Preparing for the next chapter (and its plot twists)

Written by: Miri
September 15, 2022

Following a couple of "oh dear, it's the end of civilisation" events earlier this month, I suppose it was only thematic to discover yesterday that a man has been wielding an extremely large knife (more like a sword) around the centre of ordinarily sleepy Huddersfield in the middle of the day, whilst the local paper reports this morning that 84 fighting-age men (euphemism: "asylum seekers") are being moved into accommodation five minutes down the road from me.

Please note that the Ukraine expressly prohibits its fighting age men from leaving the country precisely because they are a country's first line of defence in a war, so if a country ships all its fighting-age men out, the conclusions of what they're really here for is obvious (and similar factions are being installed in towns and cities up and down the country). I've heard some terrifyingly clueless people scoff at those of us who question the veracity of young, super-fit, single men as "asylum seekers", with "well, of COURSE it's only the young single men who can leave, because the women and older people have caring responsibilities at home!" Uh, let me be absolutely expressly clear on this issue, dear Guardian-readers - no war zone in the history of the world has ever left the women and children alone unprotected to meet their fate, whilst shipping off all the potential soldiers and defenders to other countries. If a country is shipping all its fighting men out, it means the war is not there - it's here.

Meanwhile, the sinister establishment scam Don't Pay UK is agitating for riots on October 1st (which quite possibly and probably will be infiltrated by military-trained agent provocateurs such as described above), whilst people everywhere are predicting "something big" on September 24th, after a German minister stated that "everyone will remember where they were on September 24th, 2022".

This is all set against the backdrop of the absolutely ludicrous "nationally mandated mourning" (which now seems to have mutated into nationally mandated mental illness) regarding old Liz. Even having lived through the pantomime plague, I can honestly state I have seen nothing so ridiculous in all my life as the spectacle of whipped up gargantuan grief-hysteria that has overtaken the nation. Ok, there was something similar when Diana died, but that actually was a tragedy - she was only 37, had two young children, and had endured a pretty harrowing and ultimately tragic life (also, she seemed quite nice). But Liz was 96. She had enjoyed the fullest, longest, and most privileged life it is possible to lead. Surely anyone with even a sliver of still-functioning grey matter inside their skulls realises that when someone is 96 (14 years past normal life expectancy), they're quite likely to die soon?

But people are reacting as if they expected the woman to be immortal, which I guess is not surprising, as in many of the (saccharine, cringey, eye-gougingly awful) 'tributes' I've read, people seem to be confusing her with God.

Anyhow, this supposed "grief" is all manipulated and expertly stage-managed by the usual suspects, all culminating in a national shutdown on the 19th (it's a royal lockdown!), and this is all looking to me very ritualistic and like a big energy-harvesting exercise. Having the whole nation howling, weeping, sobbing, having nervous breakdowns and needing formal mental health support, is meant to dramatically lower the country's collective "vibration", because honestly, when someone is 96 and has lived a life of luxury as one of the most famous women in all of history... shouldn't royalists be celebrating a life well-lived, rather than reacting as if some sort of national massacre has just taken place? (The dark irony being, of course, that a national massacre is currently taking place).

People are being made to react in this preposterous, entirely inappropriate way for a reason. It's to promote a lot of negative energy and emotional helplessness, in order that the masses lack the usual psychological robustness to deal with the "big event" that will shortly follow the 19th. I can't say with any certainty when the "big event" will come (whenever specific days are mentioned, they always seem to pass uneventfully), but there's too many signs and too much coming together for something of profound significance not to happen soon.

Please note that, increasingly, the tide is turning on the vaccine, with the UK banning it for the under-12s, Denmark banning it for the under 50s, and more and more studies, from top institutes like Harvard and Johns Hopkins, being published to warn of the dangers.

This is in line with some predictions I made last year, that the harms of the vaccine are meant to be revealed, and I believe other revelations are imminent, too, such as the wholly corrupt (to put it mildly) nature of the royal family, setting the stage for their looming abolition. The nation is being intentionally whipped up into a foment of hatred against Charles (who was already generally disliked), by supposedly "leaked" footage showing him being snappy and haughty with aides, etc. (there is no way this was "leaked", the mainstream press only publishes what has been signed off at the highest levels by the ruling classes, and so we were always meant to see this).

The usual vehicles (Guardian et al) are calling for an end to the monarchy, whilst the police have suddenly rediscovered their social conscience and are stating people have "every right" to protest against the monarchy (of course, they had no right whatsoever to protest against Covid restrictions).

This is all planned, and the ruling classes are playing the masses as usual. Trolling them. I mean, Prince Andrew is now effectively "deputy king", for heaven's sake! If there's one member of the Royal Family more roundly despised than Charles - and there probably is only one - it's Andrew, who the whole world knows is a predator and an abuser who was close friends with the world's most famous paedophile. Actually, second-most famous, obviously Charles was close friends with the most famous one.

This has all been rubbed in our faces for a reason. Because the Royal Family and all our traditional structures and institutions are all going to be destroyed as part of 'The Great Reset'. To make the masses amenable to that, first there has to be 'The Great Reveal' to show how rotten and corrupt - totally irredeemable - these institutions really are.

I refer again to The Handmaid's Tale, because whenever the establishment puts a lot of money and publicity into a TV production, you can be absolutely sure it's telling us something important as a piece of predictive programming and revelation of the method.

'Gilead' rises in modern-day, liberal America by weaponising people's understandable fears about liberal extremism. Many people, who would once have described themselves as 'liberal' in the classical sense, are horrified by the extremes of degeneracy and insanity the 'liberal' philosophy has now reached, and more and more are kicking back against that, as we see with the exponential rise of cool young conservatives like Matt Walsh and Candace Owens, and, in this country, Louise Perry.

Now, I agree with a lot of what Walsh and Owens say (Perry annoys me - too smug), but I recognise that to have the level of visibility they have achieved (Walsh has over a million followers on Twitter alone), without being de-platformed by the mainstream social media vehicles, means they are establishment assets. You are simply not permitted to play a prominent role on the world stage if you are not. For proof of this, see what happened to Milo Yiannopoulous. Originally an establishment asset meant to agitate the political climate, promote divide and conquer, and to usher young men towards a twisted version of conservative extremism, he was doing very well for himself and famous around the world - until he went off script. When he started behaving erratically and making allegations against big names in the industry - a massive no-no - the ruling classes who controlled him simply ended his career overnight. He now languishes in obscurity and relative poverty and we haven't seen his name in the headlines in years.

So, that's how you know Walsh, Owens, et al are controlled. Because if they weren't, they wouldn't be where they are - or would be swiftly removed.

The cool young conservatives are effectively the "Serena Joys" of our current culture. Pre-Gilead, Serena was a cool young conservative activist, going to college campuses with her supportive husband Fred, to read excerpts from her book about the evils of liberalism and the joys of "domestic feminism". Louise Perry, who I mentioned earlier, uses exactly this term and has written an incredibly similar book (where she promotes strict sex segregation until marriage. She is not some stuffy old reactionary crawling out of the woodwork, she's 30).

Of course, once Gilead is formed, Serena's book is burned, since women aren't allowed to read (and to be caught doing so is punishable by the removal of a finger).

So this is what I'm trying to warn about: although liberal extremism IS ultra-degenerate and insane, although the cool young conservatives DO say a lot of the right things... be careful. Nothing is ever as it seems on the world stage, and the social engineers are relentlessly playing the long-game, using people, and weaponising genuine concerns to bring in what they want next.

Here in the UK, there's no possibility of some sort of "Christian extremist" revival of the sort depicted in Gilead, since Christianity has become so weak and incoherent in this country. Whilst there are individual devout Christians who adhere to the traditional tenets of the religion, the overall institutions that represent it (including the actual Pope) are weak and flabby and barely represent Christianity at all.

But the religious movement that has become increasingly strong and robust in the UK, is Islam. Aren't many of the soldiers ("asylum seekers") they're shipping in Muslim? Haven't "in the know" insiders predicted a great (engineered) conflict between Islamic and (nominally) Christian countries? (And it is all engineered, so of course we must not fall into any "Islamophobic", nor indeed "Christophobic" traps. Left alone, Muslims and Christians generally get along fine and have much in common. It is the psychopathic social engineers that are constantly agitating, pushing for divide and conquer, and creating deep state controlled "terrorist factions" - ISIS et al - and trying to get us to destroy each other.)

Also, aren't all the pubs and breweries collapsing? Aren't pig farms closing down? To spell it out, we're on track for becoming a dry, pork-free country which is shipping in thousands of Islamic soldiers. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think this might not be incidental...

If you look back to history, you can see societies are in a constant state of flux, a continual cycle of pendulum swings, and whenever a society goes too far one way, there's a breaking point where the pendulum stops and swings dramatically back the other way. We're at extreme secular liberalism right now, so it's quite plausible and possible that the next stage is a swing back to religious conservatism.

This would perhaps only be quite a short-lived stage, to unleash something so explicitly oppressive and restrictive that people kick back against it and call for the end of all religions (all earmarked for abolition as part of the ultimate One World Government goal, as totalitarian regimes cannot have competing allegiances to things like religions - or monarchies).

Obviously I don't have a crystal ball, but I think it's important to be aware of the themes above and that we're likely in for quite a bumpy ride over the next few months particularly. The purpose of thinking about these things in advance is it gives you time to prepare, and to be proactive in considering how you might respond, rather than being reactive and simply having a knee-jerk reaction when things happen by "surprise". The ruling classes depend for their power on the masses being entirely reactive, just being jerked from one manufactured "crisis" to the next like a puppet on a string, without having taken the time to take a detached objective overview and contemplate what is really going on.

So whilst they're distracting us with all things 'Queen', they're building up to something big behind the scenes. so please do use this period of relative calm wisely to study the cultural and political climate and what we might be in for next, to ensure you're able to respond and manage it as best as possible. And you are able to: I don't believe anyone is here now who hasn't chosen at some level to be involved in this fight. So to put it another way: times may be about to get tough - but so are we.

EDITED TO ADD: Upon publication of this article, I received an email from PayPal informing me they have permanently closed my account as I am, allegedly, "in violation of their acceptable use policy". PayPal is my main source of income, allowing me to raise the funds that enable me to keep this resource available. "They" know this (and PayPal is the latest in an ever-lengthening line of platforms to ban me, following a permanent ban on Twitter, and perennial 30-day bans on Facebook - making it harder and harder for me to stay visible and solvent).

This is a devastating blow to my endeavours and makes it very clear what the establishment intends to do to alternative voices in the future. I will write more on this in due course, but in the meantime, if you would like to donate, please do not use the PayPal button below (I'll remove it as soon as I can), but please either use Patreon or go via my bank, details of which are here. Thank you.

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9 comments on “Preparing for the next chapter (and its plot twists)”

  1. Incredible! Nothing you have said should have led to paypal closing your account! I presume they didn't give any 'actual' reasons.
    The above article is both entertaining, informative and refreshingly honest. I shall be sending it off to folk.
    I'll see you in the gulag! 😉
    - also as I keep sharing my website below - folk might be interested to know that the link will send you to my counter-narrative album 'Project 21'. I don't make any money (of note - no pun intended) from my music but the message(s) of the music is/are important. Maybe even comforting in these days of conformity. Cheers.

  2. Regarding the young male asylum seekers, Mike Stott of Guardians 300 has expressed the view that he does not consider these to be secret-fighting men. Also rumours to this effect stoke the fear energy.

  3. Hi Martin, I think there is a big difference between "fear" and "sensible awareness of possible danger". I do not fear crossing a busy road, but I am aware of potential danger and so take the sensible precautions.

    It is unequivocally dangerous to move 84 single young men from a completely different culture, who have nothing to do all day, into a small Yorkshire village. Unintegrated young men without proper outlets for their energies are potentially dangerous. We know groups of young men can cause trouble, that's why many pubs and clubs won't let large groups of them in etc.

    Even if they are not military trained (which I strongly suspect they are), this is an incredibly dangerous and reckless social experiment which won't end well. It certainly isn't benevolent. Our own native populations are struggling to heat their homes and to get enough to eat, yet the government miraculously has the money to house, feed and clothe all these "asylum seekers"? There is a nefarious explanation for all this and, sadly, we will soon see what it is.

  4. You're absolutely correct, in my opinion. I, and others I know, have been saying this for years. If only people knew about the Treaty of Marrakesh and the Treaty of Barcelona.

  5. A brilliant summary of what is going on in the world . Thoroughly enjoyed reading it . I am
    going to share it widely . Thank you 😊

  6. I’m by no means a Royalist but I can’t help but wonder: why would someone, like Charles, be for the destruction of the Monarchy? Why would he and the rest of the Royal Family be on board with this?

    (Great paper Miri, as always)

  7. I take your points Miri.
    If I lived nearby I would also be concerned.
    Do you have a parish council in that area that can be of use?

  8. Thought provoking and superbly written. Thank you.

    Out of sheer curiosity- is there a reason why you don’t use another, alternative, social media platform such as Rumble, Telegram, or any other? I know a lot of content creators do, even when still on Twitter or FB. Just as a backup. Too insignificant in audience reach or …?

  9. Many thanks Michaela. Yes, I have tried alternative platforms including MeWe, Gab, and Gettr, but got so little traction on all of them that I gave up! The problem seems to be that people are very scattered over the alternative networks, whilst "everyone" still uses the big 3, even though we probably shouldn't. I try to use social media as little as possible and primarily just use it as signposting to promote new articles - best way of ensuring readers see new content is to sign up to the mailing list, so please do sign up if you haven't - it's at the very bottom of the site on a phone, and to the right and down a bit on a computer.

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