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Fear we go again...

By: MiriNovember 28, 2021No Comments
So said a surprisingly astute MSM headline yesterday, in response to the news that a super-scary, ninja-mutant "new variant" has […]

On the news that 'masks made mandatory for everyone in Commons except MPs'.

By: MiriOctober 27, 2021One Comment
If masks really protected anyone from anything, then self-serving egotists like career politicians would be buying them up in bulk […]


By: MiriMay 13, 2021No Comments
GENERAL Q. Do you have a mailing list? Yes, you can sign up to receive all my new articles via […]

Legal Help

By: MiriMarch 1, 2021No Comments
The resources on this site are designed to empower you to challenge unlawful and unethical diktats from employers, schools, hospitals […]




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