What are "they" planning for the Queen's funeral?

Written by: Miri
September 18, 2022

My express hope and desire is, "nothing", other than a day of ridiculous inconvenience, as nobody can do any shopping, enjoy any leisure, or, apparently, even ride their bike.

However, I don't think one needs to be a crazy conspiracrank (though it always helps) to suggest that something else might be on the cards. I remember that, in the none-too-distant past, there was an alleged "terrorist attack" (ISIS usually) virtually every other week, but we haven't had any of note since the debut of the pantomime plague, and this is because the terrorists have, like many other classes of professional, been furloughed. This is not a joke: Britain's terrorist control unit commented on it at the time, and said lockdowns had effectively seen an end to "terror", since there was no-one on the streets, which both makes it harder for would-be terrorists to slip by unnoticed with their bulging bomb-full rucksacks etc., and also strips the motivation for staging the attack in the first place - "terror" only works if there are actually people present to terrorise, not if they're all sitting in their living rooms glued to the box, in thrall to the, er, "charms" of Chris Whitty (whatever happened to him, anyway?).

However, an event where millions of people are on the streets, including all Western world leaders, would seem an obvious opportunity for "terror". I keep putting it in scare quotes, because, of course, it won't be 'real' terror - not meaning, sadly, that people might not really get hurt - but that it will all be orchestrated and stage-managed by the deep state, to kick off more divide and conquer cultural tensions. It's been predicted for many decades, by the social script writers, that the third world-wide global conflict will be a clash of culture between the Muslim world and the Christian world.

Well: what event could more symbolise this than the Christian Queen's funeral, and all the ancestrally Christian British mourners, being disrupted by some sort of "Islamic terror"? There have already been some incidents that seem designed to stoke these kinds of tensions, such as Muslim Mohammad Khan, being arrested for "behaving intentionally to cause harassment, alarm, and distress", by moving out of the (now world-famous) "Queue", and marching towards the Queen's coffin. Furthermore, the police have been warning Muslims convicted under the Terrorism Act - even for non-violent offences - not to attend the funeral and indeed to avoid central London altogether, whilst the Met have stated the funeral poses the biggest security test they have ever undertaken. So, it seems they are certainly anticipating something.

Whenever there are large crowds and cultural tensions to be exploited, you can be sure the ruling classes will exploit them, and that there WILL be agent provocateurs in the crowds tomorrow, agitating to cause trouble. While of course there can be "real" cultural tensions when dramatically different cultures suddenly have to co-exist (as we saw with the Ukrainian "adopt a refugee" scheme, which went so spectacularly wrong), the reality is that most people of all cultures just want to quietly get on with their lives, and, left alone by the malevolent social architects, largely would. But the social engineers relentlessly weaponise a small number of malcontents, as well as training up their own agent provocateurs and mercenaries, to ensure maximum social disruption and chaos (hence their maxim, 'ordo ab chao' - order out of chaos).

It is very revealing to note that it is not the Royal Family behind tomorrow's "royal lockdown" - behind the mass business closures, the funeral and hospital cancellations, and the ensuring that as many people are on the streets as possible. In fact, The Palace has expressly stated that it wishes for life to carry on as normally as possible with minimal disruptions.

So why have the even higher-ups overruled them and issued clear diktats to businesses up and down the country to shut their doors? It looks to me to be in order to ensure maximum participation in, and as large as possible an audience for, an "event". Obviously, I very much hope I'm wrong, but am just drawing attention to the possibility, so if something does happen tomorrow, we can see it in context - that this is not organic, it is scripted and planned and meant to make us react in a certain way (problem-reaction-solution - an age-old political tactic of social manipulation and control, which Google rather hilariously describes as "a conspiracy theory by David Icke").

The staggeringly disproportionate amount of press attention and over-the-top obsequious reverence given to the Queen (the Google doodle is STILL in mourning!), seems to me to quite obviously have a nefarious purpose. In all my life prior to the last few days, I have never heard anyone - even the most staunch royalist - express much more about the Queen than a general admiration for her long term of service and sense of duty. The reality is that to 99.9% of people in this country, the Queen is really nothing more than a glorified soap star - someone they often see on television reading from a script, whose "family dramas" they enjoy hearing about, but have absolutely no personal relationship with nor any sense of what she is really like.

So, left to their own devices, very few members of the public would have been that devastated about the Queen's death (they certainly would not be standing in miles-long freezing cold queues for 12 hours or more, something none of them ever did to see her when she was alive). However, they have been expertly manipulated, using many of the same propagandist tricks we saw throughout "Covid", to react as if some earth-shatteringly, unprecedentedly awful event has taken place, something far more serious and significant than has ever occurred in their lifetimes before - even encouraged to cancel their own relatives funerals, in order to mourn a woman they have never met!

It's utterly extraordinary, and insane, and intentional. We keep hearing this word "respect" - that businesses must close "out of respect", that people must not mention the word abolition "out of respect", that we must all put our lives on hold and even delay our own desperately needed medical treatments, "out of respect".

So the nation is being primed to have a reaction of complete apoplectic outrage - far more extreme than they would normally have had - if there is any kind of "disrespectful" agitation or disruption at the funeral (even a relatively minor one where no-one is seriously hurt). So, if something does happen, especially if it is accredited to an Islamic faction, this could be the final bit of torch paper to ignite long since bubbling-under cultural tensions (mostly manipulated) to explode up and down the country - where, perhaps not incidentally, large factions of military-aged men from Islamic countries are being stationed. 84 are moving into a disused mill down the road from me next week.

So, we need to be mindful of this possibility and not play into the overlords' hands if this does happen - whenever it happens, even if not the day of the funeral. (October 1st is another day to watch, as the deeply dodgy 'Don't Pay UK' are explicitly calling for millions of angry, desperate people to take to the streets.)

The key thing to keep in mind is the extremely fraudulent and fabricated nature of "modern life" and major world events: that these are almost all scripted (often decades in advance), and we must never have a knee-jerk, emotive response to current events as if they are "real". They may be real insofar as they have real-world impacts on real-life people, but they are not real insofar as they are organic and spontaneous. They are almost always acted and stage-managed, by exceptionally intelligent (and extremely malevolent) social engineers, who want to prompt certain responses in the masses. There is definitely a reason the ruling classes have put SO much emphasis on the Queen's funeral (to repeat, in defiance of the wishes of the Palace), and it is certainly not because of "respect".

One of the best, clearest and most concise, explanations of how modern life and the world stage really works came from (my "gateway conspiracy theorist") Henry Makow, who said: "whenever the elites do anything, there are always two reasons for it: one, the reason given to the public to make it palatable, and two, the real reason."

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10 comments on “What are "they" planning for the Queen's funeral?”

  1. Thank you Miri once again for making me think. However, I truly hope you are wrong this time! Cannot fathom how many lives may be lost.

  2. Hi
    I’ve just set up a standing order , it’s not much , but like u said , if everyone gives a cup of coffee amount then it will help you out .
    I love reading your opinion and I do hope everyone gets behind and supports your work . Much love n prayers to you
    Miriam xx

  3. The number crunchers reckon the 23rd will be significant, that's Friday so not long to wait.

  4. A german official has stated that everyone will remember where they were on the 24th September 2022 which is next Saturday. Who knows what he meant by that?

  5. Great article. I've just found Miri's site and thoroughly enjoying her writing. Well, I don't think anything big has gone down today but it appears to be building-as if we haven't had enough of the BS. Cultural tensions between Muslim/christians are, I suppose on the cards but both Islam and Christianity are Yahwist religions,as is Judaism. Religious animosity is frankly ludicrous.

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