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Covid for Christmas...

By: MiriDecember 5, 2021One Comment
...... And the next Christmas, and the next, and the next, and the next, according to 'the experts'. In fact, […]

It Ends With Revelations

By: MiriApril 7, 20219 Comments
In April 2019, almost two years ago to the day, I made a few predictions about a fake plague that […]

Virtually human

By: MiriFebruary 6, 2021No Comments
My post yesterday about the encroaching expose of the entertainment industry generated some very interesting comments and discussions, in particular, the question, is this the end for Hollywood? How can it be, when it has been such a central tool for such a long time in achieving social engineering and controlling the minds of the masses?

The fall of the false idols

By: MiriFebruary 4, 2021No Comments
I don't know if anyone's been following the Armie Hammer and Marilyn Manson revelations, but I think these are worth […]




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