Spooks sell state-sponsored suicide

Written by: Miri
October 7, 2024
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You may or may not be aware (and probably aren't, to be fair) that ox sacrifice has historically been a practice in various religions and cultures, including ancient Greece, ancient Rome, and the Rek Dinka of Southern Sudan.

Ox sacrifice is also repeatedly mentioned in the Bible, including at Isiah 66:3, Deuteronomy 17, and Exodus 22.

So, with the ox being so well-established as a symbol of sacrifice, if there were a cultural totem of a 'joke ox' associated with a high-profile "death", how could we interpret this?

Perhaps as a joke - a hoax, a fabricated - sacrifice?

Now say the name of "murdered MP" Jo Cox quickly...

(Interestingly, 'Jo' is not actually Ms. Cox's real first name, which is Helen, and Cox is her married name, her original surname being Leadbeater).

Now, at this point, I can just see my detractors - especially the profoundly irritating John Bye on Twitter (who funds that guy, anyway?) rolling their eyes in exaggerated glee, and declaring that "serial writer of open letters" (that's what John calls me), Miri AF, thinks that murdered MP Jo Cox didn't really die because the ancient Greeks used to sacrifice oxen.

Well, that's not the only reason I think it... If it was, the article would finish here, which it's certainly not going to, so please read on, Johnny Boy... (and if you're going to share the article with your followers, don't do that annoying thing you always do where you share a screenshot out of context and don't give a link to the full article! Thanks x).

Anyway, back to Joke Ox: I speculated at the time of this alleged, very theatrical and high-profile "murder" that (vile ghoul that I am) it was possible that Ms. Cox was not in fact murdered, but rather, was a spook playing a part (replete with double-entendred, nudge-nudge, wink-wink stage name) in order to agenda-push. Was, I wondered, her world stage character, "Jo Cox", merely killed off, whilst the real person playing that part, Helen Leadbeater, had simply been redeployed into a different role?

The aforementioned John Bye is now so thoroughly overawed with the sheer magnitude of potential screenshots he has to make me look kerazy that he's probably dashed back off to Twitter by now, but for the rest of you still resident, you may be thinking something along the general lines of...

Well, maybe that's true. Maybe Cox didn't really die. It did all look very fishy at the time. But what's the relevance of that now? That was ages ago.

The answer to that question, and why it's very (spookily, even) timely and topical indeed, is as follows....

First of all, it's important to note that Jo's sister, Kim Leadbeater, took over her parliamentary seat (unusual in itself - your sibling dies tragically, you take their job? And this isn't the first time something like that has happened in this family, either, but more on that later) in very strange circumstances.

One ordinarily has to have been a member of the Labour Party for at least a year before one can be considered for parliamentary candidacy, but this requirement was inexplicably waived for novice Leadbeater, who had only been a member for a matter of weeks, and had no prior political background (she trained in exercise and education, and prior to becoming an MP, was a lecturer in physical health at Bradford College).

So why select this completely inexperienced newbie over those with years or decades of relevant experience, and who actually met the party's own criteria for candidacy?

There must be a reason, and - surprise, surprise - it appears to be a sinister one...

After Leadbeater's improbable installation as high-profile MP (of course, as "tragic Jo's sister", she has always got a lot of media coverage), she has become highly instrumental in pushing the spectacularly sinister "assisted dying" bill.

(Leadbeater explains that, as dogs are able to be put down, humans should be too, and seems to think this is a glowing endorsement of the practice, when in reality, treating a human being "like a dog" is not something most people would generally see as aspirational.)

Obviously, anyone who is even remotely sane is profoundly opposed to this transparently diabolical scheme, because you certainly do not have to be a conspiracy theorist to deduce that an overburdened state with a broken social care system and a pensions black hole, is hardly going to use such a scheme judiciously and compassionately. It will become the go-to "solution" for anyone seen as any kind of a "burden" to the state, including the poor, the disabled, and the mentally ill. This is patently and irrefutably obvious, because this is exactly what has happened in countries where "assisted dying" is legal.

This being the case, it's going to take a huge propagandist push from our friendly local intelligence agencies to get the public to accept this deeply twisted move, so, enter stage left Special Agent Leadbeater (she's tragic Jo's sister, you know!).

Not only is this woman pushing the apparent "merits" of assisted dying every chance she gets, but she also has a high-profile relationship with Dame of Death herself, vaccine-pusher extraordinaire and assisted dying fanatic, Esther Rantzen.

And seriously, when someone has form for publicly declaring that unvaccinated members of the public should not seek medical assistance, even when seriously ill, but should instead simply stay at home and die (as was Rantzen's insistence throughout 'Covid'), then surely even a normie - surely even John Bye - would begin to question whether their motivations for supporting "assisted dying" are entirely philanthropic...

It's patently obvious that Covid jabs and assisted dying are aggressively marketed by the same people and for the same reason: rampant eugenic depopulation, a practice with which the evil architects who rule the world are tediously obsessed.

This being the case, then, what is the name that relentlessly comes to the fore when discussing high-profile architects of depopulation, especially depopulation by injection ("now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines... we could lower [the population] by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent")...?

Well, this is Conspiracy 101, obviously - it's Bill 'Baal' Gates.

And guess where Kim Leadbeater's sister Jo Cox worked between 2014 and 2015, directly before she became an MP?

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

She worked for them as a "strategic advisor".

So, allow me to indulge in a little conspiratorial theorising, if I may... (that is, after all, what you're here for, right?).

I believe the woman Helen Leadbeater, who played the "Jo Cox" (joke ox) character, was a spook, recruited by intelligence agencies during her time at Cambridge University, with the two Oxbridge institutions, Oxford and Cambridge, being primary spook recruitment ground.

In his biography The Big Breach: From Top Secret to Maximum Security, Richard Tomlinson, who worked as an intelligence officer for MI6, said:

Every Oxford and Cambridge college and leading British university has a ‘talent spotter’... a don sympathetic to MI6 who looks out for suitable recruits. The majority of MI6 recruits come this way from the two most prestigious universities in Britain…

By all accounts, the young Helen "Jo" Leadbeater was very talented.

After university, she was deployed in various prestigious roles relating to social engineering and the depopulation agenda, including working for Bill Gates, as well as aggressive vaccine-pushers, Oxfam, before being briefly installed as an MP, where her role appears to have been to be promptly "killed", in order to reinforce a number of key agenda items, including:

  1. MPs are at too high a risk from their constituents to see them in person, so face-to-face surgeries must be scrapped (this is certainly something any MP who voted for the Covid vaccine mandates would vigorously support, if the truth about these injections is ever fully revealed to the public);
  2. People with "far-right" (e.g., not conventional establishment) beliefs, as Cox's killer was said to hold, are a dire threat to our democracy and must be stopped (cue increased surveillance, increased clampdowns on free speech, etc)
  3. Brexit is very, very bad (the man blamed for her murder was supposedly a rabid Brexiteer).

So, having completed her assignment with her super-sensationalist "death", and thereby ensuring a huge media and political focus on the above issues, the Jo Cox character was disposed of, and the intelligence asset playing her, likely redeployed elsewhere (as we explored in the article about Special Agent "TV Doctor" Michael Mosley's alleged death, death fakery is not actually that uncommon, especially, we must assume, where anyone who looks likely to have an intelligence background is concerned - because if anyone has the resources to convincingly pull off a fake death on the world stage, intelligence agencies do).

This "murder" having so powerfully impacted on the local and national consciousness, the intelligence agencies behind it appear to have decided to capitalise on the power of the Cox / Leadbeater brand by installing "Jo's" sister in her role (in, as I said earlier, very strange circumstances, in which to my knowledge no other MP has ever been installed).

Kim Leadbeater has heightened public sympathy and support over many other MPs as a result of being "tragic Jo's sister", so she has been selected as Special Agent State Suicide, to really push this bill and get the public onside.

It is of further note to examine what close links Leadbeater has to high-profile establishment celebrities, especially actresses, including current Mayor of West Yorkshire, Tracey Brabin, who directly preceded Leadbeater in her parliamentary seat.

And what is Ms. Brabin's professional background?

She's an actress - a well-known star of the beloved soap Coronation Street, in which she featured for 193 episodes, as well as starring in Eastenders, Casualty, and Emmerdale.

We have explored at this site many times both the relentless crossover between acting and high-profile politics (because they are the same thing - "politics is showbiz for ugly people"), and what powerful social engineering vehicles soap operas are.

The establishment introduced soap operas specifically in order to manipulate the mass mind: when they want to accelerate a major social change, or galvanise people into a certain action, they use soap operas to promote it (see how vigorously Coronation Street promoted the 'Covid' restrictions).

So Brabin, and Leadbeater too (as well as "Jo") are all doing the same job, whether they are explicitly acting in soap operas, or covertly acting as high-profile politicians - they are engaged in social engineering and agenda-pushing, and it is very possible or probable that some or all of them have intelligence links.

It is well-known that spooks infiltrate every significant area of culture, in particular the media and politics (with it being almost certain that Conservative Leader and former Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, is an intelligence asset), and the more high-profile and influential an MP - in other words, the more the media has conspired to make them into a celebrity - the more likely they are to be an asset.

After all, there are 650 MPs in parliament, and other than our own, most of us can only name a small smattering of them - and those would be the ones that the media inflates to high prominence.

Boris Johnson, for example, who, like Jo Cox, attended Oxbridge, where the intelligence agencies love to source their future spooks - and who, like "Jo", also uses a stage name (his real name is Alex).

So I think we really do have a plausible case here that it's very unlikely that "Jo" was just a normal MP who tragically died serving her community, nor that her sister Kim has just nobly stepped up to replace her for purely altruistic reasons... The family seems a little more compromised than that, and that brings us nicely on to the matter of Jo Cox's apparent widower, Brendan Cox.

This man is, to put it mildly, not well-liked, and was forced to step down from his various charity roles following sexual assault allegations.

Brendan Cox's professional reputation has always been - shall we say - chequered, and rumours abounded when Guy Hughes, the dynamic young director of an up-and-coming anti-war NGO, "died suddenly" in an apparent climbing accident.

The extremely radical and anti-establishment Hughes was promptly replaced by the as-establishment-as-it-gets Brendan Cox.

How establishment?

Special Advisor to the Prime Minister establishment.

Further indicting is the company Cox chooses to keep, being a particular friend (as was his wife) of one Bob Geldof, surely one of the most sinister individuals on the planet, and to whom close proximity seems to correlate with an even higher risk of "dying suddenly" than a 12th Covid booster...

Of course, I'm not accusing Geldof of anything. I'm just saying that, personally, I wouldn't choose to spend a lot of quality time with someone whose estranged wife, wife's boyfriend, and daughter had all died suddenly, strangely, and very prematurely. None of them exceeding 41, Geldof's daughter Peaches was just 25 when she was found dead, in - what all seasoned sceptics at the time agreed were - very, very strange circumstances.

Geldof is also a KBE (the second-highest honour the British establishment has to offer) and a "Sir" - just like Jimmy Savile.

How and why were the Coxes - supposedly just ordinary, down to earth people (much was made of the fact that Jo was a "Yorkshire lass") - such good pals with megastars and establishment royalty like Geldof?

Equally, why does Jo Cox's sister, Kim Leadbeater, appear to have the ear of ultra-famous "national treasures" like Esther Rantzen? (Who was very well acquainted with the aforementioned Sir Jimmy.)

The reason for this, as far as I can see - the reason that all these people and their agendas seem to so relentlessly link and interlink - is that they all have "assets" stamped all over them, and they are all in that one big club.

They are actors and infiltrators, here to set the cultural tone and push through particularly sinister socially engineering operations, by way of their prominent media profiles and extensive celebrity links.

Helen "Jo" Cox started this with her "strategic advising" of Bill Gates... Esther Rantzen continued it during "Covid" by telling seriously ill people to stay at home and die... and now Jo's sister, Kim, is concluding the operation with an aggressive push (sponsored by Rantzen) to make assisted dying law.

These people really are "agents of death" - whether pushing it on others or faking their own - and their unconvincing masks of "compassion" and "care" are increasingly ineffective at disguising their true intentions.

In a surprise to singularly no-one, Keir "Stalin" Starmer is also most enthusiastic about the prospect of state-sponsored suicide, and the matter will be debated in parliament on October 16th.

We should all consider writing to our own MPs on this issue (I'll get an open letter template together, that should please Mr. Bye), because most of them are not spooks and some of them do actually - no, really - care what their constituents think...

I also anticipate with great interest attending the vote count the next time there's an election (standing in local elections being one of my hobbies), as Kim Leadbeater is actually one of my local MPs. By penning this article, I may have made her even more incentivised to avoid me than the members of my local council who I have repeatedly accused of domestic terrorism...

(Well, I mean, seriously, how else would you qualify charging £4.60 an hour for parking?!)

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