Freedom is multifaceted

Written by: Miri
March 14, 2023

I spend a lot of time at this site examining, analysing, and critiquing various parts of culture (and having myself reciprocally examined, analysed and critiqued in return - I was told by a hate-fan recently that I do nothing but engage in "undignified, self-righteous ranting" for the benefit of "my little fan club", to which I took great exception... after all, I would like to think that my fan club is at least moderately sized...). And while I believe this is an extremely worthwhile pursuit for us all to engage in - we can't begin to solve the problem if we don't first understand what it is - I am solutions focused, too, and try to balance my overall cultural analyses, with activism and suggestions for things we can get out there and do.

One thing I've always been very clear on is that there is no one "big solution" we can aim for, no comprehensive, unilateral answer that is going to get us out of the current mess. If we look at the strategies of the enemy and their relentless attacks upon us, we see there are many strands and levels to their assault, and they are not invested in "one big thing", but rather, seek to undermine us from many different angles and in many different ways. They use bioweapon injections, poisons in the food, endless propaganda from the press, psy-ops and false flags, and the list goes on.

So, we must take a similarly multifaceted approach in our defence. Non-compliance is a hugely important part of this, such as refusing to take injections, to wear masks or to take tests, or to submit to any of the other anti-human tyranny related to "Covid" or any future "pandemics". We can also help support others not to comply, as I aimed to do with my cache of letter templates and leaflets. We may also value going to protests, circulating petitions, writing to MPs and local councillors, as well as supporting local independent businesses and using cash wherever possible.

These things are all vitally important to do and we must continue doing them - but there are other ways we can fight back and throw spanners in the works, too, and one I discovered throughout 2020 and 2021 - to my considerable surprise - is getting involved in local politics.

No, no, wait, come back, please... I know the instant and visceral recoiling reaction any mention of politics provokes with many "conspiratorial" types, because, until 2020, I reacted that way myself:

"There's no point in voting, because it's all rigged anyway."

"Politicians are all the same, they're only in it for themselves."

"If voting made any difference, they wouldn't let us do it."

And I'd say where it comes to national (general) elections - where Prime Ministers and other high-profile political stars are being put in place - this is often true: I don't, however, believe it is true at the local, council level.

First of all, until 2020, I didn't realise local council elections even existed, and I know that very many people reading this were or are not aware of this either. Yet most of us spent at least twelve years in government ('state') schools. Doesn't it therefore seem utterly bizarre that the same government who ran these schools, put no curriculum in place to educate us about state and civic apparatus, and how to become actively involved in our own local democracies?

It's not a mistake they didn't teach us. It's no accidental oversight that we didn't have Civics class. What I have learned these past three years is that local politics is a very powerful, very insular environment and they DON'T want us involved - that's why the relentlessly circulated messages amongst anti-establishment types that "it's all rigged anyway" and "if voting changed anything they wouldn't let you do it", serve the establishment so well. It stops anti-establishment, pro-freedom people from engaging in the political process, which is exactly what "they" want.

Consider that this year, for the first time ever, you will now require valid voter ID (such as a passport) to be able to vote. Many people either don't have this, or will use the added inconvenience as a reason not to participate, when in previous years they had. When voter turnout is already so dire, spiralling towards unprecedented new lows (the recent Stretford by-election having a turnout of just 25.8%), why would the establishment take steps to put yet more people off, if this was a process they actually wanted us to engage in?

They don't want us to, because at the local council level particularly, we actually have some power and some leverage, and "they" are absolutely terrified of the day we realise that en masse and get organised, to have genuine, pro-freedom, anti-tyranny candidates in place for people to vote for.

There are over 8,000 council wards in the UK. Imagine the impact if each of these wards had a genuine pro-freedom candidate as an option?

Council elections matter because local councils are the instrument by which national government forces its directives into place. After all, Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock were not themselves touring the provinces barking at us to wear masks and keep six feet apart - this was all applied by our local councils.

And local councils can be "infiltrated" by people on our side, if they simply put themselves forward as an option. Please see this account of pro-freedom councillor, Nigel Utton, who called out the pandemic from the start.

Although my initial inroads into politics came via the political party, Freedom Alliance, the many cautionary tales learned from that experience (which you can read about here), led me and many other members to conclude political parties are not the answer - they are far too open to infiltration and corruption, and far too attractive to big, narcissistic egos.

Far better, then, to stand as an independent candidate (as the aforementioned Nigel Utton converted to, after initially standing for the Green Party), where you only represent yourself, and are only accountable to the people who vote for you.

On this brief, former Freedom Alliance leader, Jonathan Tilt, and co-founder of The People's Health Alliance, Katherine Macbean, joined forces to launch a new approach to politics - the Vote Freedom Project. This project exists to support independent candidates to stand in elections and offer voters a real, viable alternative. The website states:

"The electoral system in the UK and elsewhere has been hopelessly corrupted by captured political parties. Whether you vote Tory, Labour, Green, SNP or Plaid Cymru doesn’t really matter. The Covid plandemic proved that the parties are all signed up to the Davos agenda.

So why try and change anything through voting? 

Because it remains one of the few avenues of attack available to the freedom movement. We will win this war only by using all the opportunities available to us. 

At a local level much of the Davos agenda is being implemented by councils, completely bypassing national governments. In local council elections Independent candidates are frequently elected. If we can get some pro-freedom independents elected we can genuinely start to frustrate plans such as 20 -minute neighbourhoods."

The Vote Freedom Project is well aware that they face a lot of scepticism from their target potential candidates and voters - pro-freedom people who have become thoroughly disillusioned with "the system" and may never even have voted (as I had not until 2021), never mind considered standing as a candidate themselves - but Vote Freedom's founders know this is a battle nevertheless worth fighting.

"If you try, you may not succeed, but if you don't even try, you'll definitely fail," says Vote Freedom co-founder, Jonathan, who recently gave a very well received interview with podcaster, Richard Vobes, further elaborating on the importance of voting and standing in elections.

Jonathan has pointed out that the whole system is governed by consent - that, although actors in various positions of "authority" may lie to and misinform us, they do ultimately require our consent to comply with their schemes. They cannot make us do things by brute force. Hence, we have a democratic system which is consent-based, and, as such, we should use it - whilst we still can.

"After all, what do you achieve by not voting?" Asks Jonathan. "They are happy if you don't vote. That's why they're making it harder for you."

As Jonathan points out, it's not "either/or" - by standing as a pro-freedom candidate, or voting for one, this doesn't suggest you are not engaging in all sorts of other activism as well. So why not use the political route, alongside all the other forms of activism one engages in, whilst we still can, and before they put even more obstacles in place?

Vote Freedom Project co-founder, Katherine Macbean, agrees. Prolifically active across the freedom movement, and a founder member of both The People's Health Alliance and The People's Food and Farming Alliance, Katherine is also politically passionate and believes that - while political parties are outdated and corrupt - independent candidates have the real power to make a difference.

"We must use all our tools and our vote still counts," says Katherine, who has been active in the freedom movement for over 20 years. "We need to give the power back to the people, in a way that's not dictated by parties, donors, or the whip."

Even though the Vote Freedom Project is less than two months' old, it has already attracted considerable interest from potential candidates, and you can read more about how to stand as a candidate here.

Having myself now done it twice, and set for a third run this May, I would like to assure you of six key things:

  1. It's not time-consuming - all you need do is fill in a form. You don't need to do any canvassing or campaigning unless you want to (this is called being a 'paper candidate' and paper candidates can often do better than candidates who engage in extensive campaigning!). The point is simply to have a real alternative option on the ballot box when people go to vote.
  2. It's not expensive - standing as a council candidate costs nothing. You are not required to invest in any promotional materials such as leaflets unless you want to.
  3. It's not high-profile. The press pays very little attention to council elections and certainly won't be rifling through your private life looking for a scoop etc. As I said, they don't want real people engaging in this process, so they don't highly publicise it when they do.
  4. You don't have to stand where you live - if you'd rather your neighbours didn't know you were standing, you can stand in any ward in the borough where you live (e.g., I can stand in any of the 23 wards that comprise Kirklees), or in a ward where you work.
  5. You probably won't get elected, especially the first time you stand - but it's about making an impact and a statement and bringing our message to further prominence - and if you do get elected, it's only a part-time job (which is paid) and there will be plenty of support from the Vote Freedom Project in your new position.
  6. It's a great conversation starter and "consciousness raising" opportunity - standing for election, especially if you engage in canvassing or campaigning, gives you the opportunity to bring the pro-freedom message to real people in your local community, who you may never have had the chance to connect with before, and who - after the tyranny of the last three years - are likely to be more sympathetic than ever to this message, and open to looking for a genuine alternative this May.

So, if you're simply looking for another string to add to your activist bow and think you might be interested in engaging with local council elections, please get in touch with the Vote Freedom Project via their email, (and for media enquiries, please contact

If I still haven't convinced you of the merits of standing and/or voting, please consider my possibly rather crude, food-based analogy... Imagine you are with three friends, deciding what takeaway to order. Friend 1 wants pizza. Friend 2 wants burgers. Friend 3 votes for pizza. You abstain, since you don't want either pizza or burgers - so end up with pizza - because you didn't suggest curry instead, which is what you really wanted - and, which, if you had suggested, friend 3 would have voted for, meaning curry would have won over the other options.

At the moment, very few councils have the option for anyone to vote for anything but "more of the same" - the stale proverbial old pizza of yesteryear. But you could change all that, and be the fresh, zesty curry with a bit of a kick that this country has been waiting for...

So, before I do the food analogy to death, if you're interested in finding out more (if my explanation and analogy have 'piqued your appetite'... argh, sorry...), please do check out the Vote Freedom Project website today and get in touch with them if you'd like to know more. Remember that we chose not to receive injections - and we won. We refused to wear masks - and we won. We have a pretty impressive track record that shows, when we put our mind to things, organise, and take action, we can have every expectation of triumphing - so let's try turning that attitude to taking on the establishment this May.

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12 comments on “Freedom is multifaceted”

  1. I'm not convinced that voter ID is a bad idea given the amount of election fraud across the world. How do you counteract the fraud that threatens all of our liberties?

  2. Love your work Miri but PLEASE makevyour font bigger for us visually challenged phone users

  3. Hi Susanne - I don't necessarily think it's a bad idea either, but it will reduce voter turnout, which is the point I was making - e.g, if the "overlords" wanted us to vote, they'd make it easier, not harder.

    Hi Paul - thanks and good call - I will look into enlarging it, but for the meantime, do you know about 'reader view'? Look at the top left of the address bar on your phone and there should be an 'Aa' symbol. Click on that and enable 'reader view' - it makes things much clearer on the phone. Yours, a fellow member of the visually impaired community 🙂

  4. I have only recently come across your pages, they are fresh, optimistic and inspiring. You are clear thinking and logical, qualities too often absent from modern life. Your critics and those we most of the the time encounter offer only negative, destructive opinions, don't be disheartened, negativity never built anything or created new ideas. My only regret is that you are not more widely read. All power to you.

  5. A need for voter ID? Whatever for, if you do not receive a voting card addressed to the individual already numbered and eligible to vote - which has been a system in place for years - you cannot vote, and you only get one vote. No further ID should be required or necessary.

  6. Thank you, Neil, that's very thoughtful and much appreciated.

    To Derek, sure - I see both sides. Point is, why is the establishment introducing it now? Because they want to shut yet more of us out of the political process. Hence, we must engage more than ever!

  7. Standing as an independent is a great idea. I think people are realising that left and right are becoming irrelevant. How can you represent your constituency if you're tied to tribal politics. The more independent MPs and councillors we have the more chance we have of changing the totally corrupt system. Sovereignty lies with the people not the government. As Miri says non of us have been educated in civic matters, deliberately, so that we remain submissive to the power of corrupted elites.

  8. Thanks James - and absolutely right.

    Hi Leo, I've messaged you about this - the answer is, I'm not sure (it seems you can in some countries, not sure if the UK is one of them), but please contact VFP via the links and they will be able to confirm.

  9. I’m prevented from standing because I’m a council officer, but I agree that this a much more grassroots approach to politics and has the potential for being quite powerful at a local level if more people get involved.

  10. I agree that we all need to get actively involved in our local council and would welcome making a difference.

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