a wonderful and vital opportunity to develop something much better - something that is centred around meeting our needs, not the needs of "the system". Something that is, ultimately, much more human.

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2 comments on “The Mutation of Mass Psychosis”

  1. Of course the jobs thing has been happening a long time under EU freedom of movement laws.
    The whole ‘British are lazy’ narrative is outrageously disingenuous because how can native Brits, with rent or mortgage to pay, possibly compete for minimum-wage jobs with EU migrants living 10 or more to a house. Of COURSE they’d be better off on benefits, it was designed that way. I’ve observed it particularly in the agriculture/food industries where farms and pack houses are staffed entirely by EU migrants on minimum wage. No-one British with a family to feed would be able to afford to do those kind of jobs any longer. Meanwhile the corporate giants of the food industry are making record profits and pack house towns have become like slums. It’s a race to the bottom, it really is.

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