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Letter to request a medical vaccine exemption from your GP

By: MiriJanuary 10, 2022No Comments
Dear Dr. [name], I hope this finds you well. I am writing to you today to request a medical exemption […]

Open letter to UK schools imposing mask mandates

By: MiriJanuary 3, 20222 Comments
Dear Headteachers and School Governors, I am writing to you today regarding the recent news headlines stating that the nation's […]

BOMBSHELL NEW STUDY: Covid jabs 'appear to expose people to an increased mortality'

By: MiriDecember 15, 2021No Comments
Researchers from Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL) have discovered some shocking statistical skulduggery afoot regarding the claim that Covid […]

Letter for employees wishing to decline PCR testing at work

By: MiriNovember 17, 2021One Comment
Dear [name], RE: PCR testing at work I am a [job role] at your company, and am in receipt of correspondence […]

Reply to the Royal College of Ophthalmologists re: forced Covid testing of children

By: MiriSeptember 15, 2021No Comments
Original letter here Dear [name], Many thanks for your reply.  It has become common practice throughout the NHS for patients […]

(Another) letter for care staff declining "mandatory" vaccines

By: MiriAugust 9, 20212 Comments
Dear [name], I am currently a [job role] at [name of care home] and am in receipt of a letter […]

Letter for care home staff declining "mandatory" vaccination

By: MiriAugust 4, 20212 Comments
Dear [name], I am in receipt of a letter from you, titled "New [employer name] Vaccination Policy", dated [date]. This […]

Letter to employers who suspended employee for being mask-exempt

By: MiriAugust 2, 2021No Comments
Dear [name], RE: [Name] Disciplinary Hearing I am writing to you ahead of our Zoom meeting, scheduled for [date]. Please […]

Letter to hospital withholding urgent, delayed treatment without PCR test

By: MiriJuly 27, 2021No Comments
Dear Sirs, I am writing to you as a matter of urgency, regarding a vital procedure I have been waiting […]

Letter to GP who 'fired' heart attack patient, whilst withholding test results

By: MiriJuly 9, 2021No Comments
Dear [surgery name], I am writing to you to register a complaint about the disgraceful, unethical, and potentially life-endangering treatment […]




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