Why it's not desirable for the state to own everything

Written by: Miri
August 19, 2022

Alternate title, "another update from the Ministry of the Bleedin' Obvious..."

Although, to my considerable and stunned disbelief, apparently this is not obvious to significant swathes of the "truth community".... I did a short post on Facebook the other day (preceding my latest 30-day ban for "causing physical harm" by linking to a resource on the importance of informed consent), screenshotting a Guardian article, confirming my suspicions that the primary purpose of the "Don't Pay UK" scam is to force the energy companies to be nationalised.

Happily, most immediately saw how sinister this is and the post got a lot of likes and shares, but some tiresome individuals inevitably replied with "omfg so u think the energy companies should just take all our money omg!!!". There really is nothing more tedious that these shrill splutterers who NEVER take the time to read my linked articles (which would take them, ooh, all of 5 minutes), and ALWAYS have an over-emotional knee-jerk to something I haven't actually said. Listen, splutterers, by all means criticise my articles, but at the very least read them first. I feel this is a pretty modest request.

So, no, obviously I don't support the price hikes, haven't paid my own energy bill in full since it skyrocketed by nearly 300%, and advise others to do what I have - cancel your direct debit, set up a standing order, and pay what you can - AS I HAVE SAID MULTIPLE TIMES (sorry to shout, but the splutterers and the shills seem to be selectively deaf).

However, the main bone of contention for these particular splutterers was not that I allegedly think the energy companies should continue to hoard unfathomable wealth, but that I oppose making utilities, as they say, "public" (haha). "What's wrong with energy being a public resource?!?!?!" they excessively exclaim incessantly.

Nothing. The general public owning their own resources is entirely desirable.

But "public" in this context doesn't mean that, as well any half-sentient person knows. "Public" owned is a euphemism for STATE owned. Run, owned, and controlled by the state (supported by the laughable fiction that because the public have taxes extorted from them to bankroll this, they somehow have some kind of investment or say in how these companies are run).

Anybody who is even vaguely "awake" - who is even vaguely alive, quite frankly - cannot possibly believe, in any number of parallel universes, that it is desirable for the state to own and control anything, let alone something as fundamental and important as our access to heat, light, and power.

If it is not obvious to you why not (and I am sure it is abundantly obvious to any regular reader of this column, but this is for the sulking, skulking, silent stalkers - hi there!) - why it is undesirable for state dissidents for the state to control their energy supply - I will spell it out:

Private energy companies do not care what your politics are. They do not care if you are a "conspiracy theorist". They do not care if you are an "anti-vaxxer". They only care about money.

Your government, on the other hand, does care about your politics - very, very much.

So what do you think will happen to your utilities when they are state owned if you, as a known state dissident, do something that displeases the state? Attend a protest, for example, or lend financial support to an anti-establishment cause?

The government will do just what the government proxy, Facebook, does now. They will freeze your account. Social media bans are training grounds for a social credit system where our access to the world is controlled by how we behave. If we displease the state, we will be frozen out - by virtue of having our bank accounts frozen (like they did in Canada to those who supported the truckers) or having our utilities switched off (once they are run by the state).

So that is why we do not want the state to own and control everything, and do want to continue to support private businesses. That doesn't mean uncritically supporting them - e.g., kowtowing to the energy companies' ruthless demands for ever more cash - it means (as in all things) being strategic and discerning, so I choose to pay the energy company something reasonable - something that would allow them to survive, if they economised on their vast profits - rather than withdrawing my support completely, so they collapse and my energy needs are shunted into the hands of the state.

It seems to really get a certain type of person's back up when you state you support "private" business as opposed to "public" alternatives, as the word private has all sorts of snobby, elitist connotations (private school, private healthcare etc), whereas the word "public" connotes being "for the people" and so on. Yet all "private" business means is independent business. Yes, vast corporations are private businesses, but so is the tiny independent wholefoods store I went into yesterday - where it was completely deserted - to buy a £1.55 bag of popcorn kernels. It was staffed by a lone elderly gentleman sitting on his own at the back of the shop, and he seemed thrilled when I walked in. I might have been the only customer that hour. I might have been the only customer that day. And that's what virtually all independent small businesses are facing (by design).

Buying from private companies supports personal independence and sovereignty and the right to autonomy and self-determination, which is precisely why the ruling classes want to destroy it and have everything owned and controlled by an all-powerful state. And that, folks. is communism. That is literally exactly what it is (as I said, supported by the fiction "the people" have some sort of investment in this because the state steals taxes from them to bankroll it all).

Virtually every venue external to your home that gives your life pleasure and meaning (theatres, concert halls, restaurants, pubs, leisure centres, gyms) is a private business. All these private businesses were targeted for destruction by the ruling classes through "lockdown" (forced to shut down as "non essential") as the 'elite' don't want us doing anything but sitting inside our houses staring at screens all day, and this is well documented by all sorts of "predictive programming" films depicting this dystopian future, and outright confirmation from the social engineers themselves.

The ever-spiralling energy bills are just a different tactic of ensuring this same result, because private businesses, unlike domestic residences, have no price cap on their energy bills. They also don't have the same kinds of flexibility a home owner or tenant does for making their own decisions about what to do about energy bills. That means in the latter quarter of this year, millions of small, independent businesses - the lifeblood of our cultural life and the route to autonomy and self-determination for all they employ - will collapse. And that is all by design, and supported on the ground by large numbers of totally witless individuals who believe, private business, bad, "public" control of everything, good.

Once all these venues have collapsed, there will be an unprecedented unemployment crisis, which the ever-more-powerful state will then swoop in to "solve" by promptly sticking everyone on UBI - which of course will be governed by the same social credit system as access to energy will. Attended an anti-jab protest recently? Not worn a mask when instructed to? You are now on a "30-day ban" (sound familiar?) from accessing money or heat.

And that's why we don't want the state to own everything (anything!), and why - if you comply with the blatant establishment scam "Don't Pay UK" and cancel your direct debit on October 1st (without replacing it with a standing order and paying something) - you will be complicit in bringing in this horrific and bleak future.

The best thing we can do - as well as cancelling a DD and setting up an SO - is vigorously support our small and independent businesses as far as we can in the lead up into October, when so many of them will otherwise permanently collapse. As far as possible, please try to buy from independent retailers (we've just committed to boycotting all supermarkets and buying food from local and independent providers only, including the fantastic Good Food Project, run by my good friend Steve Pollard). If you're working from home, consider working from a café or pub instead (yes, that's right, you can save the economy by going to the pub more) - some of them do inspired "pub desk" initiatives, where you can get a quiet table by a plug socket, with unlimited hot drinks all day, and a sandwich lunch, for a very reasonable price (and I hope more independent cafes and pubs bring this in!).

The bottom line is this: there is nothing desirable about increasing state power and control over our lives, and anything that gets persistent - let alone gushing - coverage in the mainstream press, as "Don't Pay UK" has done, is quite obviously establishment backed and a pied piper trap. The mainstream press only tells you what they want you to know about. If "Don't Pay UK" was even the slightest threat to establishment interests, the press would ignore it, and the social media platforms would ban it. They haven't and they won't because it's an obvious establishment scam.

Anyway, what are you doing here still reading this? Don't you have a pub to go to..? 🙂

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4 comments on “Why it's not desirable for the state to own everything”

  1. A simple question. Why have Ofgem allowed the power companies to raise thier prices by so much? What am I missing?

  2. Maybe because they want people to demand it is brought into public ownership, as outlined in this blog? A bit like with the Covid restrictions; BJ originally wanted Covid to 'flow through us' but after seeing what was going on in Italy, the vast majority begged for protection (lockdowns etc). Reverse physiology? So it then appeared they were just giving us what we were demanding.

    If it's all being done to get us to demand the energy companies become public, then it's working (see support for "Don't pay UK").

  3. I did consider cancelling my dd and starting a standing order when my supplier upped my dd earlier this year but in the end they backed down and put it down to what I was paying before. How do I get the energy companies account no and sort code to setup a standing order?

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