War games or mind games?

Written by: Miri
October 10, 2022
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This article was initially published on my website in March 2022, but I recently had to remove it, because it was attracting such a colossal amount of spam (over 1,000 lengthy, link-heavy comments) that it was threatening to crash the site. Recent events (please see this article) have given me an idea of why it may have been targeted in this way, so I republish today for your perusal...

About six weeks ago, well before the commencement of apparent World War III, I saw a rather unusual article in my local paper, in that, rather than focussing on the usual local news items and human interest stories, this piece boldly declared:

"Who would survive if a nuclear bomb exploded in Huddersfield?"

Suitably alarmed, I conducted a quick news search to ascertain whether anybody had declared nuclear war recently and I hadn't noticed, and found that, whilst they hadn't, near-identical articles to the one in my local paper, had appeared in local papers all over the country and, indeed, around the world.

So I realised that this, like all noteworthy news stories, was strategic propaganda. It had been laced through all local newspapers as a form of predictive programming, to prepare us for the next theatrical act on the world stage.

We're done with the pantomime plague now - with all remaining Covid restrictions having been lifted in England and vaccine mandates being scrapped across all sectors - so it looks like we're moving on to the next sweeping global epic: 'Nuclear War: Redux (Digitally Remastered, Director's Cut)'. Because now, just weeks after the aforementioned preparatory propaganda, Russia (an entity on par with Plague! as pantomime villain), has threatened nuclear war...

Mr. Putin's artistic courtesy in allowing the final scenes of 'Plague!' to conclude before he debuted with his war epic, was notable. Some cynics might suggest that the statistical likelihood of World's Deadliest Plague being followed up mere hours later by World's Deadliest War is fantastically improbable - but those people are obviously just cranks and conspiracy theorists who say crazy things like death certificates are being faked to artificially inflate Covid numbers

As for what is actually going on between Ukraine and Russia, I don't claim to know with any conclusive authority, beyond the obvious - that it's nothing remotely resembling what's being reported by the Western media. We've seen all the usual gaffes - the soldiers carrying cardboard "guns" as stage props (replete with bits falling off at inopportune moments); old footage from elsewhere in the world being recycled as "devastating images from Ukraine"; and, of course, the same crisis actors who "died" in some other false flag or psy-op, being resurrected to "die" again in Ukraine. (Plus, I've recently learned that that brilliant military strategist and renowned war hero, er, Sean Penn, is heading off to Ukraine to "film a documentary" on the situation, so... Actors gonna act.)

That doesn't mean people aren't really being injured and killed. The dividing line between acting and real life is being further blurred all the time, and people certainly get hurt on film sets. What it means is - as ever - all is not what it seems. By this statement, I am not degrading the significance of the loss of innocent life, but rather, pointing out that this is always happening all over the world and the masses don't care about any of it until they are told to - so why are they being told to now?

Quite rightly, much has been made of the staggering hypocrisy of the morally vacuous frauds who condemned millions of their fellow human beings to social exclusion, unemployment, and worse for declining the Covid injection, and who cheer-led the torpedoing of the country's economy, health services, and mental health via lockdown, now claiming to "stand with Ukraine" (which they couldn't point to on a map). They are psychically empty husks with the ethical depth and moral sophistication of a puddle, but tell us something we don't know.

The more revealing thing, I think, is why they're being used like this. Ukraine, after all, is not a happy, shiny woke Western wonderland which embraces preferred pronouns and rainbow face masks (on the contrary) - nor, for that matter, vaccinations. Ukraine has the lowest vaccination rate in Europe, with just 34% of people fully Covid vaccinated.

Given, then, that Ukraine has the social and medical credentials that usually qualify something for vicious and blanket mainstream condemnation ("far-right extremist anti-vax conspiracy theorists" etc), why would the West's media and leading institutions - including the ostensibly apolitical Royals - be encouraging the championing and sentimentalising of the country? Why isn't it being demonised as backward, bigoted, and medieval for its conservative culture and vaccination eschewing? Remember all those people saying the unvaxxed should be banned from hospitals and denied medical treatment? Well, now those exact same people are making a showy song and dance about "standing with" largely unvaccinated Ukrainians (and probably homophobic ones, at that). Interesting.

The reason this is happening, I believe, is that, as usual, the media mind-controlled masses are being set up: used as pawns and useful idiots to set the stage for the next item on the agenda. So what I think is going to transpire next is roughly this:

At the moment, the Western propaganda machine is presenting the West and its allies as towering moral titans, opposing evil panto villain Putin, whilst portraying Russia as a ruthlessly corrupt warmonger, terrorising saintly Ukraine - all whilst the masses mindlessly cheer from behind their Ukrainian flag face masks (and they are wearing these, OH YES).

Meanwhile, Pfizer has just released the first ten pages of data admitting there was extensive evidence in safety trials of severe adverse reactions to its Covid injection, with doctors around the world blowing the whistle on the catastrophic harms these injections are cumulatively causing. Just because the mainstream media isn't (yet) reporting on this doesn't mean it's not happening, and some very mainstream and prominent authorities - such as "TV doctor" Dr. Aseem Malhotra - are using their platforms to report on this daily.

The momentum is growing rapidly for what has clearly been on the cards for a while, 'the Great Reveal', which will be designed to completely shatter all faith and trust in the current systems in order to replace them - or "reset" them, shall we say.

So, in true twisted pantomime style, I think we're being trained to boo and hiss at Putin, for maximum shock and awe value when he is actually unmasked (to coin a phrase) as the good guy* - everyone loves an unexpected plot twist, after all - and the real villains and crooks are revealed as our own dear leaders. I mean, come on - we've got balloon-brushed buffoon Boris, who more resembles Buttons from a Christmas panto than any kind of serious person; stumbling Joe "I've clearly got dementia" Biden, who has recently added referring to Ukraine as Iran to his long, long list of slapstick gaffes, and then the actual son of Fidel Castro (former part-time drama teacher, Justin Trudeau) "running" Canada. It's impossible to take any of these clowns seriously, and I do not believe that, actually, we are supposed to.

(*I don't think he really is a good guy, I think it's all part of the pre-scripted show. Nobody with a starring role on the world stage ever turns out to be the good guy, it's part of the qualifying job description that they're not.)

I think the West is being intentionally exposed as doddering, degenerate, and ridiculous, because it is earmarked for abolishment as the signature global power, and that the East (Russia and China) are set to rise, ultimately leading the way for one world governance - because, after all, what better way to avoid the perennial threat of countries going to nuclear war with each other, than to abolish countries altogether - just like NWO anthem 'Imagine' predictively programmed us all to wistfully sing about for the last five decades. (That's what all the nuclear war propaganda last month and the supposed 'nuclear threats' now are really leading up to.)

A renowned war tactic used for centuries is ritual humiliation and degradation of the enemy, and just look at what has been done to the West and its once sophisticated and advanced culture in the decades since World War II. The West has become thoroughly broken, its values destroyed and its people atomised, with serious cultural and political discourse replaced by spats about such things as transgender toilets and people who identify as cats.

Just imagine what tough, capable, conservative countries like Russia make of that. Such flabby, lax degeneracy makes us sitting ducks, ripe for being invaded and overthrown by more coherent, unified, and disciplined global powers, and that is by design. The West has intentionally been subjected to a process of ritual degradation over the post-war decades, and never has this been more starkly apparent than during "the pandemic", when the narrative had the masses wearing muzzles like actual dogs, whilst clapping upon command like performing seals.

People with strong self-esteem and robust cultural values don't do that. Only humiliated, degraded slaves do.

All this has been about systematically weakening, degrading, and demoralising - 'de-moralising', to destroy motivation and meaning by destroying morals - the populace, so when it comes to the final stages of this very long war, the country and tatty remains of its culture are easy to overthrow. Enemy forces always seek to first degrade a culture they wish to destroy, which is exactly why Nazi-occupied Poland was flooded with pornography, and why all enemy forces aim to demoralise the target country - to weaken the culture's binding morality to make them less likely to and less capable of fighting back.

You don't need to be a social psychologist to see the harm that, for example, widespread hardcore pornography has done to our own culture, with repeated exposure to pornography closely associated with everything from domestic violence to child abuse to serial killing - and yet, in this country's very recent history, you were barred from being with a dying relative in hospital or going to work to feed your family - but you could watch as much free hardcore pornography as you wanted (whilst ordering as much junk food and booze as you liked directly to your home, because health. And also science).

That's the defining "morality" of the West at the current time.

And that's because the Western world is infiltrated by enemy forces and has been for a long time. I don't think World War III began in the last month, or even in the last year or decade. I think it's been going on since 1945, and that now, we are in the final battle.

Warfare in the 21st century is far more advanced than bombs and guns, or even cyber attacks and drones. Warfare in the 21st century is psychological. Be eternally vigilant and question everything, because the perennial war that's been waged for the whole of your lifetime, and the war it's absolutely critical that you win, is the war for your mind.

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