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Open letter to national newspaper re: compulsory vaccines

By: MiriJanuary 23, 2024No Comments
(If you are on Twitter, please share this letter.) Dear Sean O'Grady, Re: Your article for The Independent, 'Want to […]

Latest letter to schools' vaccine team

By: MiriNovember 30, 2023No Comments
An update from my health resource, Informed Consent Matters (For previous correspondence, please see here.) Dear Robert Bachelor, We acknowledge […]

Vaccine developers warned of "ADE" - could it cause catastrophe this winter?

By: MiriSeptember 6, 2023No Comments
An update from my health resource, Informed Consent Matters “I understand the importance of accelerating timelines for vaccines in general, but […]

Letter template for secondary schools regarding flu vaccine campaign

By: MiriJuly 7, 2023No Comments
Dear [name of headteacher], I am a supporter of the campaigning group, Informed Consent Matters, an initiative that promotes the vital […]

NEW full-colour vaccine information booklet, coming soon!

By: MiriApril 19, 2023No Comments
Miri AF in conjunction with Informed Consent Matters (e.g., Miri in conjunction with Mark!) is very pleased to announce we […]

Reason - or treason: What's really "reasonable" where it comes to vaccines?

By: MiriMarch 10, 202323 Comments
(Please note this article is available as a full-colour booklet via the Informed Consent Matters website.) “I’m not anti-vax, I […]

Is it possible to have a "safe vaccine"?

By: MiriOctober 19, 202224 Comments
A refrain we often hear in the vaccine safety community - and that I have certainly in the past uttered […]

Press conference analysis: Dr. Malhotra calls for immediate suspension of Covid vaccines

By: MiriSeptember 27, 202218 Comments
Earlier today, top UK cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, took part in a press conference, where he shared his new research […]

Letter template for GPs, pharmacists and other vaccine providers re: informed consent

By: MiriSeptember 1, 2022One Comment
*** URGENT CALL TO ACTION*** Please copy and paste the below template and email it to your local doctors' surgeries […]

Letter to my old primary school that is publicly propagandising children re: vaccines

By: MiriAugust 16, 20225 Comments
Dear Sirs, I am writing to you as both a concerned former pupil of St. John’s CE Primary School (Quarry […]
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