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In a world full of of goldfish, be an elephant

By: MiriAugust 1, 2023No Comments
One of the most critical distinctions between "the 1%" (the ruling classes, the overlords, those malevolent f**kers - as you […]

A Labour of Lunacy

By: MiriJuly 21, 2023No Comments
So, the results are in, and yesterday's by-elections saw the Tories toppled in every constituency bar one, with the 25-year-old […]

Pandemic 2?

By: MiriJuly 20, 2023No Comments
An update from my health resource, Informed Consent Matters After the unprecedented situation that was "COVID-19", and all the attendant […]

Soundbites from a puritanical right-wing wokie

By: MiriJuly 16, 2023No Comments
I thought I'd hit a high point of attracting celebrity accolades when the former 'Dragon', Rachel Elnaugh (of the now […]

The most toxic human trait isn't violence, avarice or greed: it's obedience

By: MiriJuly 11, 2023No Comments
Good Morning Mrs. [Name], Thank you for your email expressing your views on vaccination. Should it be required, [Name] High […]

Reclaim reality

By: MiriJune 30, 2023No Comments
"So my 14-year-old son has work experience this week," began the Tweet, seemingly innocuously enough. But then it continued: "[and] […]

"The problem isn't that Johnny can't read..."

By: MiriJune 20, 2023No Comments
... "The problem isn't even that Johnny can't think. The problem is that Johnny doesn't know what thinking is. He […]

Plot Twist! The Uxbridge By-Election...

By: MiriJune 13, 2023No Comments
(For an audio version of this article, please visit my YouTube channel.) Since it was announced yesterday that, following Alexander […]

"At least they're doing something... What have YOU done?!"

By: MiriJune 8, 2023No Comments
(For audio version of this article, please visit my YouTube channel.) Every single time I call out obvious psy-op charlatan […]

"He's behind you!" - Or is he?

By: MiriJune 2, 2023No Comments
(For audio version of this article, please visit my YouTube channel.) It has now been two calendar weeks, and nine […]




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