Christmas Quackery

Written by: Miri
December 27, 2023
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"Good morning siblings," began my aunt's Christmas Eve message to her brother and sister. "Bad news from our family - we're not well. [Our daughter] has had a cold and had an emergency appointment with the GP on Thursday as her asthma had kicked off. She has a chest infection and is on antibiotics and steroids. [My husband] came home from visiting family in [another city] also feeling unwell. He saw the GP yesterday and is on antibiotics for a chest infection. Neither of them will be well enough to cope with the journey to [the family Christmas gathering] on Monday. I am not feeling 100% either, I haven't been sleeping well and don't know if I'll be safe to drive.."

I wonder just how many families have been sending and receiving similar messages this festive season, as doom-mongering reports of "mystery bugs" and "100-day coughs" saturate the press, and we are definitively told that "everyone" is ill this year...

And yet, I have experienced dozens of Christmas celebrations in my life, all replete with large extended family gatherings (I come from a generally long-lived family, and half of them are Catholic, so...), and can easily count on one hand the number of times even one person has had to cancel due to ill health, never mind entire families.

This year, though, multiple people cancelling Christmas due to illness seems to have become the norm.

So what exactly is going on?

Well, I think we can, sadly, rather easily answer that question, by judging the health of both the author, and the readers, of this piece, and comparing ourselves to our ailing relations...

I am not ill (and, in sharp contrast to my cousin referenced at the start of this piece, who is nine years younger than I am, haven't seen a GP in over a decade). Furthermore, none of my close friends or immediate family are ill, either (one did have quite a bad cough a couple of weeks ago, but she's better now, and didn't miss Christmas). And I'm willing to bet, dear reader, that you're not ill, either - or, if you are, you just have the kind of ordinary winter cold that wouldn't have stopped you attending the family festivities (even if you might have been tempted to use it as an excuse not to go...).

So why these huge health disparities in our families and communities?

I think we all know.

Sadly, I know for a fact that my aunt, her husband, and their daughter have all received multiple Covid and flu injections (even though their daughter is young, she gets these prescribed anyway, since she is classed as "vulnerable" because of her asthma, which "inexplicably" seems to have got a lot worse since 2021).

Throughout "Covid", they were all incredibly fastidious about masking, sanitising, and following all the other 'rules' (to the extent that, when my aunt attended an outdoor socially distanced birthday party in 2021, she insisted on bringing her own cutlery).

Consequently, we have seen their health gradually deteriorate these last three years, to the extent that - for the first time in my entire life - all three of them looked as if they would have to cancel Christmas. (In the end, my aunt did manage to make it, but appeared visibly very unwell.)

I, meanwhile, the uninjected, science-denyin', tin-foil-hat-totin' conspiraquack cousin, who has received no Covid injections (nor any vaccinations at all in the last twenty years); nor followed a single other Covid 'rule' (instead, 2020 and 2021 saw me enjoy more extensive socialising than at any other time in my life), have been in perfectly good health the entire time and currently do not have so much as a sniffle.

I underline this now, not to gloat (as many have said, this is the most painful and unsatisfying 'I told you so" in all of history), but because, very shortly, we are going to be told "pandemic 2" is here, and that this latest scary plague requiring the mass destruction of our civil liberties and obliteration of all travel, business and leisure opportunities to "treat", was spread by "too much indoor mixing at Christmas".

That is why it's absolutely vital we depict an accurate picture of the situation now, and declare - in true pantodemic fashion - "oh no it wasn't!".

I have done plenty of "indoor mixing" in recent weeks, including frequently utilising cramped public transport, alongside plenty of sneezing strangers (in fact, a train I was on a few days ago was so crowded, that a man used my hand as a head rest... to be fair to him, he obviously didn't realise, as I was holding on to the back of his seat to steady myself and he thought my hand was part of the seat, consequently meaning I had to leave it there for the entire journey as the alternative would have been far too hideously mortifyingly awkward and I am English, after all).

I have been in heaving supermarkets, crowded cafes, bustling pubs, and full-to-the-brim family homes, all the while obviously not taking any preposterous "precautions" such as elbow-bumping or accompanying all beverages with a Scotch Egg.

And not only am I fine, but - even if I do get a mild cold as is perfectly normal at this time of year - I will remain fine.

If you are the same, please make a point of asserting this fact vociferously and frequently, because when the orchestrators of this insanity are back from their Christmas jollies in January (e.g., when parliament is back in session), we will be plunged into Propaganda Pantomime Plague 2, and deluged with doom-mongering statistics and fear-fomenting finger-wagging, along the lines of:

"Since the restrictions were lifted, people have got too complacent, too cavalier, and, in their reckless irresponsibility this festive season, declined to treat other human beings as weapons of mass destruction, and so now we're all going to die! (Again!)."

This narrative is becoming more and more insidiously embedded, as people have been cynically re-engineered throughout "Covid" to see illness - not as an occasional, usually non-serious inconvenience - but as a dire default and inevitability, and something that will have increasingly onerous consequences. We have been intensively conditioned since 2020 to believe that we are weak, sickly, fragile creatures, who are always just one sneeze (or one itinerant Scotch Egg) away from oblivion.

This encroaching new attitude to human health was summarised succinctly in a Tweet I saw earlier, which read:

"A lot of people in daily life are talking about how everyone's getting sick repeatedly. Here's what I say to them. "Viral infections damage you and wear you out in ways that make you more vulnerable to the next infection. Covid does that even more than other infections..."

And that's what they want us to believe. That we are so terribly weak and vulnerable, whilst big, bad viruses are so awe-inspiringly powerful, that - even armed with Science's best defences (injections, face rags, breaded pork and egg snacks) - that we will simply become sicker and sicker, because that is just how snivelling and pathetic we truly are (and should therefore be jolly glad and grateful Sir Science deigned to waste any time on us at all!).

It's a deeply insidious psychological attack, as well as a physical one, designed to fill us with fear, powerlessness and hopelessness, and destroying our innate trust in our own bodies to heal themselves (which, of course, they can and do do).

This is why it's so profoundly important for all of us to challenge this narrative at every level, by repeatedly pointing out the one big smoking gun (or streaming needle) in all this:

The unvaccinated are not sick. Not in any comparable way to the vaccinated, including and especially those who had Covid boosters and flu vaccinations in recent weeks. These two interventions are the real cause of the sudden waves of ill health taking out entire families this Christmas, in a way we have never seen before, and in a way that was deviously - and ob\viously - planned to peak over the festive season, in order to scare people out of such things as parties and family gatherings in future.

We know the ruling classes are desperate to keep us apart from each other (that was really the primary lesson of Covid: that the thing "they" fear most is us having close and interconnected in-person networks, and that they want us instead living our lives alone, inside, and entirely online).

Consequently, they have targeted Christmas - the most sociable time of the year for most people - as the time to create the appearance of mass illness, to scare people out of in-person gatherings permanently.

It is not incidental that the Covid and flu vaccination programme officially came to an end on December 15th - just before Christmas - and that the reformulated children's nasal flu spray was only tested for two weeks (whilst the Covid booster hasn't been tested on any human beings at all). That means there is no (official) data regarding what the flu spray does after two weeks - and no human data for the Covid booster at all.

So, there is no data to determine that these concoctions are not time-delayed poisons which cause symptoms some time after administration - leaving enough of a time delay for most people to assume any symptoms of illness they have developed couldn't possibly be related to vaccination ("and thank God I got it, or it would have been so much worse!").

Unfortunately, judging by the waves of poor health we can already see (predicted to get worse), it looks as if the next period could be quite challenging and even bleak. Which is why all of us who can see this scripted, sinister psycho-drama for what it really is have vital roles to play as canaries in the "Covid" coal mine.

The idea that "the elite faked a plague to inject people with poison in order to meet depopulation goals" may have sounded fantastical and ridiculous three years ago. To many - even as serious illness and sudden death sweeps through their communities - it still does.

But ultimately, it comes back to this one irreducible point: if there really was or had been a deadly plague that vaccines protect against, then, quite clearly, the sickest and most vulnerable to death would be the unvaccinated (remember 2021's mantra to us, to "enjoy the ventilator"?).

But we're not. We're fine. It is those who listened to the government and took its poisons who are not. And we must keep shining a light on this fact, both to help these people (there are detox protocols available), and to diminish the power of the psychopathic elites as they once again try to dismantle our lives, and turn us into "indoor humans".

Yes, what lies ahead will be difficult (perhaps even more difficult than the last time) and at times appear very dark. But, as the Winter Solstice shows us every year: it's inevitable that, after long periods of darkness, the light always returns.

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