This isn't the end (though may temporarily resemble it)

Written by: Miri
August 29, 2022

"Don't ask any questions, just close your computer and follow me when I leave."

You'd be pretty alarmed to get that text message from your companion, wouldn't you, as you sat in a quiet pub doing some work in the middle of the day?

Well, I did receive such a text on Wednesday, as I sat in a quiet corner of a popular town centre pub, with husband Mark, doing some work on our new project, Informed Consent Matters.

My first thought was - as my screen was facing out into the main body of the pub - that somebody had seen the 'controversial' content and was appearing to be in some way aggrieved by it, so I quickly snapped shut my laptop, zipped it into my rucksack, and got up to leave. When I did so, and thus turned around, I realised my initial assumption was probably wrong, and that the likely source of Mark's caution was the large, unkempt gentleman sitting behind me - rather unusually, wearing a pair of dungarees - glaring at me in what can only be described as a demented rage.

We hurried out of the pub and onto the high street, and I said to Mark,

"It was that guy behind us, wasn't it?"

"Yes," said Mark. "Did you hear what he was saying?"

I had been so absorbed in what I'd been doing, I'd tuned out all the noise around me.


Mark explained that this man, who appeared to have some sort of mental health problem and was in the company of someone Mark (having worked in that field himself) assumed was his social worker, was talking to his companion as follows:

"I'm really going to kick off in a minute... You're not going to like what you see... I've had enough of this life and I'm going out with a bang... I don't care who I take down with me."

That final declaration was enough for Mark to compose his rather alarming - but, it had now become apparent, completely justified - text.

This man was very large - tall and well-built - and as I had seen for myself, had a look of absolute madness in his eyes. I don't know what happened in the pub after we left - I very much hope, nothing - but I don't think these were idle threats and I strongly suspect this man is genuinely dangerous. What he was saying had haunting similarities with the kinds of things convicted attempted murderer, Jonty Bravery, used to say to his social workers, before he snatched a child in the Tate Modern gallery and hurled him off a 10th floor balcony, very nearly killing the boy and causing him profound and life-changing injuries.

Bravery was previously "not considered a risk" by social workers, since his repeated threats to kill members of the public had been put down to attention-seeking. Since his conviction and incarceration, Bravery has been accused of raping a fellow inmate. So, I was inclined to agree with Mark, that when clearly mentally ill, large and imposing men threaten to harm random people, we should take their threats seriously. We thought latterly we probably should have alerted the pub staff, but were so keen to get out of there we didn't think of it until later - and haven't since heard of any incidents in said pub, so on this occasion, it seems thankfully the threat was contained.

We returned home, pretty shocked by the incident, but putting it down to a freak, self-contained one-off. A few hours later, at around 7pm - still broad daylight at this time of year - Mark went out to see some friends. He'd only been gone about three minutes, when my phone rang.

"Oh God," said Mark. "You're never going to believe what I've just seen."

He then described that, as he'd turned out of our street and onto the main road that takes one into town - a quiet, mainly residential area, popular with young families and pensioners - he saw a young man lying flat on his back by the bus stop, with his flies undone and... well, you can fill in the rest. Broad daylight, by a bus stop, surrounded by family homes and only a stone's throw from a school.

Right, that's it, I decided, civilisation has now collapsed... Because, while all societies have always had a fringe of damaged people and have had mechanisms in place to deal with such people, there is a tipping point. Eventually, if a society is fundamentally unhealthy, then the number of damaged people will become so great, they will overwhelm and outnumber the resources available to deal with them.

For these two incidents - credible violent threats along with extreme indecent exposure - to occur not just in the same day, but in broad daylight - rather than in the shadowy underworld of the night that has traditionally been the prowling ground for such people - is telling us something of very grave importance about where our society is.

I was therefore both alarmed, but equally not that surprised, to see news reports today stating that the Reading Festival - traditionally a fun summer party for teenagers - has descended into violence, arson, and looting, as "yobs torch tents, brawls break out, and thugs start fires" - leaving the terrified teenagers fleeing.

Meanwhile, at Reading's sister event, the Leeds festival, yet another teenager has died from taking dodgy drugs, just weeks after a similar incident at nearby Bassfest in Sheffield (the young man in question was from Holmfirth, a village just down the road from me, and was the friend of a friend).

These are all signs of a society in its final death throes. As I say, there have always been damaged people, there have always been occasional tragedies with teenagers and drugs, but these genuinely have been occasional, and therefore containable. Yet now, we have passed the tipping point where it can be contained and where we can credibly still call our society overall safe and functional. I mean, who is going to feel safe letting their teenager go to a music festival, where drug deaths are now par the course, and security staff can't stop them being wrecked by violent arsonists? Who is going to let their school-aged child walk home from school or to a friend's when you can't be sure there won't be an indecently exposed man lying on the pavement in front of them?

Any cursory glance at history confirms that when societies reach this level of lawless degeneracy, there's only a very small amount of time left before they collapse altogether.

And as we know, all this is engineered and by design. These issues are the end (and inevitable, and engineered) result of decades of social policy meant to destroy individuals and therefore destroy the social fabric. (It is also very plausible and possible that the vaccine is inducing personality changes and causing people to become more aggressive, as anecdotally, I have heard people report significant, negative personality changes in vaccinated family and friends.)

People often ask when and if World War III will start, but the reality is it started on 3rd September, 1945. As soon as the "conventional" warfare of the second world war concluded (people shooting and bombing each other), we moved into the arguably even more devastating psychological warfare we have been enduring ever since.

Military strategists realised that physical warfare is often not enough to completely destroy a people, because you can't kill everyone and so a psychologically robust people will manage to absorb the losses, fight back, and maintain and grow their culture.

Therefore, if you really want to destroy a people and a way of life, you have to target - not people's bodies - but their minds. You need to harness their psychology and their emotions, because once you've done that, then it doesn't matter how many of these people live or die - because you, the enemy force, own their minds, meaning they're now effectively neutralised and no longer a threat to your interests. People hypnotised by endless propaganda and mind-control, of the sort our society has been saturated with for so many decades, have been thoroughly conquered, in a much more effective way than can be achieved through bombing their villages or sticking them in camps. Those experiences, harrowing and traumatic as they are, do not appear to irreparably destroy the human spirit and mind in a way psychological warfare more reliably can and does.

You only have to look around you to see that our society - despite not having been a target of overtly hostile invasions for decades - is in a far worse shape now, than it was in 1945, after years of bombing and gunfire. Physically, it might be in better shape - no bombed out buildings and so forth - but this is another reason the psychopathic ruling classes prefer "quiet wars" (like psychological wars) and "soft weapons" (like vaccines) over guns and bombs - you can achieve better results with these than in conventional warfare, both in terms of conquering societies and killing people, but without causing enormous and costly damage to the infrastructure, which then needs to be rebuilt afterwards.

All these destructive social trends as outlined in this article have been gathering pace for a very long time, but the malevolent puppet masters orchestrating all this really intend to amplify and accelerate these themes over the winter months, to decisively and finally bring society to its knees. While most people are starting to feel the pinch in terms of rising costs of living, sadly we all know that what we are experiencing now is nothing compared to what is to come, in terms of freezing houses, lack of power, and nationwide food shortages. Apparently, food banks are now running out of food, since few people are any longer in a position to give their own food away.

When all of the above - the cold and the closures and the hunger - fully kick in this winter, then what threadbare social protections there are to contain people like the man making death threats in our local pub, or the one "enjoying himself" by our local bus-stop, are going to become even more flimsy and unreliable, and the concomitant threat to the safety of the general public is going to rise exponentially - all exacerbated by the fact that cold, hungry people get angry and are unlikely to all sit meekly in their houses starving to death. Theft and looting will become much more common.

This isn't about "scaremongering", it's about making rational analyses and extrapolating from current trends, what we can reasonably expect in the near future, and how we can best prepare to navigate it.

I don't actually expect this period of dangerous social disintegration to last very long, because I believe it is all planned, and the whole point of it is to deliver a short, sharp shock, whereby people become so scared and desperate, they're throwing themselves at the mercy of the government to save them. As Gareth Icke observed earlier, "If I say to you "You can keep your house and continue to live there, but you need to sign across ownership to me", you would tell me to jog on. But then fast forward. You are in debt, cold, hungry, can't afford the mortgage, missing payments etc... I make the offer again. Your reply will almost certainly be different. You will own nothing and you'll be happy. Of course nothing comes for free, so your new found security is based on your compliance with everything the state desires."

The purpose of the next few months is to make our way of life seem non-viable in every conceivable respect, to show us that our society is so dangerous and discordant and degenerate, that effectively, the slate must be wiped clean and we must start again.

"Bumbling politicians" and national governments will be blamed for getting us into this mess, and I believe that as part of that, the social engineers intend to reveal how dangerous the vaccine really is, which will serve as the final shattering blow to all trust and faith in our existing institutions.

If you hadn't heard, there is a "new and reformulated" Covid booster about to be unleashed, and this one, even the mainstream press cheerfully admits, has no proper safety data to support it whatsoever, and has not, in fact, been tested on people at all. Consequently, even that ultra-slimy vaccine salesman, Paul (Pr)Offit, has expressed reservations about it. He is quoted in Time magazine as saying giving untested vaccines to people makes him "uncomfortable", which is about as thorough an indictment from such a zealous pro-vaccinator as you can get.

This is all setting us up. Such an extraordinarily risky experiment can have no other consequences than an enormous increase in serious illness and death, and that is the point. The previous generation of Covid vaccines, extremely dangerous as they were, did not typically cause serious illness and death straightaway. There has generally been enough of a gap between the shot and the side effects for there to be "plausible deniability".

However, I think this new injection is meant to be so catastrophic so quickly, that denial will become impossible. It will be too obvious, and it is meant to be, as this is happening concomitantly with investigations into vaccine safety in the US, where it is now being claimed Donald Trump insisted on skipping safety trials with his "Operation Warp Speed", as he wanted to be the first premier to approve a vaccine in order to secure his re-election. That's the story (Trump being set up as the fall-guy, which I said back in 2016 was always ultimately going to be the point of him - he's an actor with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and he is simply playing a part, something which is very common in so-called politics - which is, not incidentally, also known as "showbiz for ugly people").

The carnage caused by the new injectable will of course finish the UK's National Health Service - already on its knees - off for good, and again that is all part of the plan. Emergency ambulance calls for life-threatening conditions like cardiac arrest are already off the charts - higher than they've been since records began - and so another onslaught of desperately ill people will simply be unmanageable. The system will collapse, just as it's meant to. (If you need to go to hospital for any reason, get a taxi.)

I reiterate once again that this is all engineered psychological warfare meant to destroy the minds of the survivors. First, all the trauma and the devastation and the loss, which will variously be caused by multiple businesses collapsing, soaring energy bills, food shortages, and vaccine-induced illness and death, and then the revelation that this was all knowingly done to us by our "leaders".

It has now been confirmed in the US that the Ashley Biden diary, alleging father Joe behaved inappropriately with her as a child and likely molested her, is real, and with all the other very serious allegations surrounding the Biden family, it won't be long until it is formally confirmed that a predatory paedophile currently occupies the highest political office in the world.

We can expect similar revelations in the UK. It was not for nothing that the UK mainstream press reported that then-health secretary, Matt Hancock, spent £50,000 of tax-payer's money on nine "takeaways" from a tiny and obscure London restaurant with a password-protected secret menu serving "pizza".

There's no innocent cover story that can explain that. The restaurant doesn't have the kitchen facilities to run up a £50k bill on just nine orders. So, at best, he was ordering drugs. At best. The reality is it was probably something much more sinister.

This is all meant to be revealed, because remember the literary device, "Chekhov's rifle" - this states that if a rifle is mentioned in chapter one of a book, it is not incidental. It's central to the story and it will be revealed why later. So, the UK press did not report on Matt Hancock's "takeaways" for no reason and we will have the reason revealed to us very soon.

(Equally, as I outlined in the Chekhov's rifle link, Madeleine McCann has not been kept in the press for 15 years for no reason. She will be found alive soon, and used to push in the "microchip your kids" agenda.)

Ultimately, the point is that we are under a brutal and sustained full-spectrum psychological attack, the goal of which is to break us psychologically so we gratefully accept the total remodelling of society to "save" us. It's important not to shy away from what's happening, or label if "scaremongering" or "focusing on the negative", because people who do that will be totally blindsided by what is to come and won't be able to cope. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail, and we have the vital opportunity right now to do that preparation. Practical preparation, such as sourcing alternate heat and light sources and keeping non-perishable food stocks, but just as important is the psychological and emotional preparation. Preparing for the fact that this is going to be the much prophesised "dark winter", and we need to survive the darkness with our minds and our spirits in tact.

Some things are beyond our control and we cannot stop mass business closure or soaring price hikes, but what is within our control - always - is our own minds. That's the ultimate prize for the evil warmongers behind all this. Not your money (they already have all the money in the world, and if they want more, they just print it) or your house or your land - yes, these are nice little bonuses for them, but not what they're really after. They've spent trillions on propagandising you for all of your life because - as Alex Jones has adroitly summed up - "there's a war on for your mind".

As long as your mind remains your own, they haven't won. So, yes, there are tough, hard, harrowing times ahead (just as there have been at many, many previous junctures in human history), but if you can keep your mind whilst many around you will, sadly, lose theirs, then - the enemy hasn't won, and there's still every reason to keep fighting.

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8 comments on “This isn't the end (though may temporarily resemble it)”

  1. it's interesting what one sees/experiences. i've just had sun con pluto/mars square pluto transits the last 2 days.
    lots of aggressive shouting from other houses, a fire down the hill, not sure yet about details, being harassed /send porn on fb.
    being forewarned i stayed home/away/inside so as not to get in line of anything.
    reading this i was reminded of things i've read re '' we all see reality differently''
    anyways, i am trying to let go of fear narratives, they don't seem to help make things better.
    i've told people for years.
    what i do now is work toward being christ on earth [ nothing to do with christianity/any religion ] , christ meaning light.
    WE are the second coming, this is why this is happening, so WE get of off our arses and accent.

  2. conversely i've had the opposite happen a few times in my life. it's so wonderful when the veil lifts for a second and you see reality.

  3. It’s true that the juice is affecting people’s mental health especially if they had a prior condition. I had to let a depressed friend go as nothing I could say was good enough. A friend’s dad, who had always been a bit of a narcissist, stole his girlfriend’s credit card and went to another city to spend money on it. His latest delusion is that he thinks he’s been recruited by the Ukrainian army and that they’re going to pay him €150 000.

  4. Hi Miri. I love reading your posts, however this one has sent my anxiety high. While I appreciate your opinion, how would you explain people that rent? So, not being able to sign over your house.
    Thanks to you, I will make provisions for winter and prepare to support and protect my family. Is it all really all doom and gloom? 🥲😩 It’s rather frighting to think of! I believe that raising our vibrations can change the direction of this plan. How do you feel about this?
    Many thanks Shelly xx

  5. FYI!! Interesting that I’ve tried to share this post to FB and they’re reporting that there’s an error!!! 🤬😡

  6. thanks Miri, another great article; The "pizza" he was ordering are little kids he would either rape or extract adrenochrome; so many theories, difficult to work it out which one is true;

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