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Letter for someone mask-exempt thrown off a plane

By: MiriApril 22, 2021One Comment
Dear Sirs, I am writing to you regarding a deeply distressing and law-contravening episode I recently experienced on your airline. […]

Letter to shopping centre that forced mask-exempt family to leave

By: MiriApril 15, 2021No Comments
Dear Sirs, I am writing to you regarding a visit to [Name] Shopping Centre on [date].  As a local resident, […]

Letter written on behalf of someone mask-exempt turned away from a shop

By: MiriApril 14, 20213 Comments
Dear Sir / Madam, I attempted to visit your store on [date] to make some routine purchases, something I have […]

Letter to dentist who refused service to mask-exempt autism family

By: MiriMarch 18, 2021No Comments
Dear Sirs, I am writing to you regarding a deeply distressing incident that occurred at [name] dental surgery on [date]. […]

Letter to send to hospitals ahead of appointments re: masks, tests, vaccines.

By: MiriMarch 11, 202111 Comments
Dear [hospital management], I am writing to you ahead of my appointment for [procedure] on [date]. Naturally, I am very keen, […]

Letter to college principal declining masks and tests

By: MiriMarch 9, 20212 Comments
Dear [college principal], I am writing to you in regards to my son, [name], who is due to return to […]

Letter to a gym that forces pre-teen children to wear masks during exercise

By: MiriMarch 5, 2021No Comments
Dear [name], I am writing to you in regards to my daughter, [name], who attends your weekly [type of exercise] […]

Letter to CEOs of all major supermarkets re: mask exemptions

By: MiriFebruary 9, 20212 Comments
Dear Sir, I am writing to you regarding your store policy on face masks, and in particular, mask exemptions. The media […]

Letter to West Yorkshire Police re: mask exemptions

By: MiriJanuary 15, 2021No Comments
15th January, 2021 Dear West Yorkshire Police, I am writing to you in a further attempt to satisfy my query regarding […]

Letter for a business owner asked to remove an anti-mask poster from his office

By: MiriDecember 20, 2020One Comment
Dear [name], Thank you for your email. I note your objections to my displaying a poster regarding masks on my […]




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