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Miri's Mid-Month Moderately Massive Missive...

By: MiriJune 17, 2021One Comment
(Or, my first newsletter... which you can subscribe to in the box to the right 👉 (and down a bit) […]

There's no news in the truth, and no truth in the news (Russian proverb)

By: MiriMay 28, 2021No Comments
Yet another ruthlessly devious piece of propaganda, here - pulling on the social justice heartstrings by suggesting hospital admissions have […]

Letter to send to councils re: Covid road signs

By: MiriMay 27, 2021No Comments
Dear Sirs, Re: Misleading, coercive, and treacherous road signs in the [county name] area I am writing to you regarding […]

"Journalism is printing what someone else doesn't want printing: everything else is..."

By: MiriMay 26, 2021No Comments
... public relations." (George Orwell) Throwback Thursday (yes, I know it's Wednesday, but hey! I like to be rebellious like […]

Netflix and Kill

By: MiriMay 25, 2021No Comments
An interestingly revealing headline here. A proponent of vaccines, who sits on the board of a pharmaceutical company (so, no […]

Fear over freedom

By: MiriMay 18, 2021No Comments
And so the tragi-comedic farce continues... Every newspaper in this country (see screenshots here) is leading with a headline which […]


By: MiriMay 13, 2021No Comments
GENERAL Q. Do you have a mailing list? Yes, you can sign up to receive all my new articles via […]

It's all worth it :)

By: MiriMay 6, 2021No Comments
Letter received through my site, shared with permission of author Dear Miri,  Bless you Miri, you have touched my life.  […]

Nothing spreads like shedding: Part II

By: MiriMay 4, 2021One Comment
REMOVED FROM FACEBOOK "FOR CAUSING PHYSICAL HARM" (and you can't get much more of a glowing endorsement for accuracy than […]

Nothing spreads like shedding

By: MiriMay 1, 2021No Comments
For months now, the key question in the crazy "oops but they're right again" quackaloon community has been regarding the […]




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