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A Bridgen way too far

By: MiriMay 13, 2024No Comments
A rather notable anniversary is coming up this month regarding my massive missives (and more), as the 19th May 2024 […]

Freedom is multifaceted

By: MiriApril 26, 2024No Comments
(An article originally published in April 2023, amended and expanded to bring it up to date.) I spend a lot […]

Wolves are more dangerous than sheep

By: MiriMarch 4, 2024No Comments
From when we are very small, we are tutored in the idea of the "saviour hero" defeating evil and putting […]

The name of the game is not 'defame'

By: MiriFebruary 29, 2024No Comments
This is not an article specifically about the thirteen thousand or so people on Twitter who constantly claim they are […]

Who do you think you are?

By: MiriFebruary 26, 2024No Comments
Well, it seems I have put the conspiratorial cat well and truly amongst the pugnacious pigeons with my comments on […]

Anomalies in TV Doctor's Claimed Credentials

By: MiriFebruary 22, 2024No Comments
(An open letter from my health resource, Informed Consent Matters) Dear Sirs, My letter to you today is inspired by […]


By: MiriFebruary 20, 2024No Comments
I don't usually like talking numbers (when you didn't pass your Maths GCSE until the age of 31, you generally […]

Meeting people where they are: it matters

By: MiriJanuary 21, 2024No Comments
Imagine, if you will, that you were a piano teacher, recruiting for new students... Whilst your melodious marketing endeavours might […]

Communism isn't the only dangerous form of collectivism

By: MiriJanuary 9, 2024No Comments
"The truth movement's over!" "The awake community's been destroyed by in-fighting!" "People need to get over their differences and unite […]


By: MiriJanuary 4, 2024No Comments
I started producing article-length content back in 2020 (after several years' prerequisite angry Facebook rants first...), and, as my audience […]




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