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Farming is an art, culling is a science

By: MiriSeptember 25, 2023No Comments
(First published September 25th, 2022 - a year ago today. I republish today for newer readers and because, unfortunately, the […]

Continued correspondence with schools' immunisation team

By: MiriSeptember 22, 2023No Comments
(For previous correspondence, please see here.) Dear Robert Bachelor, We acknowledge receipt of your message of Tuesday 19th September. Thank […]

Follow up to incriminatingly silent schools' immunisation team

By: MiriSeptember 14, 2023No Comments
(For original letter, please see here) Dear Locala,  We wrote to you a full calendar week ago regarding - as this […]

It's Go Time

By: MiriSeptember 11, 2023No Comments
Right on cue - on 9/11, naturally - there are the headlines: 'GET JABBED: Brits urged to get Covid boosters […]

Open letter to Locala's school-aged immunisation team

By: MiriSeptember 8, 2023No Comments
Dear Locala, We are the founders of the independent health resource, Informed Consent Matters, a resource created as a response […]

"Collapsing schools" means one thing: a control group

By: MiriSeptember 3, 2023No Comments
Even if you don't have school-aged children (or even if you have the good sense not to study the media […]

Invasion of the flat snatchers...

By: MiriSeptember 2, 2023No Comments
As regular readers are aware, I live in Huddersfield, a moderately sized town in West Yorkshire, population 141,000, and the […]

(Another) letter to the local council about medical corruption

By: MiriAugust 30, 2023No Comments
Dear Councillors and Officers of Kirklees Council, I am writing to you, on behalf of myself and the co-signatories listed, […]

It's more important to be brave than to be right

By: MiriAugust 25, 2023No Comments
On the 3rd April, 2019, several months before any of us had ever heard the word 'Covid', and when lockdown […]

Note the Normality

By: MiriAugust 21, 2023No Comments
Where I live in Huddersfield, I'm very lucky to be in walking distance of not one, but two rather spectacular […]
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