When is a football team most vulnerable to conceding a goal?

Written by: Miri
November 6, 2024
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Regular readers may be surprised to see me open this essay with a sporting motif, given my severe allergic antipathy to the general category (it is a great irony - and evidence that God has quite the sense of humour - that, despite having never seriously played a sport in my life, I have had a series of serious sports injuries, relating to torn cruciate ligaments. On the plus side, I was able to exploit one of these injuries for five years straight and entirely excuse myself from school PE, so maybe God knew what he was doing after all...).

Anyway: as any athletic aficionado knows, the answer to the titular question is:

When they've just scored one.

Victory in any situation inevitably has the effect of disabling one's guard, such is the intensity of the jubilant emotions, and, needless to say, political strategists know this.

Obviously, I'm talking about the inevitable Trump victory, and the only surprising thing to me about this was the realisation that some people were actually surprised! I was rather stunned to learn some commentators really did think it would be rigged for Harris, because (they reasoned) the cabal wanted to demonstrate just how corrupt the system really is, and therefore drive Trump supporters into a rage, which could then be utilised against them.

No, I thought, there's no chance of that, because they played that card in 2020. They did then get the desired raging response from furious Trump supporters, but if they did it again, it would result not in rage, but in apathy and despair.

"Oh My God, we tried so hard, we did everything, and they still stole it again. It's all hopeless. There's nothing we can do."

That wasn't the kind of reaction the cabal wanted at all, so of course there was no chance Kamala could win. If the social controllers had wanted a Democrat president, they would have put forward a vaguely plausible candidate. They intentionally put forward a gibbering idiot who couldn't even string a sentence together without a teleprompter (or perhaps, should we say, someone acting as a gibbering idiot who couldn't string a sentence together without a teleprompter), to ensure the only attribute she had to offer to voters - literally the only one - was that she wasn't Trump.

Simply not being another person, even the dastardly Donald, is not quite enough to swing it for the world stage's top job, so obviously, Trump won, not least because he had the backing of some of the wealthiest and most influential tech titans in the world (Elon Musk, Peter Thiel).

The American political system certainly is corrupt, and much more vulnerable to explicit rigging than ours is in the UK, but the biggest form of rigging in any election really comes down to media exposure (including alternative and social media exposure) and how much certain candidates get. Trump got a phenomenal amount, with even the backing of the world's most famous conspiracy theorist (sorry, David), Alex Jones.

So although I don't rule out the idea that there may have been some direct tinkering with the ballots, I nevertheless do believe that Trump "legitimately" won insofar as he got more votes than Kamala, because the extraordinary blitz of publicity he received, combined with her completely underwhelming credentials as a person, ensured that he would.

A lot of people are euphorically happy about this win, including and especially a lot of dissidents and anti-establishment types, because they sincerely believe Trump will change things for the better.

Well, please consider this cautionary comment issued by a very high-profile and experienced political and media figure:

"President Trump scammed American workers. He promised to bring back manufacturing, raise wages, fix trade deals, close the carried interest loophole, and help small farmers. But everything President Trump achieved were things the Republican machine wanted.

We got a tax cut for Jeff Bezos, deregulation for special interests, and giveaways to agriculture conglomerates.

President Trump let the Bush wing of the GOP run all his agencies. His Interior Secretary was an oil & gas lobbyist. His Defense Secretary was a Raytheon lobbyist. His EPA Administrator was a coal lobbyist. His HHS Secretary was a pharmaceutical lobbyist. And his Labor Secretary was a lawyer for mega corporations.

President Trump’s supposed support for farmers ($28 billion) all went to Big Ag conglomerates.  We had the worst rioting and looting this country had seen since the 60s under President Trump.

He inflamed racial tensions and didn’t keep us safe. Instead of using federal law enforcement to stop the rioting, Trump thought it was good optics to let Democrat-run cities burn.

President Trump bragged about arming Ukraine more than Obama did. He also walked away unilaterally from the intermediate range nuclear missile treaty with Russia, destabilizing our relationship. He also exacerbated tensions between Ukraine and Russia that ultimately caused a war.

Trump appointed the worst neocons to the highest positions of power in his administration: John Bolton, HR McMaster, and Robert O’Brien. Now, Lindsey Graham is one of his top advisors and likely to be his Secretary of State.

President Trump bombed Syria, killed an Iranian general, and failed to fulfill his promise of ending the war in Afghanistan.

President Trump invented lockdowns. He shut down millions of small businesses and facilitated the greatest wealth transfer to billionaires in this country’s history.

President Trump did nothing to solve the opioid crisis. It got far worse under his tenure while his appointees running HHS were in the pocket of big pharma.

If you think a second Trump term would be any different, you are engaging in wishful thinking."

Now, who do you suppose said that? Some Kamala-loving, demi-vegan, polygendered libtard, right?

Nope. Those are the words of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and he only said them in May of this year.

As we all know, he then did a sudden about-face and joined Team Trump.

Nevertheless, everything he said above is verifiably true, and Kennedy is doing what "they" always do: telling us. Revealing the method. He is warning you explicitly, loud and clear, this is what you will get if you vote for Trump.

But nobody wants to hear that (nor be reminded that Trump is the self-appointed "father of the vaccine" who even called the Covid shot "beautiful"), because they're too busy having a party, and as I said, when you're suffused with the spirit of celebration and success, you become much less effective as a vigilant and defensive player.

So everybody celebrating Trump's victory, and believing that it's actually going to make a positive difference to the USA and world, is now on the back foot. The liberal left actually now has an advantage, because they are now primed to be ultra-vigilant and ultra-defensive in terms of what is to come.

So what is to come?

I believe that Trump has a number of key agenda items to fulfil, one of which is "dying" whilst in office.

The man is nearly 80 and I don't believe he wants to spend his golden years playing a high-profile reality TV role as "president" (the media is revealingly calling his re-election "season 2"), when he could be relaxing in his many mansions, enjoying his ample affluence, and expediting his overall orangeness.

I think he's being set up to be "assassinated" - i.e., the character that actor Trump is playing will be killed off, and the media will present it as if it is real - and this assassination will be blamed on Iran (it's already been claimed his previous would-be "assassin" had ties to Iran).

It's very interesting timing that right on the eve of a landslide Trump victory, the internet is blowing up with the footage of the Iranian girl in her underwear wandering around her university, apparently to make a stand against Iran's extremely oppressive regime which brutally penalises women for not covering up.

The Iranian regime is something which typically gets very little attention in Western media, either the MSM or alternative, so that everyone's suddenly talking about it, and how terrible it is, and what a feminist hero the underwear girl is, is most revealing indeed.

It appears to be prepping the Western mind to get behind an impending conflict with Iran - because look how awful it is! Look how they brutalised this poor girl! Right, let's bomb the f*ckers...

Now, I am certainly no fan of the Iranian regime and have written about its hideous horrors at this site before. Indeed, when I was growing up, I knew an Iranian family who had fled the country in terror following the 1979 revolution because - like many Iranians prior to said revolution - they were comparatively liberal and Westernised, and wanted their daughters to have the freedoms to study and work and dress as they pleased, that women did enjoy in Iran until it abruptly became an extremist Islamic theocracy.

(See these before and after pictures of women in Iran, which genuinely look like something straight out of the Handmaid's Tale.)

We can now expect to see more footage - whether real or staged - of the barbaric inhumanity of the Iranian regime seep into the media, in order to ultimately whet the Western appetite for war.

If and when the almost now messianic figure of Trump is "assassinated by Iran", he will instantly become a political martyr and the majority of the USA will be very keen indeed to avenge his death.

Cue, the USA attacking Iran, and battle lines being drawn: the USA and its allies (UK, Israel, and various European countries) versus Iran and its allies - Syria, Russia, and China.

In such a conflict, the West cannot win. I have written about this before, and why it serves the ruling classes at this time to end Western hegemony over world affairs and allow the East to rise into the ascendancy.

There are many goals to such a conflict and restructuring of the global order, but key amongst them is facilitating the destruction of religion.

As I've written about recently, the ruling classes want to fulfil their decades-old dream of "no countries, no possessions, and no religions", and whilst they've been quite successful with destroying Christianity in the UK, they're not having the same success with Islam - nor with Christianity in the USA. They've managed to dent it over there, but there are still large, devout Christian communities in the USA in a way there generally are not in England and Wales.

So currently, it is Iran - not Russia and China - primarily being media-scapegoated as "evil", due to its harsh Islamic government, whereas concurrently, in the USA, we have the previously atheist JD Vance, a recent Catholic convert, as Vice President - who, obviously, would instantly become President were Trump to be assassinated (or die for any other reason, as nearly-80 year olds not uncommonly do).

The JD Vance character has been created to give off strong "Commander" vibes ("Commander" being the name given to the more powerful men in the Handmaid's Tale's Gilead), and I believe it is his role - aided and abetted by all these other high-profile supposed recent Christian converts like Russell Brand, Candace Owens, and the offspring of Jordan Peterson - to severely undermine Christianity by taking it to twisted extremes, just as the ruling classes do in Gilead.

I also believe that is why Islam has been used to so brutally oppress in Iran and similar regimes.

It's about convincing the global masses that the two most powerful religious forces in the world, Christianity and Islam, are both evil, backwards, and brutal, and must be abolished forever if we're ever to live in the dreamy peaceful "utopia" as spelled out in John Lennon's New World Order blueprint, 'Imagine'.

The Handmaid's Tale is, in my opinion, predictive programming, because it demonstrates to us how people react when their culture becomes very extreme in its religious fundamentalism - the populace vociferously kicks back against it... and become secular atheists instead, with a visceral hatred for religion and God.

That, as we know, is a key end goal for the ruling classes, so to get us there, they've got to expose us to the kind of religious extremism so brutal and oppressive, we have no choice but to rebel and demand our governments become completely secular (this is already happening in Iran).

That's where they want to get us, and it's of note that while Iran is very religious, China - one of the other key dominant powers who would join forces with Iran in an East v. West conflict - famously is not. Their government is not just secular (no religion) but explicitly atheist (no God), and they vigorously encourage this sentiment in the populace, too.

China, of course, is communist, and that is the ultimate endgame - to make the world one big communist "utopia", with China the model earmarked to be replicated all over the world.

It is of note that China overwhelmingly didn't use mRNA Covid "vaccines" on its citizens, and used mainly only its domestically produced vaccines, CoronaVac and Sinopharm, which claimed to work by using "parts of a dead coronavirus", rather than mRNA. In other words, they functioned the same way as traditional vaccines (which obviously do not "work" either, but appear markedly less dangerous than mRNA).

There is a school of thought that says it will eventually be revealed to us that the mRNA Covid vaccines were a "Chinese plot" to wage war on us, their Western enemies. I don't know whether we will be told this, but if we are, it would certainly amplify even further the Western desire to go to war with the East.

My prediction at this time is that Trump will be "assassinated" fairly quickly (it's even plausible he doesn't die, but is so severely injured he has to step down), because the social engineers have to capitalise on the euphoric love-in Americans are currently feeling.

As soon as Trump actually starts doing things, then, as for virtually all politicians, his approval ratings will start to drop, especially when, as for virtually all politicians, he doesn't do what he said he was going to do.

(For instance, it's looking less and less likely there will be any real and vigorous scrutiny of childhood vaccines, and that instead, all the blame for America's chronic health epidemics will be placed on the food supply.)

So, better to cash in quickly, whilst he's still on such a pedestal, to ensure maximal horror and devastation - and demands for retribution - when he is seriously attacked / killed by evil Iran.

Of course, my predictions may be wildly off base and, as always, I hope they are - but I have now scored a hat trick of accurate predictions for the last three US elections.

So maybe there is one sport I should consider taking up: betting...

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