Maddie 'n' Nikki: from lockstep to gridlocked

Written by: Miri
February 18, 2023

And there it is... just as the nation is whipped into a state of frenzied obsession re: one photogenic missing middle-class blonde, another one hits the headlines.

I've been predicting it for years (my least popular conspiracy theory...), but has it finally happened? Have they "found" Madeleine McCann? (And thanks to all who sent me links on this.)

The mainstream press, including multiple local papers, have gone lockstep with the reports of a young German woman who claims she is Madeleine McCann. Her story is that she is the right sort of age, has similar looks (including the famous eye defect), and that she was abducted into a child sex ring at a very young age, then was adopted out. She can't remember her original family. It all seems to fit and her account has already amassed a huge amount of attention across both social and mainstream media.

Now, whether this woman is or is not Madeleine could, obviously, have been confirmed very quickly and easily with a simple DNA test, and if she was not and was just another crank looking for her five minutes in the spotlight, this would have been ascertained instantly and her story completely dismissed - in short, no media attention was ever necessary.

So why, we must ask ourselves, has this story hit the headlines so sensationally, and in tandem with all the Nicola Bulley coverage?

The answer is pretty obvious, isn't it? An agenda is being pushed. Note that the press are now sponsoring the notion that Nicola Bulley has gone (this is the language they use) "off grid". What does that mean? It means she has gone somewhere that the usual mass surveillance systems - CCTV, mobile phone towers, etc. - do not cover. The implication is clear: since fragile, vulnerable women, battling hormonal crises and alcohol issues (as the press has announced with great fanfare Bulley allegedly is), could so easily - in their poor, befuddled states - disappear "off grid", there needs to be a more robust way of protecting them. Tracking them. Keeping them safe.

And if this German woman does turn out to be Madeleine? Why, think of all the torment, the trauma, the heartache that could have been spared for all involved (not least those poor, grieving parents, falsely accused and persecuted by those crazy conspiracy theorists!) had there just been some way of knowing where she was...

A microscopic chip placed under the skin, with all someone's details and location information, could have found Madeleine years ago. She could have grown up in cosy middle-class bliss with her successful doctor parents and twin siblings. Instead, so the media circus claims, she was abducted by a paedophile and sold into a child sex ring. I mean, if that's not a big enough emotive push for everyone to chip their kids, then what is?

Maybe the simultaneous story of pretty, successful Nicola Bulley, vanishing into thin air... Average-looking people go missing all the time and nobody beyond their immediate circle cares. The media certainly doesn't, because it requires someone to fulfil certain criteria in terms of making them optimally newsworthy and sympathetic in order to give then blanket, nationwide coverage. Nicola Bulley happens to meet all those criteria in terms of appearance, social standing, personal life, etc. Meanwhile, Madeleine has been missing for fifteen years and there's been no similarly high-profile missing person's case since (because no missing person has been anywhere near media-friendly enough to capture the nation's attention in the way Maddie did), so it's quite the "coincidence" that, within two weeks of the biggest missing person's story in decades - Nicola Bulley - "Maddie" makes an alleged reappearance.

It will be very interesting to see where the media takes this next, since as I said, if this German girl is not Maddie, that could have been ruled out instantly with a quick DNA test. So why has it been plastered all over the papers prior to this occurring? Although it may eventually be revealed that this girl is not Maddie, it does fling the door wide open to the idea that she is still alive and could have been snatched by a child trafficking ring, as the German girl's story corroborates that this is something that does happen and that the children involved do sometimes survive.

So whether she is or is not revealed as Maddie, her story sets the stage for Maddie's plausible reappearance, which - I have never had any doubt - has always been the end goal of the whole sensationalist saga.

I strongly suspect they will "find" Nicola alive, as well, because she's now a beloved national celebrity, which gives her enormous power. The establishment media did not build her up to these dizzying heights of fame (whilst routinely ignoring nearly every other missing person) not to recoup on their investment later. Never finding her, or finding a dead body, does not suit the story arc that is being built. Just like with Maddie, we are being prepped for a miraculous rediscovery, where the now world famous "missing person" Nicola - 'Nikki' - has captured the hearts of the world - a world that is just waiting for the "happy ending" it desires - and is therefore highly receptive to the lessons this morality tale has taught us.

What are the lessons? Well, there are a few:

Number one: chip your loved ones or they will disappear whilst walking the dog or be kidnapped by a child sex ring.

Number two: take your meds and trust your doctors - note that it is now being explicitly claimed that Nicola Bulley's disappearance has been caused by her stopping taking the HRT therapy she had been prescribed for her early menopause.

This not only pushes the agenda of normalising early menopause, which many more will now be afflicted with, courtesy of the Covid injection, and which I wrote more about here, but it also further entrenches the increasing societal push to see women as crazy, unstable, hormonal messes - if they're not going through menopause, they've got PMT; if they haven't got PMT, they've got baby brain, they're just never really normal and stable like, for instance, "trans women", who (we are relentlessly told), are real women, just without all those pesky female-specific hormonal profiles that clearly send women insane.

The idea that someone would go missing and spark a nationwide manhunt solely because they are going through menopause is, obviously, absolutely ridiculous, but this is the idea being underscored by the media (and even, it seems, Nicola's family), and the knock-on effect for how society will start to see menopausal women (of whom, as mentioned, there will now be many more of), should not be underestimated. It also, clearly, underlines the idea that menopause is an illness that must be drugged into submission by pharmaceuticals, because just look what happens if these crazy, stupid women think they know better than the doctors and try some quack "natural" alternative approach...

Note also: high-profile "influencer" Andrew Tate is due for release on 27th February, and has continued to share his thoughts on the sexes from - allegedly - his jail cell, where he states that women need "protecting" and "providing for". Nothing wrong with that in and of itself, but whenever a message gets a lot of media attention, we have to examine the ulterior motives, and Tate is a key part of an impending cultural revolution where we readopt archaic attitudes to women - that the Bulley case is also pushing - regarding their inherent incompetence and instability: that they can't look after themselves and need a coddling paternal state to protect them.

Tate is also sharing a lot of thoughts relating to the idea of "false allegations" - that he has been framed by scorned women, and that such women should be severely dealt with. Note that Tate is a fundamentalist Muslim (who has stated that "ISIS are the real Muslims"), and, in certain extremist Islamic factions, women's testimonies are completely rejected in some legal areas, whilst not being given the same weight as a man's in others. This is because, as Tate is strongly hinting at, women are all vengeful fantasist liars who can't be trusted as a man can.

If Andrew Tate is vindicated as innocent (which I maintain is and always was the plan, in order to build his "persecuted hero" status, something Tate himself confirms), and the story is that he was framed by lying women, then this - taken in concert with his fundamentalist beliefs, and viewed in the wider context of "crazy, unstable" women like Nicola Bulley - well, this doesn't really bode very well.

So, as always, I await with great interest, and a certain degree of trepidation, the next cliffhanger and plot twist in this perennial pantomime, as it reaches its climactic conclusion (and only wish I had had the foresight to place a bet with the bookies that Maddie would be "found" - mustn't forget to ask about the odds of an "alien invasion" in the next year...).

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14 comments on “Maddie 'n' Nikki: from lockstep to gridlocked”

  1. Absolutely bang on. I do hope people catch on. A few on my Facebook page have already. That's something anyway

  2. Absolutely brilliant piece.I thought ages ago that Madeleines father had been up to 'no good' and 'they' had something incriminating on him,so he had to let his daughter go and yes to a paedophile ring or 'they' would dish the dirt on him a top heart surgeon.I am sure by the state of the mother she knew, but was maybe threatened with losing the twins the same way.Very strange as well the meeting with the pope...child sex trafficking,satanic ritual abuse....probably told mum to keep quiet or else all would be revealed about her husband !Spot on re Nicola Bulley and Madeleine re future micro escape for any of us....don't let them win !

  3. It's not an unpopular theory to me, makes perfect sense. The script writers might be teasing you of course so you're right to be cautious.
    Another great article, I agree with it all.

  4. Re. Madeleine McCann, the German girl looks nothing like her. We need to ask why this story has suddenly popped up now. Has it only just occurred to her that she might be Maddie. Does she exist? Or is she just another fictional character created to push certain agendas. Check out this site:

  5. Hmmm isn't it strange they chose the name Bulley?

    Take one of the e's away and you get 'Bully'.

    Somehow they are trying to tell us something?

    Are they using this (potentially fictitious) woman to bully us (or perhaps coerce) us in to buying in to thier agenda somehow.

    Of course I can't be sure, but I agree something isn't right.

    They do out things out on public display and I'm at least certain her surname is no accident, it's been chosen deliberately by the elite club for a reason.

  6. Thanks everyone for the interesting comments as ever 🙂

    To Leo: my personal feeling is that this girl will turn out to be a false alarm, but her purpose is to get the public primed for the “real deal” in a few months time… we shall see... (and thanks!)

    To Jacqui: yes, I read your article, it’s very good. And thanks for sharing mine with your followers 🙂 We definitely have to ask these questions in the age of the deepfake, but my personal feeling is that Nicola does exist and is acting in a staged real-time “crime drama”. I think if she didn’t exist, we would have loads of testimonies across social media from villagers and parents at her kids’ school saying “well I live here and I’ve never met her”. I don’t think the overlords would create those extra complications for themselves when they can just use an actor. (She may even be a professional, experienced actor, hence all those professional grade headshots she seems to have, and as we now know, Paul has acting experience.)

    Madeleine is another matter. I definitely think it's entirely possible she never existed (much easier to create a fake toddler, too young for any real social ties in the wider community, than a fake adult), and posited that theory in my original Madeleine McCann piece:

  7. I watched Snow Girl last night on Netflix about a 5 year old girl who is abducted in Spain, and held for years. Interesting that the new name she is given is Julia, as with the woman who purports to be Maddie McCann.

  8. I saw on some social media a few years ago reporting on a german teenager with an uncanny resemblance to Madelaine McCann, this could be the same female. I can't remember the reported link, it is out unless memory holed. This German girl, is not new, perhaps further deep diving is needed.

  9. Nicola has been found dead, not far from where she went missing. Do you think this tragedy will still be used to push a chip? Or is the plan for something else to happen?

  10. Interesting that (now that "the body" has been found) the story is now used to criticise the police. I have been wondering about the regular opportunistic villification of the police and how it fits in.
    Is it leading to it being dismantled? Is it to destroy morale? Is it simply to encourage more chaos? Is it because it is inherently masculine? Is it to replace the white working males? Is it to usher in new AI, drone and robot policing?

    Anyway ladies, don't worry, "we're developing a new mRNA treatment to tackle the misogynistic scourge that is menopause".

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