VILE AF: Open letter to all MSM news editors

Written by: Miri
August 30, 2024
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Dear Editors,

I have been reading with interest over the years your extensive coverage "exposing" various conspiracy theorists, such as Russell Brand, Laurence Fox, and most recently, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

I take great exception to these articles, because - as a fellow conspiracy theorist myself - I find myself increasingly frustrated at all this additional publicity my conspiratorial contemporaries receive from you - which thoroughly eludes me - and which, as you are fully aware, raises their profile, drives more people towards them, and massively increases their support base.

As you acknowledged recently, you made multi-millionaire Russell Brand many times richer than he already was by "exposing" him and telling people exactly where they could go to financially support him.

As such, I was wondering if you could do a similar smear job on me, as you have done so many times on other "dangerous extremists", and thusly help me to raise my profile as you have helped them.

However, as I do appreciate you are busy, I thought I would help you in return, by writing the piece myself, as I have done below. I have studied the general tone and content of media "hit pieces" on conspiracy theorists, and think I have got the general character right (though do please forgive my overuse of the word 'vile'!).

It would be very helpful to me if you could publish this, and thus "expose" me in the way you have "exposed" Brand, Fox, Kennedy et al, and thereby maximised their visibility and support.

If you are not prepared to expose me as you have exposed them - despite my own equal or greater credentials of "dangerous extremism" - and my more comprehensive record of being permanently banned from platforms - perhaps you wouldn't mind explaining exactly how you come to decisions about which "conspiracists" you choose to "expose" (widely promote) and which to completely ignore (keep suppressed).

Best regards,

Miri Anne "Miri AF" Finch

VILE AF - The Dark and Disturbed Delusions of Miri Anne Finch

A quiet and unassuming Huddersfield street seems an unlikely base for one of the UK's most extreme and dangerous conspiracy theorists, but we have been able to verify that this is the home location of Miri Anne Finch - self-styled online as 'Miri AF' - and from where she spews her increasingly unhinged and vile views.

Finch, who is not a scientist, first came to public attention in 2015, with the introduction of anti-vaccine misinformation resource, 'STRIVE', claiming to "educate students about vaccines to help them make an informed choice".

Featuring the usual quotient of anti-vax quackery, Finch's resource supported the debunked claims that vaccines are not completely safe for everyone who receives them.

Sickeningly, this resource was aimed at students as young as 16, who Finch claims can be manipulated and pressurised into receiving vaccines they do not want. We consulted several leading experts in the field who have denied these claims.

But peddling vaccine misinformation to teenagers (something which, shockingly, Finch accuses her own local council of doing) was only the beginning of Finch's dark descent into the vile and treacherous terrain of what conspiracy theorists refer to as "the rabbit hole".

By 2020, Finch had become a fully fledged science-denier, not only rejecting such vital public health measures as tests, masks, and substantial meals to protect from Covid - but denying the deadly virus existed at all.

Claiming Covid was merely "a cold", or "rebranded flu", Finch cynically exploited loopholes in the law to enable selfish and science-denying anti-maskers to claim they were "exempt" from wearing a mask. Finch asserted that "people have the right to breathe freely". Experts have denied this claim.

It was during the pandemic that Finch became fully radicalised, joining forces with a motley crew of dangerous and discredited "activists". Finch and her unqualified associates (predictably, Finch endorses debunked pseudosciences such as homeopathy and nutrition) have gone so far as to link the spike in excess deaths post-pandemic to the widespread use of Covid vaccines - despite experts debunking this claim.

Using a variety of online platforms to spew her vile views - including her own website, Substack, and Twitter - Finch's audience has grown to several thousand worldwide, and shockingly, an increasing number of individuals appear to support her - including in some of her most outlandish theories, such as the idea that heroic TV doctor Michael Mosley "faked his own death", and even the vile suggestion that the tragic Southport attacks may have been "a hoax". Experts have debunked these claims.

Finch has, since 2021, intensified her disinformation campaign by launching what she deems an "independent information resource", entitled "Informed Consent Matters". The concept of "informed consent" became a dogwhistle for conspiracy theorists everywhere during the pandemic, when online cranks claimed healthcare professionals were not seeking informed consent before administering Covid vaccinations. Experts have denied this claim.

Finch's Informed Consent Matters resource is characterised by a series of science-denying fake news articles, and even, despicably, features a section entitled "misinformation", claiming that pharmaceutical experts who label resources such as hers "misinformation" may have an ulterior, financial motive for so doing. Needless to say, the ludicrous and baseless idea that the pharmaceutical industry lies for money is very popular with the post-truth, far-right conspiracy theorists who consume Finch's particular brand of quackery.

There are also strong suggestions that Finch is a white supremacist, as she has recently claimed that the severe and deadly threat to the UK from the far-right, from riots which mostly didn't materialise and in which 0 people were killed, has been exaggerated. Finch has gone so far as to accuse authorities of publicising non-existent riots for the purposes of "terrorising" the populace and increasing political control. Experts have denied these claims.

Recognising the dire threat to public health and community safety posed by Finch, several major online platforms including YouTube and PayPal have permanently banned her - although the so-called "free speech" platform Substack continues to allow her to publish her disturbed diatribes.

Substack even allows her to monetise her menacing misinformation, where readers are invited to support her by pledging £5 a month, or to euphemistically "Buy A Coffee", using the "Buy Me A Coffee" service, which has become another preferred platform for the dangerous online extremists who so threaten our democracy and undermine free speech by sharing their views.

It is very important that we all completely disregard these cranks and charlatans and make sure we do not draw any attention to them whatsoever. As Robert F. Kennedy's brother Max said in one of the world's largest circulation publications with a readership of many millions, the best thing to do with conspiracy theorists is to ignore them!

In conclusion, and as our reporter departed the quiet Huddersfield street where neighbours say Finch appears "pleasant and normal (but with some rather eccentric headwear)", it is clear we never really know what dark delusions may lurk in the minds of our seemingly ordinary neighbours... so to find out more about Miri AF and her particular brand of madness, please follow the links below:

Miri AF website / Miri AF Substack / Miri AF Presidential Campaign (not really: but if I was running one on an "anti-establishment" ticket, the above kind of article would be the best possible publicity for it...)

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