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Soundbites from a puritanical right-wing wokie

By: MiriJuly 16, 2023No Comments
I thought I'd hit a high point of attracting celebrity accolades when the former 'Dragon', Rachel Elnaugh (of the now […]

The most toxic human trait isn't violence, avarice or greed: it's obedience

By: MiriJuly 11, 2023No Comments
Good Morning Mrs. [Name], Thank you for your email expressing your views on vaccination. Should it be required, [Name] High […]

Help Save Informed Consent Matters!

By: MiriJuly 4, 2023No Comments
(An update from Informed Consent Matters, the health resource I co-run.) Dear Subscriber, Many thanks for your support of Informed Consent […]

"At least they're doing something... What have YOU done?!"

By: MiriJune 8, 2023No Comments
(For audio version of this article, please visit my YouTube channel.) Every single time I call out obvious psy-op charlatan […]

"He's behind you!" - Or is he?

By: MiriJune 2, 2023No Comments
(For audio version of this article, please visit my YouTube channel.) It has now been two calendar weeks, and nine […]

With a new revolution, we need a new resistance

By: MiriApril 1, 202311 Comments
I was chatting to a Muslim friend of mine earlier this week, and she delivered a very sobering anecdote, sombrely […]

Freedom is multifaceted

By: MiriMarch 14, 202312 Comments
I spend a lot of time at this site examining, analysing, and critiquing various parts of culture (and having myself […]

How To Become Controlled Opposition

By: MiriJanuary 23, 202317 Comments
It is not a new phenomenon for me, nor I suspect for some reading this article, to be accused of […]

Why has Riski Sunak made Maths until 18 compulsory?

By: MiriJanuary 7, 202310 Comments
(Please note, 'Riski' was actually a typo, but just like there is much truth in fiction, there is also much […]

The Latest Pandemime Plot Twist: "Amnesty"

By: MiriNovember 3, 202233 Comments
The big story currently sweeping the cyber saloons which most of us frequent, regards a new grovelling plea, from former […]




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