Mask formation

Written by: Miri
January 2, 2022
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About four years ago, I was working at a place for which there was no convenient bus route, and so I used to walk, 50 minutes each way. A lot of the journey was down a busy dual carriage way, and so after a few weeks, I started to get a bit of a cough from breathing in all the exhaust fumes. Thinking back to Chinese tourists I'd seen milling around London in masks to protect themselves from pollution, I decided to order some myself. They were marketed as high-grade and especially "breathable".

Well, I only lasted about two days, because not only was wearing one really uncomfortable, but I also immediately hated how disfigured and dehumanised it made me feel - that I didn't look like me any more, and it affected how people behaved towards me. People I passed in the street looked at me for longer than usual and with a mixture of hostility and suspicion (especially during the part of the journey where I was required to walk under a subway), and I could understand perfectly well why. It's because covering your face instantly makes you an object of fear. Masking has traditionally been associated with those who wish to conceal their identity in order to carry out dark deeds, and being unable to see someone's face arouses instant primal feelings of potential imminent danger. It is for this reason that those in the military are told never to approach others whilst wearing sunglasses, as this partial obscuring of the face can be taken as a hostile and aggressive gesture, and it is critical for personal safety to disarm suspicion by displaying your whole face.

With this in mind, I was dismayed and horrified to learn that all the nation's schoolchildren are to be masked all day, every day, when they go back to school next week. It's not so much the fact that masks are totally useless and disgustingly unhygienic that bothers me (imagine how often teenagers will be touching the things with greasy fingers, getting bits of food on them, stuffing them into grubby pockets, coughing and sneezing into them, and going for weeks without washing them) - it is what these devices will do to the emerging personalities of young adolescents at such a critical period in their development. A human being grows and develops and changes as much in puberty as they do from a baby to a preteen, including profound neurological changes (these are responsible for your grumpy, moody, door-slamming teen who hates you... It's not their fault, really...). There's a flurry of neurological change between 12 and 20 which is not fully complete until around the age of 25. And a key part of this developmental stage is an intense desire to break away from parents and the rituals of childhood, and to spend as much time as possible with peers instead (hence why your teenage daughter has to spend three hours every night on the phone to friends she just spent all day at school with).

Well, I simply cannot begin to fathom the hideous damage that is going to be done to these young people if they cannot see each others' faces and it becomes unremarkable and routine to them to cover their own. What this will do to their perceptions of themselves, their developing identities, and their abilities to bond with each other. Covering the faces of healthy teenagers all day every day is a completely unprecedented psychological experiment and we cannot begin to predict the damage this will do. That this is being ordered in schools, but not offices, pubs, or other adult environments, clearly belies that this is about imposing lasting behavioural modification - which is all schools are really about at all. "Free school" is about as benevolent an offering from government as free vaccines are, and the reason the governments of the world take such a keen interest in "educating" the nation's children is that they need to get hold of the children at an early age so they can modify their behaviour and thoughts to the desired ends.

"School" is about creating the ideal citizen to serve the agendas of the ruling classes, e.g. someone who obediently follows orders, trusts "the experts", has low self-esteem and automatically defers to authority and so on. If you are a conspiraquack reading this right now, you probably hated school, and this is why - you resisted its attempts to condition and break you (well done you :).

So that is why mask-wearing is being introduced into schools and not other, adult environment. It is to further condition children at a particularly malleable and suggestible time. It must be punishingly tough to have a child in school right now, because even if you're in the position to home-school, secondary-aged children often refuse to be home-schooled, as they want to be with their friends. They also, at this time in their life more than any other, don't want to be seen to be at all 'different', so will want to wear the mask to fit in. The ruling classes imposing this evil agenda know all this, of course.

You might be able to persuade your teenager not to wear one by pointing out they give you spots, and you can certainly contact the school and make it clear that your child is exempt - and my experience is exemptions are much more readily accepted now than they were the last time.

However, although we may be able to protect some individual children from this utterly evil insanity - and, of course, we must - the nationwide trend of muzzling children and what it will do to youngsters at such a delicate stage of their development, is really unfathomable.

'The Great Reveal' may well all be staged and scripted and part of the plan, but it really needs to get a move on. The more we keep talking about the horrors of what are happening and the more people who come over to our side, the more likely the deception will be revealed, so: eschew the literal and figurative attempts to muzzle you and keep talking!

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