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Letter to employers declining vaccinations and "vaccine passports"

By: MiriFebruary 16, 20215 Comments
Dear [employer name], I am writing to you in reference to recent multiple press reports concerning the possibility of "vaccine […]

Letter for people being pressurised by doctors' surgeries to receive vaccinations

By: MiriFebruary 11, 2021No Comments
Dear Dr. [name], I am writing to you regarding the COVID-19 vaccination programme, which your surgery has taken a very keen, […]

Letter for people whose employers are pressurising them to endorse vaccines to others

By: MiriFebruary 8, 2021No Comments
Dear [names], I am writing to you in regards to the current Covid-19 vaccination programme, that several colleagues have indicated […]

Letter for a hospital worker wishing to decline Covid tests and vaccinations

By: MiriJanuary 12, 2021No Comments
Dear Sirs, I am writing to you in regards to the current coronavirus situation, and the potential advent of regular […]

Letter to the editor of a children's newspaper re: vaccine propaganda

By: MiriDecember 15, 2020No Comments
Dear Editor, I subscribe to your newspaper on behalf of my children, aged _ and _. They are avid readers, […]

Pro-natalist policies in the infertility age

By: MiriJuly 26, 2024No Comments
It's not often that Nigel Farage would be dubbed more left-wing than Keir Starmer - or Kid Starver, as the […]

What event triggered World War I?

By: MiriJuly 22, 2024No Comments
You may be forgiven for thinking you have just stumbled across this year's History GCSE paper, because this question remains […]

America! The Movie (Screenplay by JD Vance)

By: MiriJuly 18, 2024No Comments
Donald Trump - that is, the seasoned actor Donald Trump, with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame - has announced […]

How Donald Trump helped put the 'F' in Miri AF...

By: MiriJuly 14, 2024No Comments
I have a lot to thank Donald Trump for. No, seriously (please keep reading...). Back in November 2016, I predicted […]

Old-school psy-ops and spurious soundbites...

By: MiriJuly 7, 2024No Comments
Whenever I ask people, as I often do, what "government school" they went to, I get a funny look. "What?" […]




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