Miri's Missing Missives...

Written by: Miri
October 9, 2024
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It has come to my attention recently that my efforts to diligently disseminate my deeply dark and disturbed views (more on those here) are once against being sabotaged, because people keep telling me, “I’m on your mailing list and thought I’d read every article, but have just realised there are a lot I’ve somehow missed”.

The reason for this appears to be that email servers, especially Gmail, don’t like Substack, and thus frequently send its messages into spam (or ‘Promotions’).

ThePlatformFormerlyKnownAsTwitter (I’d still prefer to call it that over ‘X’, given that it’s a deeply sinister establishment data-mining tool, and not an affectionate flourish at the end of a text message) also hates Substack, and shadow bans all Tweets that link to it.

We can only deduce that this is because Substack is actually, legitimately pro-free speech, and the only platform I have ever used that really is - and therefore, the only one that genuinely allows alternative writers and journalists to flourish.

Some platforms simply outright ban alternative content creators (like YouTube), whilst others, such as Twitter, cynically pretend to be free speech, whilst shadow-banning into oblivion anyone who actually uses it.

The system quite recently tried to destroy authentic alternative voices once and for all by abruptly terminating their PayPal accounts - which happened to me in 2022, with no notice or warning, and when it was my primary source of income - and now it appears they’re trying to do the same by stymying Substack reach.

Consequently, I have noticed that - even though my Substack subscriber rate is going up - my ‘open’ rate is going down, suggesting my articles are making their way into the inboxes of less and less people. And obviously, you can have all the subscribers in the world, but if you're not reaching them (or more to the point, not being allowed to reach them), then you're being successfully neutralised and contained.

So if you’re a subscriber to my Substack, but don’t seem to be getting emails very often, please do check spam / Promotions, and/or simply go straight to my website at miriaf.co.uk to check what the latest articles are.

Also, if you’re a paid Substack subscriber (and a particularly emphatic thanks to you if you are, given all the attempts to stop you from so-subscribing) and want to comment on articles, please simply click the article’s title in the email, which will take you directly to the Substack platform, where you can engage in the comments (Patreon subscribers can also comment on articles).

Thank you very much for your continued support x (←— that is the proper use of the character, Elon!).

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