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The Proverbial Pigeons

By: MiriJuly 30, 2024No Comments
It might seem an unlikely philosophical topic, but there's a pretty deep and meaningful meme about pigeons doing the rounds […]

Pro-natalist policies in the infertility age

By: MiriJuly 26, 2024No Comments
It's not often that Nigel Farage would be dubbed more left-wing than Keir Starmer - or Kid Starver, as the […]

What event triggered World War I?

By: MiriJuly 22, 2024No Comments
You may be forgiven for thinking you have just stumbled across this year's History GCSE paper, because this question remains […]

America! The Movie (Screenplay by JD Vance)

By: MiriJuly 18, 2024No Comments
Donald Trump - that is, the seasoned actor Donald Trump, with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame - has announced […]

How Donald Trump helped put the 'F' in Miri AF...

By: MiriJuly 14, 2024No Comments
I have a lot to thank Donald Trump for. No, seriously (please keep reading...). Back in November 2016, I predicted […]

Old-school psy-ops and spurious soundbites...

By: MiriJuly 7, 2024No Comments
Whenever I ask people, as I often do, what "government school" they went to, I get a funny look. "What?" […]

Putting the NO in hypnosis...

By: MiriJuly 2, 2024No Comments
"Stay home, save lives." "Hands, face, space." "The rule of six." These moronic, much-mocked mantras were ubiquitous throughout the panto […]

YouTubal Ligation

By: MiriJune 26, 2024No Comments
Hi Miri Finch, Began the jaunty email with the all-too familiar logo, pertaining to a certain online video sharing platform. […]

Soundbites versus substance

By: MiriJune 24, 2024No Comments
I have written to all five General Election candidates standing in my constituency of Huddersfield, asking them to clarify their […]

GE 2024 Candidate Responses - ANDREW COOPER (Green)

By: MiriJune 19, 2024No Comments
Last month, I wrote to the candidates standing in the General Election for my constituency, including the Green Party's Andrew […]




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