What event triggered World War I?

Written by: Miri
July 22, 2024
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You may be forgiven for thinking you have just stumbled across this year's History GCSE paper, because this question remains one of the very few every schoolchild knows the answer to - and an answer we all remember, even decades after the fact. The answer being, of course:

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

Ferdinand was a key political figure of the time, being heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne. His assassination, carried out by political opponents, precipitated the July Crisis which led to Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia and the start of World War I.

Fast forward 110 years, and we've just had our own "July crisis" - an alleged assassination attempt on a key political figure, whilst the world teeters on the brink of World War III.

This "assassination attempt" was obviously fake (staged using crisis actors), as I have previously detailed - and at this point, even some prominent Trump supporters have come out to acknowledge the fakery... but shrugged, "that doesn't matter because it will help Trump get elected".

It's interesting to consider their perspective, because those of us who do not support Trump, and have dismissed the "assassination attempt" as a fake, are being furiously derided, by truculent Trumpettes, as evil libtards who don't care about violence when it's directed at the right (after four years of being a "far-right extremist", I am quite enjoying a little variation in political pejorative).

For example, Trump supporter Mike Stone acknowledges the attack was fake, but justifies it by essentially saying, "well, the Democrats play dirty, so we have to, as well".

He gives a number of reasons that make it obvious the shooting was staged, including:

1) No blood, no bodies, no surveillance video: There is no photographic evidence that Corey Comperatore was killed. Have you seen his bloody corpse? I haven't. Nobody has. 

2) Go Fund Me accounts set up within 24 hours: In this case, the Go Fund Me accounts went up so fast it was as if they had already been planned. And they've raised millions. This is one of the ways in which participants get paid. (I've noted this myself in relation to cases like Nicola Bulley and Jay Slater - highly publicised Go Fund Me's are how crisis actors in staged media events are compensated.)

3) The alleged perpetrator immediately caught or killed: Yup, a feminine-acting soyboy with no motive whatsoever to shoot at Trump. He's gone now (if he ever existed) and can't be questioned. Dead men tell no tales.

(Read the full article and all seven of Mike's observations here.)

In relation to 3), I almost literally LOL'd (or gave an incredulous snort, but I'm not sure there's an acronym for that) when I saw what the media had come up with in terms of accrediting a motive to the supposed shooter:

His connections to Iran!

Of course. I mean, just look at him. An obvious highly trained military asset of the Iranian secret services if ever I saw one...

Preposterous and laughable as this is, however, the seeds have now been sown, and the media is abuzz with news of a supposed Iranian plot to assassinate Trump.

Trump is currently 78 years of age. If he serves the full four years as president, he would be 82, and certainly couldn't be elected again (much has been made of Joe Biden's elderly status, with his age-related cognitive decline finally forcing him to stand down from the presidential race, and he is one year younger than Trump would be if he were to do the full four years).

So, whatever way you spin it - whether you believe, as I do, Trump is a disingenuous actor playing a scripted role, or you believe he is a sincere agent for political change - the fact remains that he is at the end of his working life, already far beyond the age most people retire.

Does he really want to spend his golden years working around the clock in an exhaustive office job, when he could be enjoying his wealth and spending time with his family? Might he not be ready to hand over the reins to someone else, using his immense fame and popularity to help give that person the leverage into the political spotlight they need, before "exiting stage left"?

If Trump was prepared play his part in staging an assassination "attempt", what's to stop him acting out an actual assassination?

People do fake their own deaths, and it's not even that uncommon, as I covered in my article, 'Was "Dr" Michael Mosley a spook who faked his own death?".

My thesis was, Agent Mosley had, at the age of 67, completed his contract with the intelligence agencies, so had his character killed off in order that he could enjoy his retirement in peace, without having to be accountable for anything he'd done (e.g., aggressively pushing the bioweapon "vaccine" on millions).

So imagine if, once Trump is installed as president, he is "assassinated by Iran".

There we go: that would be the incendiary ignitor the overlords are desperate for to catalyse World War III - just as a similar political assassination triggered World War I a century ago.

An assassination by a hostile power of a sitting US President would be more globally inflammatory than even 9/11, and would, without question, plunge us into the long-prophesised East v. West third and final world war.

To be clear, I believe at the highest levels, these countries are all on the same side, working for the same people, and to the same ends. We could see that with how all the supposed division and conflict between world powers instantly evaporated during the Covid chapter, and they all went lockstep with their response to the pretend pandemic (whilst the few world leaders brave enough to rebel and publicly label Covid a hoax, were swiftly dealt with).

The global management team desires a radical worldwide social and political restructure, and they have determined - as they have in the past - that the best way to achieve one is through a world war. So that's what they're gearing up for.

Very briefly, their goal is to bring an end to the liberal attitudes and democratic politics that have characterised Western societies since the end of World War II, and bring in something much more harsh and autocratic: that is why the liberal West (USA, UK, Europe) is set to lose any global conflict, and the conservative East (Iran, China, Russia) is set to win.

It's also why we are having frighteningly illiberal and undemocratic candidates installed in key political positions, such as impending Vice President, JD Vance.

Vance has stated he believes that certain groups of people (including the childless and those who own cats) should have less voting power than others (hypothesising that parents should get an extra vote for every child they have), and this stance - that some groups should have far more political representation and power than others - is wholly shared and endorsed by his long-term mentor and exceptionally generous benefactor, Peter Thiel.

(Ironically, Mr. Thiel is himself childless. It is unknown whether he owns cats.)

Mr. Thiel believes that women voting is bad for democracy - so bad, in fact, that female involvement in politics may have rendered the very concept of democracy itself into an oxymoron. He's also not at all keen on anyone in receipt of state benefits being permitted to have a political voice.

Thiel has even gone so far as to state that "freedom [for people like him] and democracy [for the rest of us] are not compatible".

This is really quite terrifying to contemplate, when you realise just how close Vance, and his puppet master, Thiel, are to occupying the most powerful political office in the world.

And if Trump is "assassinated", they would occupy it.

As I said, Trump is nearly 80 and very much ready to depart the world stage and enjoy his retirement in peace.

Vance, however, is not even 40, and, as such, has decades of political life left in front of him.

Decades to be America's first anti-democratic dictator who removes the vote from vast swathes of society?

I've talked extensively about the "Don't Vote" psy-op, the establishment push to stop dissidents from voting in order to neutralise them politically. As you can see from Vance and Thiel's comments, the moneyed elite HATE the thought of ordinary people being able to vote, and want to restrict the vote only to people just like them - just as the elites did for hundreds of years before universal suffrage.

The Don't Vote psy-op has already been very successful in achieving this goal, stopping all sorts of "undesirable" groups from voting. We know, as Mr. Thiel has clarified, that the elites hate poor women likely to be in receipt of state benefits - and wouldn't you just know who the least likely person is to vote? A poor woman likely to be in receipt of state benefits.

It's obviously not a coincidence. The social engineers have been diligently working away to excise as many "undesirables" from the democratic process as possible, as they're gearing up to axing democracy altogether and returning to authoritarian dictatorship, where a small cadre of extremely wealthy and powerful men (and possibly some "trans women") tell the rest of us what to do.

However, the elites are well aware that, if they simply forced a dictator upon us, there would be rebellion. They've long since learned that it's far more efficacious to "manufacture consent" than to use brute force, and a good way to manufacture consent for the suspension of democracy and all associated rights - as we saw so clearly during "Covid" - is to claim there is a national emergency.

And there's no bigger national emergency than a world war.

If Trump is "assassinated", and Vance becomes president, he could get a mass mandate for all sorts of unrestricted powers that people would never agree to under ordinary circumstances.

Trump has already become a messianic figure amongst his supporters, therefore an assassination would canonise him, and the hysteria amongst the American people that would result could easily be harnessed to legitimise some very sinister political changes, were Vance to take power.

It's of note that Vance has a far more appealing origin story for president than Trump does. Trump was born rich and stayed rich, which isn't an especially inspiring biography... but the whole of America already knows about Vance's astonishing life trajectory: what a troubled background he came from, and how he battled against adversity and overcame all the odds to truly achieve the American Dream!

The whole of America knows about this because Vance's life story has already, very conveniently, been made into a New York Times bestseller and Hollywood film, that has just shot back into the Netflix top five.

The stage has been set perfectly.

If anyone's got the credentials to capture the American public's hearts - and manage their minds - following a "Trump assassination", it's JD Vance (and his handlers).

His political career has been too slickly managed and too meteoric (one year's political experience to running for Vice President?) for it to be intended to be anything but hugely significant.

And consider this: if Vance succeeds in his wish to give parents extra voting power - an extra vote for each child - and the West goes to war with the Islamic Republic of Iran, what would be the implications?

Who has the biggest families in the West?

It's not liberals, sure.

But it's not traditional Republican conservatives, either.

It's Muslims...

And there is absolutely no way that Vance is not aware of this. Muslims as a group are already far more likely to vote than much of the indigenous population (as I have covered in previous articles: this is why they were able to get their candidates elected in this year's UK General Election), so to amplify their political voices yet further by giving them an extra vote per child, would change the political, social, and cultural landscape of the West completely.

Note that Vance has already labelled the UK an "Islamist country".

Maybe he knows something about the planned future direction of the West that we don't?

As usual with my predictions, I hope I'm completely wrong, but I put it on the table as a possibility, because if events do play out as I have predicted, we will know once and for all, without any hesitation or doubt, that the world really is a stage.

We will probably never know for sure, however, if Peter Thiel owns any cats.

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