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Open letter to national newspaper re: compulsory vaccines

By: MiriJanuary 23, 2024No Comments
(If you are on Twitter, please share this letter.) Dear Sean O'Grady, Re: Your article for The Independent, 'Want to […]

Latest letter to schools' vaccine team

By: MiriNovember 30, 2023No Comments
An update from my health resource, Informed Consent Matters (For previous correspondence, please see here.) Dear Robert Bachelor, We acknowledge […]

Letter template for secondary schools regarding flu vaccine campaign

By: MiriJuly 7, 2023No Comments
Dear [name of headteacher], I am a supporter of the campaigning group, Informed Consent Matters, an initiative that promotes the vital […]

Letter template for GPs, pharmacists and other vaccine providers re: informed consent

By: MiriSeptember 1, 2022One Comment
*** URGENT CALL TO ACTION*** Please copy and paste the below template and email it to your local doctors' surgeries […]

Letter to my old primary school that is publicly propagandising children re: vaccines

By: MiriAugust 16, 20225 Comments
Dear Sirs, I am writing to you as both a concerned former pupil of St. John’s CE Primary School (Quarry […]

Letter to Keele University regarding vaccines and informed consent

By: MiriApril 5, 2022One Comment
Dear Keele University, I am a former 'Keele Kid', having grown up on the campus (43 The Covert), where my […]

Letter to Kirklees Council regarding the misuse of public money to promote vaccines

By: MiriMarch 10, 20222 Comments
Dear Kirklees Council, I am writing to you regarding the news item in the Yorkshire Live online newspaper (1) revealing […]

Letter to request a medical vaccine exemption from your GP

By: MiriJanuary 10, 2022No Comments
Dear Dr. [name], I hope this finds you well. I am writing to you today to request a medical exemption […]

Vaccine religious exemption letter for Quran-only Muslims

By: MiriNovember 5, 20213 Comments
Dear Sirs, I am writing to you regarding the recent correspondence I have received from you regarding the new vaccination […]

(Another) letter for care staff declining "mandatory" vaccines

By: MiriAugust 9, 20212 Comments
Dear [name], I am currently a [job role] at [name of care home] and am in receipt of a letter […]
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