
Written by: Miri
February 7, 2021
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I know that a fair few silent lurkers, fence-sitters, and hate-fans follow my scribes (and you are all very welcome 🤗). Please do note, everyone, that the people who interact with your posts are in no way an accurate reflection of all those who read them. I have been frequently flabbergasted at feedback I've received from people who have never so much as lent a lone like (and some of it's even been good..!).

Anyway: I know that for many of my silent audience, they seethe and simmer at my seeming scarcity of sanity and my crazy quackaloon views. How can I believe such absurdist, deplorable, conspiracy theory nonsense?! How can I possibly suspect and reject the inerrant word and wisdom of THE EXPERTS???!!!

The answer to this question - which I would quietly reframe as "why I don't think like you [and why I instead think...]" - is very simple: it's because I don't watch television.

You do, don't you? A lot of it. Daily, and for hours and hours and hours. You think that's "normal". But it isn't. There's nothing normal about it at all. It is, in fact, the exact equivalent of taking the world's most powerful and potent hypnotist, placing him in centre stage of your front room, and instructing him to work on your mind. For hours and hours, every single day, for decades. You get no input into what he says to you, of course. You don't get to decide what messages he promulgates into the deepest, most unconscious recesses of your mind and that programme your every single behaviour and thought. He does.

Does that sound "normal" to you? Well, that's exactly what you're doing if you watch television. You're mind-controlled by the most powerful hypnotist ever known to man, and you get no input whatsoever regarding what it installs inside your mind.

Flickering screens induce an alpha-wave brain state, the same state that is induced by hypnotism, enabling television programming to penetrate past all your frontal brain defences of reason and critical thinking, and get right into the most primal and defining unconscious depths. That's why you can't deliver a robust, articulate defence about WHY you're a plague enthusiast and believe all the rank nonsense of the Government, and instead can only repeat their simplistic, surface mantras ("should have locked down sooner..." "New Zealand gold standard..." "UK highest death rate in Europe..."). Simple mantras are central to hypnotism and mind-control, ask any (other) cult.

The litmus test as to whether I am indeed moronic and insane, whilst you are the measured voice of reason, lies in this simple task. Stop watching television for a month. That's all you have to do. Stop watching the news (especially), soap operas, chat shows, current affairs programmes, and predictive programming plague movies. Stop watching all of it. You can still watch screens if you must, just stick to pre-2020 films and box sets - but try to reduce the amount of time you spend watching flickering screens altogether and instead (easy now, as I know I'm getting really revolutionary here...) READ instead.

The written word is far less able to stupefy and mind-control than the flickering screen is.Read a wide range of sources. The Guardian and the Off-Guardian. The BBC and No More Fake News. Headline news and Henry Makow. Compare and contrast these sources. Think about them. Check their references. Don't ridicule and reject just because they don't meet with your preconceived biases - after all, the mark of an educated mind is the ability to entertain an idea without necessarily accepting it. If your mind works (and it will gradually start to, the more you wean yourself off television), you will be able to fully explore a wide range of ideas and views without making an instantaneous judgement about their merit. You will give yourself the time to fully digest them and reach an informed view.

I read a wide range of material every day, and that certainly isn't just ""conspiracy-inclined". Every day, I read the Guardian, the Daily Mail, and my local paper, as well as a range of "alternative" sources. I form my view based on the culmination of all the sources I imbibe. Because that's how one reaches a reasoned, informed, balanced, view.

Why don't you try it? Switch off the TV for a month. It's not a big ask and even the most ardent devotees of the flickering screen amongst you must agree it'd be good for you to watch a bit less television and get your head inside a good book instead (recommendations at footer).

Give it a go. You've nothing to lose, and, potentially, a lot to gain.

"Reclaim your mind, and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that's being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world." (Terrence McKenna


Reclaiming Reason Reading List:

1. On TV - "The TV Delusion" -

2. On schooling - "Dumbing Us Down" -

3. On the entertainment industry - "Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon" -

4. On vaccines - "Callous Disregard" -

5. On social engineering - "Subverted" -…/9781621643210?fbclid=IwAR1VCfX3QEPFn_aHRtZPgAzIXfpaltSRp41NL20suCEtbAQIH5BS-UczYig

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