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By: MiriNovember 28, 202234 Comments
(First published November 2021, republished November 2022 to coincide with Professor Exley's excellent new Highwire interview.) SCIENCE SOLD OUT: How […]

The Lunatics are Running The Asylum

By: MiriNovember 5, 202219 Comments
"Council LOSES High Court fight to bar asylum seekers from North Stafford hotel!" Blares the headline in the Stoke Sentinel, […]

The Latest Pandemime Plot Twist: "Amnesty"

By: MiriNovember 3, 202233 Comments
The big story currently sweeping the cyber saloons which most of us frequent, regards a new grovelling plea, from former […]

Complaint sent to The Guardian newspaper regarding inaccurate public health information

By: MiriSeptember 29, 20229 Comments
Dear Sirs, I am writing to you to submit a formal complaint regarding an article published in The Guardian newspaper […]

Farming is an art, culling is a science

By: MiriSeptember 25, 202226 Comments
A comment I often get from the more open-minded normies - 'ormies', as I will affectionately call them - is, […]

The social credit system isn't "coming soon". It's already here.

By: MiriSeptember 17, 20225 Comments
As of 15th September 2022, my main source of income, which I have relied on for two years as the […]

Preparing for the next chapter (and its plot twists)

By: MiriSeptember 15, 20229 Comments
Following a couple of "oh dear, it's the end of civilisation" events earlier this month, I suppose it was only […]

The Queen is dead, but the chess game continues

By: MiriSeptember 9, 202216 Comments
So, after deepfaking us at Christmas and using a hologram at the Jubilee, the establishment has finally got around to […]

Reasons To Be Cheerful

By: MiriAugust 21, 202213 Comments
This may seem a rather improbable title for a blog at this particular juncture in human history, whilst we descend […]

Thou doth protest too much?

By: MiriAugust 18, 20224 Comments
Well, it's been another wild ride these last 24 hours on the Wild West Web, with my having attracted the […]




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