Whether you're feeling a bit blue, or psychopaths are trying to kill you, the best medicine remains the same...

Written by: Miri
April 3, 2022
 | One Comment

I am thrilled to report that, in this era of perennial doom, gloom, and aforementioned homicidal psychopaths, that I have had a simply splendiferous weekend. The reason for this is that I have spent much of it in a state of near-delirious hysteria. Now, many of my critics may say I spend most of the time like that anyway, but this was hysteria of a different variety - of the very, very amused variety.

On Friday, I discovered the work of two comedic geniuses, whom I have been watching on repeat on YouTube ever since (and anybody who knows me knows I hate videos, so this is an unprecedented endorsement in itself), named Cassady Campbell and Alex Stein. They are two young men from Texas, who have been going around their local council meetings, lampooning "liberals" and their incoherent triumvirate obsessions of vaccination, transgenderism, and Ukraine. Please take ten minutes to watch this, where they both deliver short performances to the city council of Plano, Texas, and tell me that your life isn't better as a result...

Of course, as with any such performances these days, you have to ask yourself, "is this really satire?", because actual reality has become so insane, it's often difficult or impossible to tell. But, having watched some news interviews with them both, I can assure you it is satire - sort of. It's satire in as much as they don't believe what they're saying and are poking fun at the extremist lunatic "left", but it's also not, insofar as they're not saying things the left don't themselves actually say.

Seriously - the same day I watched these skits for the first time, a Facebook friend of mine - who is also a real-life friend, although admittedly one I haven't seen for a long time - posted this:

(Note, 'folx', due to the clearly deeply patriarchal and oppressive nature of the letters 'k' and 's'.)

I marvelled at this statement for quite some time, although that did not help me understand what it actually means.

So when I say Campbell and Stein are engaging in "sort-of" satire, I mean they're not really exaggerating or distorting anything for comic effect, but rather, they are simply holding a mirror up to the extraordinary derangement of our times, in a very clever way. They are getting people to confront the truth, whilst getting them to simultaneously laugh at it - and, as Oscar Wilde so astutely observed, if you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you. (Although to be fair, Campbell and Stein do attract quite a few murderous stares from their audience anyway.)

I saw them interviewed on a news show, and they made it clear they are very 'awake' (they were dropping all sorts of truth bombs, like alluding to "trauma brainwashing" and Operation Mockingbird), but that, when they'd tried to "play it straight" and highlight to others what is really going on in the world in a conventional way, they'd been roundly derided, mocked, and dismissed. So, they tried a different approach: comedy. They said they found people were suddenly far more receptive and they had a far higher success rate in getting their message across.

This does not surprise me at all, as humour is such a powerful tool - but a criminally underused one, especially in the "truth movement". I can understand why - we're dealing with very serious, often very depressing issues that don't always give rise to much in the way of jokes - but the fact remains that laughter is an extremely powerful, "high-vibrational" frequency which we could do with generating a lot more of. If you remember, in the highly revealing (and really rather disturbing) children's film, Monsters Inc., there's only one emotion more powerful than fear (that being the emotion the overlords have worked so hard at generating and exploiting these past two years), and that's - not love - but laughter.

I know there's a lot of focus in the truth community on "love and light", but I don't really buy into any of that, as it's all a bit intangible and can often become quite pretentious and competitive - people trying to "out-spiritualise" each other and issue passive-aggressive, controlling diktats about what "truly spiritual" or "high-vibrational" people do or don't do and I have no time for any of that (unless the entity issuing these edicts happens to be God). And also, where it comes to "sending love" as a solution to the world's problems, isn't it a bit, well, disingenuous to claim you "love" genocidal amoral psychopaths who are trying to kill you?

So, I prefer not to push the "love and light" trope (whatever it actually means), and there are enough people doing that anyway. I'd rather focus on increasing the collective vibration through laughter. Laughter is tangible. It's a real currency which can be created and spread around communities, and it's one thing psychopaths really can't stand - being laughed at. Psychopaths have no sense of humour. They can mock people out of cruelty (such as by making them wear slave muzzles whilst on their knees seal-clapping), but they can't really laugh, as that requires a level of humanity that is entirely alien to them.

I think making people laugh is one of the hardest things to do, and that it's a far rarer gift than love. Love is all very nice and well (before I attract a torrent of abuse from the ultra-spiritual #BeKind brigade, let's just make it clear now that I'm pro-love, and also light, and even carry a little torch around with me in my bag), but love is not uncommon. Unless you are one of the aforementioned amoral psychopaths, then you know how to give and receive love. It's a pretty universal and innate thing. But being able to make others - especially thousands of others - laugh, really isn't, and only a very select few are able to do it (which may in fact speak volumes about their own 'spiritual frequency' 😉 - seriously though).

My favourite type of entertainment - books, TV shows, films - have always been comedic ones. I love Fawlty Towers, my favourite film is A Fish Called Wanda, and I adore Nick Hornby. There's something about wit and humour which is just singularly and uniquely uplifting - maybe I'm just an uncultured pleb (almost certainly, in fact), but I would infinitely prefer to watch a John Cleese film or re-read Adrian Mole than go to a classical music concert or read the collective works of Dostoyevsky (actually, Dostoyevsky may have been quite funny, but you get the point).

So if you're feeling a bit down (and who could blame you?) please do make sure to take the time to seek out the things that make you laugh. Personally, I haven't laughed as much in years as when I watched the Campbell and Stein skits. I think they're both majestic comedy geniuses, but Campbell probably just tips it for me, because of that kind of shrieking howl he does when invoking "SCIENCE!!!" and a vaccine for white supremacy... Check it out and you'll see what I mean...

If just one tenth of the population put as much energy into Project Laughter as the overlords have into Project Fear, I think this could be the missing key to expediting The Great Awakening. "They" always tell us what's really going on through various vehicles, including and especially Hollywood, so in my view, it speaks volumes that they've used Hollywood (Monsters Inc.) to tell us that the solution to widespread fear and all the destruction that entails, isn't meditation, yoga, praying, fasting, or even love - it's laughter. So go get you some today*.

(*This article was not sponsored by Cassady Campbell or Alex Stein, I'm just in that embarrassingly adorational "I've just discovered an amazing new thing that I have to tell everyone about multiple times until they suspect vested interests" stage. It'll wear off soon. Probably. Ohmigod, I love them... SCIENCE... )

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One comment on “Whether you're feeling a bit blue, or psychopaths are trying to kill you, the best medicine remains the same...”

  1. Thanks! Great stuff as usual. But for a downer - check out 'The Joke' by Milan Kundera (who also wrote 'The Book of Laughter and Forgetting'). Not much humour but really worth a read.
    Tyrants hate being laughed at - and Emperors too - especially an Emperor wearing no clothes. 😉

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