Scoops, sense, and sincerity

Written by: Miri
March 9, 2023

A month ago today, I was enjoying a rather nice day out in York, a trip I had taken to support "Nick" with a job interview he was attending (unfortunately, the nice-day-out-ness quickly soured with that episode, which you can read about here).

While I was sauntering the streets and enjoying the sun (sun! Remember that?! I ask as my fingers literally burn with cold as I type... all feels very literary and Dickensian...), I began to receive a flurry of messages from various individuals, asking if I was watching that day's UK Column broadcast - because my name, as well as that of the Freedom Alliance political party, had just come up, as, apparently, we were being discussed by the newly-instituted "LOVE Party".

"Oh God..." I said to one correspondent who had alerted me to these facts. "I dread to think... probably merciful that I am nowhere near a laptop..."

As regular readers may be aware, I have had quite a few run-ins with the LOVE Party, and, in particular, with one of its co-founders, the celebrity multimillionaire and former professional Dragon, Rachel Elnaugh. Elnaugh recently made a video on behalf of the LOVE Party, comparing me and several other key Freedom Alliance personnel to Nazis.

This was just one - and admittedly the most bizarre - episode in Elnaugh's longstanding feud with Freedom Alliance, which ultimately led to the party nearly collapsing as multiple key personnel quit in despair - the whole story of which you can read here

So, as you can imagine, I greeted the news that Elnaugh was now discussing these matters on live broadcast television, with more than a little trepidation...

When I returned home (having by then received several more messages alerting me to the show and to the fact that many people were not at all impressed with the free reign the LOVE Party had been given to criticise, lie about, and attack Freedom Alliance), I watched the broadcast.

Immediately after, I composed a letter of complaint, which I reproduce below:

Dear UK Column,

I am a long-standing fan and advocate of your great work (and was thrilled when you featured my piece on the persecuted scientist, Professor Chris Exley, a few months back - thanks again). 

As such, I was deeply dismayed to see your extremely inaccurate, biased and misleading coverage relating to the Freedom Alliance political party yesterday, driven by the new “LOVE” party and the celebrity multimillionaire, Rachel Elnaugh. 

As a founder member of Freedom Alliance, who served initially as they communications officer and stood in two council elections, as well as being good friends with several key members (including people I knew prior to the formation of Freedom Alliance), I can tell you that the way Freedom Alliance and its operations and personnel have been characterised by the LOVE party is wholly and categorically false. Obviously, disgruntled former members of a political party are not going to deliver an accurate and unbiased overview of that political party, and I strongly feel that, as journalists, it is incumbent on you to get the whole Freedom Alliance story, not simply take the words of disaffected former members as fact.

As an independent journalist myself, I am wholly sympathetic to the fact that, in order to maintain our platforms, we need to be financed, and I run on a donations model myself. However, I do not accept "cash for content", and the broadcast on the LOVE party came across as if it was a paid advertisement - that they had made a hefty donation to UK Column in exchange for airtime where their views and opinions would go unchallenged. Freedom Alliance, conversely, which was not founded by wealthy celebrities (or wealthy people generally), never had access to the kind of money that would make such transactions possible, and I understand that, when Freedom Alliance approached UK Column about the possibility of doing an interview, were informed that UK Column "does not endorse political parties". Yet now, UK Column presents a glowing endorsement of the LOVE party, leading me to the inevitable conclusion that a financial incentive was involved. Please do correct me if I am wrong.

In terms of the LOVE party's "political activism", please note that, in the last two weeks, Rachel Elnaugh, on behalf of the LOVE party, has created a video explicitly comparing Freedom Alliance and four of its key personnel (including me), to Nazis. I wrote an article on my website about this, here:

Multiple people have contacted party leader, Lynn Irving, for her comments on this situation, and whether she supports a political model where those who disagree are openly compared to murderous dictators. None have been granted the courtesy of a reply.

Rachel Elnaugh has also publicly stated that Freedom Alliance is a WEF-backed, controlled opposition party, a wild and spurious allegation which she has no evidence whatsoever to support. 

I am therefore deeply shocked and dismayed that her comments are being given credence by being aired unchallenged on such a reputable broadcaster as UK Column, with no opportunity given to those she attacks to defend themselves or to deliver their side. Please read the formal statement former party leader, Jonathan Tilt, gave on the situation here:

Leading on from his experiences with Freedom Alliance, Jonathan has not abandoned politics, but rather, has used what he has learned to formulate a new approach, namely, developing a support network for pro-freedom candidates to stand as independents. Please see the 'Vote Freedom Project' website for more information at, and if you would like more information, or to set up an interview, please contact Jonathan at [email].

Thank you for your time and for your many excellent contributions to maintaining honesty, integrity, and truth.

Best regards,

Miri Finch

I received a prompt and polite reply from Josie, who runs the main UK Column office email, and who I have had dealings with before. I have always found Josie to be unfailingly professional and polite, and it therefore seems certain other members of the team could learn much from her, but we will come to that later. Josie replied:

Dear Miri,

Thank you very much for taking the time to write to us.

Brian Gerrish is away this week, but I will definitely draw his attention to the points you've raised when he returns. I will also cc our producer into this response so that she can discuss it with Brian when he returns to the office.

With regards to the conclusion you reached, there was no financial contribution made by the 'LOVE party' for the interview exchange we aired last week.

Thank you once again for your time, input and kind words of support.

Best wishes,


I thanked Josie for her response, and confirmed I would expect to hear from Brian and/or the production team the following week.

Three weeks later, I had still not heard anything, so I contacted Josie again:

Dear Josie,

I hope this finds you well. I just wanted to make contact again as, further to our correspondence above, I have yet to hear from Brian or the production team. I have, however, received a number of emails from other people regarding the LOVE Party broadcast on UK Column, who came to the same conclusion as I did - that this must have been a paid feature. I am happy to send these emails onto you should you wish.

As such, I would like to once again request that UK Column grants a right of reply to some of the people unfairly maligned in the LOVE broadcast, especially as we approach local council elections around the country. As I mentioned in my previous correspondence, there are other options for people to stand as anti-establishment candidates, including the Vote Freedom Project, co-founded by former Freedom Alliance leader, Jonathan Tilt, which supports people to stand as pro-freedom independents. Jonathan is happy to speak with UK Column, and can be reached at [email].

I hope to hear from you / the team soon.

All the best,


Again, I had a prompt, polite, and scrupulously professional reply from Josie, which read:

Dear Miri,

Thank you for your message. I passed on your original email to Brian and the team, and I believe they discussed it. I'm sorry you haven't received a response from anyone yet.

I will pass your original email to the directors again (and forward the email you sent yesterday). Hopefully one of them will get in touch in due course. 

Best wishes,


However, before I had the chance to reply to Josie and thank her, I also received a reply from Brian Gerrish, which read as follows:

Dear Miri 

Yes we are happy to do interviews with people trying to make a difference and that includes political parties, but it does not mean we endorse any that we cover and we do intend to cover more. 

I take great exception to your smear that there was a ‘financial incentive’ - there was not. I simply did an interview and in the first instance was very interested at the backgrounds of the three ladies which led to little discussion about politics and policies.

My personal opinion is that political parties as a whole should be made unlawful as they corrupt the process of representation and proper debate in parliament. Any person being elected should stand on their own personal merit. Having said that I respect people who are trying to make a difference using the political route. 

If your request for an interview is to try and use UKColumn as a platform to progress your spat with the Love party then my answer is no. 

If you want to be sensible and mature then I am happy to reconsider. An apology for the financial smear might be a good start.

What would you like to do?

Kind Regards 
Brian G

There are many and various ways one might choose to respond to such an [insert pejorative of choice] email, but this is how I chose to respond to Mr. Gerrish:

Dear Brian,

While I appreciate you finally taking the time to respond to my email (after I had to prompt you to do so), I certainly do not appreciate the rude, patronising and disrespectful tone in which you addressed me. 

To accuse a highly experienced and well respected fellow journalist of lacking in sense and maturity simply for writing an appropriately articulated and entirely professional letter to you, highlighting some very valid concerns (shared by many others), is completely unacceptable.

To be absolutely clear, I did not “smear” your organisation, I drew a logical conclusion about a likely financial incentive (that multiple other people have also drawn) and asked you - privately - to qualify the truth. A “smear” suggests some sort of unsubstantiated public condemnation - which I have certainly not engaged in (as the LOVE Party has about Freedom Alliance and as you gave them a platform to do). 

Journalistic organisations relentlessly have their funding sources questioned by others - as they should. This is the only way of ensuring integrity and transparency. For you to therefore feign outrage that yours would be questioned this way too is a poor and inadequate deflection from simply answering the question. You also refrained from qualifying why you repeatedly rebuffed Freedom Alliance from any coverage but gave uncritical coverage to the LOVE Party. To sum, rather than answering my questions directly and appropriately, you have simply tried to insult and patronise me for “daring” to scrutinise you and highlight some stark inconsistencies in your journalistic practises. That you would ask for an apology for my doing this - for asking questions, which is what journalists do - frankly beggars belief. 

For you to further condescend to me by characterising my objections to the LOVE Party’s proliferation of misleading and potentially libellous comments about others as “a spat” speaks further about your own deficits in professionalism and lack of ability to communicate appropriately with others who direct valid and legitimate criticism towards you. 

U.K. Column exists to examine, question, and criticise various aspects of culture. You should therefore be able to robustly handle such examination and criticism yourselves, without resorting to insults and jibes, and without trying to patronise and manipulate others into silence. 

Sadly, that this is how you have chosen to respond to me (a response I had to prompt you to receive) tells me everything I need to know about you, and I have no further wish to have U.K. Column promote any cause I am involved with. 

Yours faithfully,

Miri Finch

Now, of course, doing what I do, I get a lot of criticism (it is a job in itself just trawling through my comments' section and deciding whether the latest string of abusive comments I've received are imaginative enough to publish...), but the one thing that I really cannot stand beyond all else is being patronised.

It's so wildly inappropriate - sure, you can disagree with me, you can be offended or outraged or think I am a tin-foil-hat-totin' nutjob etc., but to give me the "who do you think you are young lady" treatment is my "red rag to a bull" moment. To accuse me of lacking in sense and maturity is akin to portraying me as a ditzy little girl who needs to jolly well grow up a bit and show her elders some respect! It's an absolutely putrid - to say nothing of staggeringly unprofessional and inappropriate etc etc - response.

And, as I said in my response to Gerrish, is also completely irrelevant - even if I was some naive and inexperienced ingenue (which is the obvious insinuation of his comments), it wouldn't matter - my complaint was still coherent, valid, and worthy of an appropriate response.

However, it seems that to respond condescendingly and arrogantly to valid criticism is UK Column's MO, as the scientist Professor Chris Exley recently wrote about in his blog.

With more than thirty years experience as a prolifically published research scientist, one would assume that UK Column might welcome Professor Exley's contributions to their scientific debates (journalists themselves possessing no scientific credentials), but when Prof Exley contacted them to critique a recent science-based broadcast, a member of the team haughtily dismissed his thoughts, responding to him "with the tone of a primary school teacher".

Exley writes: "My further attempts to counter this perspective were met with, to me, surprising bigotry. The email exchange with [the team] left a bad taste in my mouth."

This mirrors my own experience, and I know - from the amount of emails I have received on the matter - that scepticism and distrust of UK Column and their true incentives and intentions, are proliferating rapidly.

Given - and as I said to Brian Gerrish - I consider transparency and integrity in journalism to be of paramount importance - so crucial in the midst of an information war when it is ever more difficult to discern who to trust - I am publishing my correspondence with UK Column here, to allow readers to draw their own conclusions.

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28 comments on “Scoops, sense, and sincerity”

  1. Even if the ridiculously sycophantic Love party (political broadcast!) wasn't 'paid' for, Gerrish completely failed to address the fact that they had been given a platform (having achieved precisely nothing!), which had been explicitly denied to the likes of the Freedom Alliance, who they were happy to allow Elnaugh etc. to publicly slate without question.

    But alas, he was interested in their "backgrounds" - which was surely a reference Elnaugh's 'fame' as a 'dragon'(as the other two didn't even get a look in until at least 20 mins into the 'interview'!)? So what about the backgrounds of others they had turned down? Does 'celebrity' status trump integrity? And is it in any way surprising at all that many suspect that this wholly sycophantic 'broadcast' might have been 'paid' for?

    Gerrish also stated that he thought political parties should be outlawed - and yet he literally hosted an HOUR LONG party political broadcast - for no other reason than he was interested in their "backgrounds", which simply led to a "little discussion about politics and policies"...🤔🤔🤔

  2. His reply was quite rude I thought. His ego was obviously upset that someone dared to challenge him. Rather pompous

  3. Not impressed with UK Column at all. In fact I am extremely disappointed.

    Not only did UKC provide lengthy coverage of a brand new political party after previously turning away the genuine grassroots Freedom Alliance party on the grounds they couldn’t be seen to endorse a political party, UKC interviewed the LOVE 🤮 party and gave them an unchallenged opportunity to slur FA and then to add insult to injury they refuse to give us so called ‘Nazis’ a right of reply. And yes I sound bitter because I am bitter. I was referred to in this interview and it was a biased, twisted version of events that all the thousands of UKC viewers got to hear. 😤

    We all make mistakes and errors of judgement but justifying these with ‘defend and attack’ and a total absence of professionalism or wish to hear another perspective - and this coming from a reputable and trusted media outfit - all very odd (and sad) indeed.

    I’ve no idea what is at the bottom of all this and why the LOVE party are getting all the coverage and attention FA never had. We stood over 200 candidates in elections. I and other good people worked tirelessly to provide a platform for the truth… for us to be eaten alive by people who claim to be on our side. Shit. Really really shit. 🤬😤

  4. You have a right to be upset here.
    They said they don't support parties but then gave these "love bombers" a platform, WTF?

    Sadly they will latch onto your accusation of being paid to dismiss you. It was an assumption based on them breaking that rule.

  5. Love reading my words on your platform. Coffee n cake waiting in the bank
    Enjoy ☕🍰

  6. Thanks for sharing this, Miri - worrying!

    I haven't heard the broadcast and have no intention of doing. Perhaps UKC don't consider it to be a 'party political broadcast' but they're putting out their views for them to be agreed with or shot down? Either way, it's very poor that they didn't contact Freedom Alliance for a reply at the time, let alone now!
    Heard a few things about UKC and who knows? One was from a woman, by no means to be fully believed herself, who accused Brian of basically scanning her for info rathr than seeking to interview her. Fact he has an intelligence background is a potential red flag but let's not go down the road of saying definitely 'controlled opposition'. Either way, they've missed out on some great material by dismissing Miri in this way. As i said, worrying...

  7. This is shocking Miri
    They have lost my support and I have lost all interest in watching their programmes in the future. Just another let down regarding someone who appeared to have integrity but it turns out didn’t. Very disappointed.
    Kind regards

  8. This is indeed concerning.
    I would have hoped that UKC was better than this and would have had the journalistic integrity to give air to those of the Freedom Alliance maligned.
    It is also sad that UKC gave the Love Party an airing presumably based upon the "celebrity status" of one of its members. Very MSM characteristic.

  9. A very strange response from UK Column and Brian Gerrish. I've seen him over the years at the Alternative Views conferences. I suspect that rather than being imbued with super intel skills, he sometimes gets the wrong end of the stick and misreads things. But perhaps I'm being too kind.

  10. I'm glad I am not alone in thinking something about the UK column news set up does not pass the ' sniff test' for me,Gerrish ( ex navy) and his little Belfast Penfold tribute act don't quite ' cut the mustard' and have me feeling un comfortable as to their legitimacy. I suspect they maybe some sort of
    Controlled opposition. " If you'd like to support the UK column " is a an often heard phrase, that has me recounting the words of Lenin when he said " The best way to control the opposition......." as for their former GCHQ bod now safely ensconced in the Netherlands, as articulate, bright, and no doubt highly educated as he is, there is just no getting over the fact Once a spook, always a spook. Proceed with caution all truth tellers regarding UK column news.

  11. I do enjoy UKC and nurse Debbie seems to have integrity and tenacity. Patrick independently has great material on his news channel. Vanessa Beeley too. I have heard rumours about Brian but gave the benefit of the doubt. I hope they broadcast a response or at least something on their website.

  12. What I love about you, Miri, is that I don’t always agree with everything you write, but when I do, I end up punching the air and shouting, “Yes!” If I were you, I would turn tables on BG and say, “Actually, along with banning organised and privately-funded political parties, let’s outlaw organised and privately-funded media outlets. Then we wouldn’t have the weirdly robotic, controlled mouth pieces at GB News reading from scripts assuring the nation that The Telegraph and Isobel Oakything deserve the Pulitzer Prize for revealing the truth about murderous Matt Hancock who usurped the poor, bullied good folk like Boris, Whitty and Vallance who did their best to stop him. A storyline from a b-rate TV melodrama. And then we would only have independent journalists who would be judged entirely on their merits and funded accordingly by their readers/viewers.” I suspect you would thrive in such a system because you’d flatten most the competition. Keep going, Miri, and don’t ever let the b*$tards get you down!

  13. This is a deeply distressing situation for those of us who appreciate both UK Column & your work, equally.

    UK Column, is, I'm sure - blessed with a membership that covers both secular and religious perspectives. It's perhaps one of the particularly important organisations that does - and so they are in a unique position to maintain this incredibly important stance.

    This, however - has been threatened by Brian's considerable lack of judgment over this situation - and even interviewing Rachel Elnaugh in this way at all.

    Those of us who follow you both will urgently hope that you will receive the most sincere and genuine apology - and an attempt to make amends.

    In this writers view (and I initially thought Rachel Elnaugh was good news when first coming across her two years ago) your contributions are perhaps the most prescient of any in the UK - and easily the equal of anything published by UK Column - and so deserving of the utmost respect by them.

    We can only hope there is a complete change of attitude from UKC, so that whether religious or secular, whether more conservative or libertarian leaning - we can constitute a greater united front against those who would seek to destroy all freedom of belief and thought, alike.

  14. 'They have lost my support and I have lost all interest in watching their programmes in the future. Just another let down regarding someone who appeared to have integrity but it turns out didn’t. Very disappointed.'

    Oh, i'll probably continue to watch them - but you should beware of looking upon anyone as a hero (including Miri) - never allow yourself to completely drop some element of scepticism and distrust. having said that, i agree with Miri that Gerrish's response was patronising and condescending, and with other commenters who think that it showed him to be arrogant, generally up his own ass, and excessively touchy. His own ego prevented him from dealing with a valid and reasonable question, and ironically, he's the one who needs to grow up here. Rachel Elnaugh strikes me as a narcissist, and thoroughly unpleasant person, but if Gerrish wanted to remain aloof from what he derisively calls 'a spat' , then he should never have had her or her party on - now whether he likes it or lot, he's involved, and it's a bit late to be taking the 'people's front of judea -vs -judean popular front' line

  15. Miri

    You ever thought of trying to become a guest on the Richie Allen radio show? It could be useful in attracting visitors to your site. He always gives his guests a good plug. It appears to me that he's always on the lookout for people for his show. I could visit his site and ask him to reach out to you if you give it the all clear.

    Mention UKC and he goes apoplectic, so you're on common ground there. Please note I'm pretty certain that Rachel Elnaugh has been on his show.

  16. I feel like Brian was somewhat contradicting himself... and why give one person a platform and not the other. It might not be money that convinced him to air the episode, but status? And it seems like, from his response, that he is negatively biased towards you. Based on what Rachel has said, most likely. So he is refusing to interview you because he has made up his mind? That is weak and very MSM

  17. Thank you all for the many excellent and insightful comments. Many great points made here - and thanks for the support and encouragement, it's really appreciated.

    To D in D - very interesting about Richie Allen! I've never appeared on podcasts etc, as I've always thought my "thing" is more writing than speaking, but it may well be time to re-evaluate that, because with all the wall-to-wall censorship I'm up against, this could be a vital way to expand my audience - so please feel free to put it to Richie (obviously fine if he says no!).

  18. Miri

    In case you're are unaware of his format, he does longer style interviews (well not entirely interview, sometimes more of a conversation) wich can last anything from 30 mins up to and occasionaly over an hour. So plenty of time to make you're points.

  19. It's late at night and I've had a few Miri, but if you are as gifted (I dunno, it might be manufactured) as you are at writing, then speaking should be a breeze. A human walks before it runs. Maybe wou write eloquently before you talk eloquently. Just my rambling thoughts.

  20. UK Column was always a stooge outfit. Whilst at times they provided useful information, they were never anything more than a slick, stage-managed operation designed with the purpose of gaining “followers”, keeping people distracted, and making folks believe that someone was “speaking up for them”. Glad to hear they are finally being exposed for what they really are.

  21. I am sitting here with jaw dropped - I am a staunch UKC supporter, watch every Mon, Wed, Fri news, but have seen few of the Tues/Thurs interviews. 'If you want to be sensible and mature then I am happy to reconsider.' is absolutely appalling - how awful, Miri. I can imagine BG to be 'a bit like that' My ex was a Naval Officer, and there is, shall we politely just call, an arrogance in many of them, especially the older ones. I met BG once, briefly, and didn't pick up anything unpleasant (and have a very fine tuned radar), but have noticed lately that UKC can appear a bit 'over emotional' about some things. That surprised me. I watch more warily now.
    I don't think I'd have watched the Love bunch (what a name for a political party - massive oxymoron comes to mind) interview. Followed RE at the start, but, again, got lost in the dramatic emotionality of it all. (And I'm far from unemotional as a person!)
    Goodness.... I will keep an eye out far more. I hope this can be resolved, Miri; a horrible situation for you, and one far from needed in these beyond important times. Thank you for all your pieces, always so well backed up as well.

  22. I hate to see this sniping between two of my favourite alternative voices.
    I can see both sides.
    Miri was right to feel aggrieved at the unchallenged claims of the Elnaugh parry.
    Bryan was also justified in feeling put out by the unevidenced accusation that he was paid to promote the party.
    Hopefully those bridges can be rebuilt some time because both Miri and the UKC are great at what they do.

  23. Thank you all for more great comments.

    To Annie - that's very interesting and thank you. I know military types and I know the veracity of which you speak.

    To Steve - totally respect you can see both sides, but please note I did not in fact "accuse" UKC, I simply laid out a logical conclusion and asked them to qualify whether it was true or false. The disingenuous "how dare you" rejoinder (when it was an obvious conclusion that many have suspected) wasn't an appropriate way to react.

  24. I was not aware of the history between DameDragon of Preen and the Freedom Alliance , but commented straight away on the FB and Bitchute editions of the interview , because it was such a load of CodsWallop&WooFactor tosh .
    I have watched UKC for several years , since they first appeared on Youtube (maybe 10 years) although not so frequently when they had a much more amateur manner and presentation . They have had some incisive angles on many topics over time , from Common Purpose and child abuse earlier on right up to the CoCoNutz-1984 PanicDem murderation and hypnosis show , where I think they illustrated some valuable analysis of data and critique of behaviour change social engineering , and I know that proved of value and comfort to a lot of people ; but so much of what they broadcast , when they are not stumbling over mispronunciations and typographical errors , is relaying what has already been published to greater depth by many other researchers and commentators .
    What is worth noting is how many topics are omitted and how fixated they are on certain subjects . I have carried on watching them , because I am waiting for the definitive slip-up . One has to consider their backgrounds , which are not as transparent as they hark on about .
    I , as have so many people , sent communications and links on pertinent matters, which have not been acknowledged or considered worth introducing to their faithful followers , who sometimes give the impression (reading the live chat comments) of mainly talking about the same menu of takeaway topics that are heavily pushed by the alternative media ringmasters . I have not felt slighted as you have justifiably explained to be your experience , but I do see increasingly some lack of discernment (or deliberate diversion) , as portrayed by UKC furnishing to their viewers such blatant guff and twaddle merchants as the seemingly naive New cAge LotsOfVagueExhortation party , yet I am not suggesting that they do not have a more devious and calculated slant about them , which is why their being given a platform is nonsensical if not dishonest .
    UK Column (at least the leading cast members) do not stand up straight to being shown up or contested by authentic challenges to their view , in the same way that they are constantly denouncing the MSM . I know they are not the only ones who do that . They just keep up their (edited) appearance , and ask for more support .
    I have read several accounts of family members of abused children (BG's big crusade early on) who have said that they were given the brush-off once they had provided painful personal experiential testimonies , and who felt that BG was somewhat profiteering from their misfortune . I know someone who has repeatedly been ignored then told to shove off in a similar discourteous manner to yourself by BG . I think maybe he is not that accomplished in personal relation skills , but then things work differently in the navy hierarchy in which he spent his career , serving the establishment and agenda dutifully , yet apparently not doubting his cause .
    For all the sarcasm and sneering , UKC are very good at just walking on by after having given spotlight and promoted many characters that ought to have been placed under greater scrutiny . That bugs me , not because I am envious of not having a platform from which to preach , but because UKC are becoming another PiedPiper to so many well-intentioned and trusting folk .
    I first really noticed with their promotion of self-proclaimed 'weapons expert' and troll-merchant Mark Steele when 5G was becoming an issue , and he swiftly became a focal figure , even though he and his brother had a company being funded by the EU to promote the digital roll out (akin to EggStinkShun's Gail Bradbrook). Steele , imo , is a vexatious trojan horse , and there is lots of evidence , yet UKC have never questioned him ; in fact he was part of the last AlternativeView Conference . UKC also have promoted the DodgyDolores and her WorldFreedomAlliance , her renegade deputy Fiona DiamondRose Hine .
    And of course , Saint Reiner of NuremFuellmichberg 2.0 , hopium dealer extraordinaire (now with a new committee which needs your new donations) , as well as giving preferential coverage to RFK jr , Bigtree and the other SafeVax vendors such as Malone , McCullough and others on the People'sPopularityList . e.g. MY .
    Probably I have caused offence to some . I go by natural gut instinct , and then evidence reveals , because the conscious truth cannot be suppressed ... but in the meantime , many are still falling foul of hoodwinkery , so how can UKC deny some degree of complicity if they give publicity to those who lack integrity , yet snub or berate they who challenge their selective shortcomings in research . Is that deliberate by design , or are they just not quite as clever as they put on ?
    I know it stings for you, Miri , but you are OVER their disregard and beyond their belittlement .

    "Why should I trust the UK Column?
    Put simply, you shouldn't. So we ask you not to trust us. Instead, view everything published here with a critical eye." (from their About section)

  25. Hi rangiman! Please don’t think I’m being rude, I’m not, but I just wanted to ask why you distrust Malone, McCullough etc, I know Malone is the man behind the mRNA but I’ve always felt that he, along with Peter McCullough, were genuine in their concerted efforts to bring the truth to the fore but as with UKC now showing themselves in their true light in respect to their treatment of Miri it’s getting harder and harder to keep faith in anything or anyone! I was never a big follower of UKC but I’ll be even less so now.

  26. Yes, Brian's response was certainly rude (and late).

    Really disappointed to see that.

  27. Connie 
I do not consider it in any way rude that you are asking me this question. But I do similarly do not wish that you consider me rude for asking you why you trust the Malone - McCullough (add in Malhotra for the 3M connection) and any others that may be reckoned to be holding a similar posture and who may hold sway over a matter of trust and influence. 
 What is persuading you that they are “genuine in their concerted efforts to bring the truth to the fore”?

    Are they bringing the truth , the whole truth , and nothing but the truth ? 

    It is pertinent to have an opinion about that , especially if those people are convincing us and impressing on us certain notions , concepts and facts , which may influence the direction of opinion that we form.
 I can provide some links to articles that have certain factual criteria that might provoke some doubt about some people’s objective verity in speaking the truth into light . But that light may be filtered and tinted , and the truth may be selective , subjective and qualified. Just as the FuctChequers insist on splatting so many of my posts with “Partially False” banners , we have to ask if the 3Ms and their team mates including Bigtree , Kennedy et al are only proffering and indeed working for, a partial truth.
 Sorry , I am rambling somewhat , so I will try to be more succinct .

    I do not trust (easily) those who are lifetime careerists in the medical establishment of allopathic orthodoxy or the pharmaceutical industry , both being consumed and involved in a seedy and co-dependent incestuous tryst.

    I do not trust those who have made their career and living from practices that are destructive to the natural integrity of the human organism or to the moral principle of justness.

    I do not trust those who subscribe to and defend the notion that CoCoNutz-1984 is an entity that can be tangibly witnessed and observed to exist as a singularly discrete infective agent that is responsible for all of the deaths and illness attributed under that name.

    I do not trust those who consciously elect to use false testing procedures with dubious conflicts of interests to determine the presence of said dis-ease , upon which unlawful and unnecessary measures are imposed upon the populace by diktat and coercion by so-called ‘authority’. 

    I do not trust that which purports all of the above to be reasonable due to the danger presented by the causative factor of any of a multitude of ‘viruses’ , which despite more than two hundred years of their menace being known , and all of the gamut of contemporary technology , have shown themselves to be elusively impossible to isolate , demonstrate or cultivate in a repeatable and provable technique. Subsequently , anyone who professes to have experimented on these now-u-see-me-now-u-don’t particles , and to have drawn conclusions or sequenced them genetically , without having ever presented evidential proof that these exist in the physical dimension , can not be said to be telling the whole truth.
    At best , they may be considered to be communicating a notion based on hypothetical conjecture.
 Cited commentators , be they scientists or not , who claim that the viral element may be identified and attached to some sort of article of patent to be exploited commercially for financial gain should be deemed to be operating with conflict of interest.
Anyone who has financial and/or contractual connection to government agencies , intelligence services , who may be sponsored by funding bodies sustained by the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines to treat the supposed viral agent is not safe to trust.
 Anyone who defends and recommends the administration of whack-seens , be they mRNA platform or ‘traditional’ , or one of the hundreds in ’development’ , I do not trust.

    Sorry , but to refer to the origin of the word , injecting a shot of cow pus (historical) or cocktail of organic solvents , heavy metals and foreign genetic material from another species (contemporary) , as a premise to stimulate immunity and protect against infection and contagion is , in my perspective , playing juju witchdoctor.
 And causing irreperable harm snd suffering.
    Anyone , including the people above who are promoting and seeking to implement ‘safe vaccine’ programmes is not trustworthy because they know that these interventions were declared “unavoidably unsafe” by the US Congress and Supreme Court in 1986. Based on this judgement , at the insistence of the vaccine manufacturers , legislation of immunity from liability to prosecution and obligation for compensation was enacted to make an impenetrable barrier against claims from families of those permanently maimed , injured and even killed by the effects of these poisonous substances .

    The truth is , there is no such thing as a Safe and Effective FukSin . They are all dangerous toxins , so to advocate for ‘less dangerous’ versions , and continue to administer them under 'more rigorous implementation' is disingenuous continuation of immoral practice.

    At best , it is to be complicit in pushing a russian roulette lottery of statistical probability as to whether there is fracture of the golden rule - #DoNoHarm . 
 Those who know and pursue the continued usage of the FukSins are corrupt , cynical and cruel , although when pushed , they may plead that the science is not yet advanced enough , so more research is required , thus extending the hazardous process.

    Who would I trust ? Someone that calls for and acts to the objective of arresting the practice of poisoning people with toxic injections , and arresting and punishing those who enable and enact this activity. Someone who stands up to #StopTheWar and #StopTheKilling in what is a criminal ritual sacrifice of the #MiracleOfLIFE .

    And why would such performers participate in such a treachery ? Because they are merely players in a global screenplay , whose role is to ‘shepherd’ the flock into one pen , then another , and another , depending on the degree of credulity and confidence shown by different groups of a divided demographic.
Some beLIEve the initial narrative , some are more hesitant or doubting , some are directed to a pen reserved for the obstinate and questioning. Each perspective and degree of ‘revelation’ is used to herd the different humours and mentalities of the assembly , all but the die-hard renegades and heretics who can be conveniently stigmatised as extremists and excluded. The aim is to convince the maximum of the thought processes for the need to accept the ‘remedy’ , for which there is always a full complement for a spectrum of risks , threats , perils and plagues. How conveniently sincere are the PiedPipers and FearMongers ?
 Mind conditioning , physical aggression , exploitation and capture - it’s a dirty trade … but someone has to do it , and those who do so gain from other’s pain , for profit , and for power. I deem it to be anti-human and anti-life.

    I apologise. I did not intend to write a tract of abstraction.
    I will add some links for you to peruse and draw your own conclusion , as is only just and appropriate.

    #FukSinBuySiness #EnergyVampires #ChooseLIFE,%20SOFT%20OPPOSITION%20AGENT.pdf?dl=0
affected parent abused by the VAXXED circus
 - interesting for RFK , Bigtree Fuellmich

  28. I do not live in the UK and am not familiar with the UK Column but I follow many "conspiracy theorists" and researchers so I´ve heard about them before. I can just imagine how such a reply from an organization would be a huge let down for people who had a high opinion of them. What I´m here to talk about however is the name of the Love party. I know very little about this group (only what Miri has posted about) but even so, I would never take anyone seriously who named their political organization the Love party, it´s so silly and cringe. Even if they were the best people I knew of and I agreed with them on a lot of stuff, I still wouldn´t vote for them or support them in any way because the name alone is OFF and it´s so arrogant to use the world love (especially when these people seem to be anything but loving). I´m not one to suspect anyone lightly of being controlled opposition (or worse) but in this case I will make an exception. Only an enemy who was trying to make a fool of the truth movement would call themselves or their minions the "Love" party. I don´t even feel the need to support my argument here, it´s so obvious. If these people actually think they are loving and think they have the abilities that should go with a name like that (to spread love I guess??? who knows what it´s supposed to be about) then they are beyond stupid at best and should never be allowed a platform of any kind. It doesn´t matter if they are evil or just stupid, allowing them to show off on tv and talk like they are a part of the resistance movement will only end in tears. People on their side will be taken for a huge joke and considered crazy and weak. I would seriously suspect the agenda of the UK column for doing this, maybe if they had said sorry and our bad and offered others the same chance or at least corrected all the lies the "Love" idiots got to spew then fair enough, but the UKC chose to do the opposite and imo that´s very sus. It´s like they want everyone to know about their rudeness and "shift" to the dark side, which is a whole other thing to go into and be suspicious about.

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