Caring Corrupted Kapitel II

Written by: Miri
February 10, 2021
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If anyone's still in any doubt about the end game here, please pay close attention to this extraordinary ordeal just experienced by a friend. This happened in early February 2021 in a hospital in the north of England.

"Joe" is an otherwise fit and healthy 34-year-old, who has asthma. At the weekend, he had an asthma attack, and checked himself into hospital - something he has done on many occasions in the past, knowing all he needed was a nebuliser and steroids.

As soon as he got to hospital, the nurses forcefully insisted he had a COVID test. When it returned positive, they refrained from offering him asthma treatment, and instead, presented him with the COVID vaccine, an EpiPen, and adrenaline shot.

Let's just be very clear here that they wanted to vaccinate him against a condition he was already testing positive for, thereby verifying beyond any reasonable doubt that this "injection", whatever it actually is, has nothing whatever to do with preventing contraction or transmission of any disease.

Joe asked why there was an EpiPen and shot of adrenaline with the vaccine. The nurse casually replied, "in case you have a bad reaction to the vaccine and develop heart problems."

Joe declined the vaccine, and asked again for a nebuliser and steroids, to treat the actual health problem he had, rather than one he had no symptoms for.

The nurses refused, and said that as he had tested positive for COVID, he had to be treated as a COVID patient. They then asked him to sign a waiver saying if his oxygen levels dropped further, they could put him on a ventilator. The extremely invasive and aggressive nature of the ventilation process is profoundly traumatic to the body and would kill about 30% of even completely healthy people were they to endure it. If someone's health is already compromised, their chances of surviving it are minimal Approximately 90% of COVID patients placed on ventilators die (

At that point, realising his life was in imminent danger, Joe told the nurses he wished to leave the hospital.

They wouldn't let him. He was informed if he tried to leave, the hospital would call the police. The nurses even accompanied him to the toilet to make sure he didn't try to escape out of a window.

Eventually, when they weren't looking, he managed to get out of a back entrance and jump straight into a taxi that was serendipitously waiting outside, and is now treating his asthma at home with support from various natural protocols.

I'm going to make very clear, one more time, exactly what is going on here. The billionaire ruling classes who control our world have decided there are too many of us, consuming "their" resources and putting huge strain on the public purse with all our pesky ageing and illness. So, they have launched a mass global depopulation campaign to dramatically reduce our numbers, going for the "easy pickings" - the old and the sick - first.

Why are these people easy pickings? Because they have a lot of contact with health services, and medical professionals have always been the favoured foot soldiers of genocidal maniacs, because they are given such esteemed positions in society, and people trust them so implicitly and unquestioningly. You probably wouldn't let a council worker or even a policeman inject you with an unknown cocktail of drugs - but you'd trust a nurse, wouldn't you?

Oh, but holy saint nurses would never do that, huh? Would never abuse their positions and sacrifice their integrity? Well, first of all, nurses aren't generally very bright. No offence intended to any, and naturally there will be some nurses out there with shimmering and advanced intellects - but on the whole, they're not, and thus it is incredibly easy to draft them unknowingly into all sorts of acts of barbarism by massaging their egos and telling them how wonderful they are (maybe via a nationwide clap, or something like that?), and how they have special knowledge and understanding of super scientific processes that the stupid plebs and conspiracy theorists are far too dim to understand...

Once you've made someone feel special and superior in that way, you can easily induct them into committing all sorts of atrocities, something that despotic dictators have always understood all too well, and yes, most certainly including the one you're thinking of (watch this chilling documentary, "Caring Corrupted: The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich" - There's nothing new under the sun).

You've been warned that this is what is happening inside our hospitals, all fully endorsed and supported by the Government (why do you think the NHS has slapped a gagging order on all its staff regarding speaking out about what's really going on?

Of course, you can choose to look away. But you can never again say that you did not know.

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